Enabling kelly

Chapter 16 - eight years later

Kelly couldn't believe that she was getting ready for Gus' wedding. It had been years since they had lived together in college, but it was nice that she would get to catch-up with some of the other boys as well.

She preened as she was zipped into her large dress by her husband and stood in the mirror to check herself. Her new shorter, shoulder length hair really emphasised the roundness of her face and the large chubby cheeks she had now developed. Her comparatively small eyes were looking dazzling in thick mascara and her bold-shaded lipstick showed that she meant business today. The dress was a perfect choice as well; plain and figure hugging, it emphasised every curve she had on her 450lb body. Her huge tummy pushed out in front of her and her breasts looked ginormous in her strong bra. Kelly smiled happily as she felt her husband's hand resting on her wide backside as he stood beside in the mirror.

"Maybe we could get you some fast food on the way there?" he asked, checking his watch. "We still have time," he smiled.

Kelly stared admiringly back at him. Paul never missed an opportunity to keep her overfed. But all those years of indulging her had turned the previously 300lb fat boy into quite the man. He stood there with his large apron belly falling down over his belt, exposing him for the greedy, food-loving porker that he was. She loved how he would want desperately for her to hit 500lbs one day. But Kelly knew that he couldn't help but grow alongside her.

Marrying a fat man certainly had its advantages. Kelly had not known true hunger for many years. Her body had been worshipped and appreciated as it swelled rounder and softer; Paul pushing her every inch of the way. And there had been many, many inches along the way.

Arriving at the venue an hour later, Kelly was pleased to see everyone that she remembered from college. No-one seemed especially surprised at how large she had gotten. After she had got with Paul half-way through her second year, the writing was on the wall. She had almost missed her own graduation because they had stuffed her so much that morning and fallen blissfully asleep. Now, all but a couple of the boys were looking rounded and tubby themselves, losing their trim, sleek bodies as life and families caught up on them.

Kelly caught a glimpse of Gus' new wife first. She looked absolutely stunning in her beautiful dress. Her slender body appeared to glide around the room whilst other men tried not to stare at her ample cleavage and perfectly shaped ass. Gus had done well for himself, she thought; Maddison was more akin to a supermodel than any of the girls Gus had dated previously. And Gus had dated plenty of girls in his time!

Kelly followed her as she slipped around a corner to the bar. The bride smiled as she spied her husband drinking some beers with the other guys and she skipped over, grabbing his hand.

Automatically, Gus' hand slipped down onto his new wife's delicious butt, knowing that he was the envy of every other man in the room.

"Oh there you are! Come on baby, it's time to cut the cake," she sang.

Gus nodded and kissed her sweetly, standing up to follow and unable to resist checking out her ass as she walked on ahead.

Kelly simply stared at the form that Gus now took. The evidence of his previous jock days were still apparent through his wide shoulders and thick arms, but Gus now carried a very large and round stomach on him that pushed out like a beach ball. The tie that he was wearing only came half way down his ginormous torso and, even now, the buttons of his shirt looked a little stretched under the strain of containing him.

"Kelly, Paul! You made it," he smiled, pounding over to see them. At what must now be over 400lbs, Gus was the only man in the room who could compete with Paul's massive size. "I see you've been looking after my friend here," he laughed at Paul, looking at the huge expanse of swollen tummy that Kelly's dress accentuated perfectly.

"Well, I've got you to thank..." Paul nodded, "...introducing us all those years ago."

"Now you need to introduce us to your new wife," Kelly smiled. "It was quite the whirlwind romance by all accounts?"

"You're not wrong there," Gus grinned. "After being with my ex for all those years, I hadn't been on those websites for years."

Kelly knew exactly which websites Gus was on about. So did Paul for that matter.

"But, there she was!" he exclaimed, still looking at his wife's beautiful ass as she was speaking to someone else across the room. "She loves a real man," he stated, patting his large ball of a gut. "So I whipped out Kelly's old shake recipes and soon managed to seduce her with another 50lbs on this tank." He rubbed his large gut with genuine pride. "Although I can't see this shirt fitting much longer as we get back from our honeymoon, if you know what I'm saying?" he chuckled. "What about you guys?" he asked Kelly. "Still trying to get this one up to 500?" he asked, turning to Paul.

"You know it!" Paul laughed.

"Well, you should speak to my wife later on," he advised, lowering his voice so others did not hear. "I've never been so well-fed in my life!"

Gus smiled as his wife beckoned him over and Kelly watched his wide, overfed ass as he strutted away to join her. It was funny how life worked out sometimes.

"Let's try and get this dress to be skin-tight on you by the end of the night," Paul whispered, feeling up Kelly's mammoth ass as they watched the cake being cut. "I'm not having Gus' new wife outdoing me!"

"Oh, I don't know..." Kelly smiled watching the bride feed her obese husband the first piece of cake in front of their two hundred assembled guests; Gus willingly opening wide and enjoying the delight it gave her to see him eat. "...She looks like she knows what she's doing!"

"We may have been together for eight years, but I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeve," Paul grinned, clearly turning himself on.

"Is that a fact?" Kelly laughed.

"No," Paul stated. "It's a promise."
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Austin Micha... 4 years
Would you like to do story based on enabling Kelly like set in between chapter 15 and chapter 16 enabling Kelly?
Feeder862 5 years
Thanks for the feedback Legion666. I'm often asked to write epilogues for stories as there is interest in this. I can see you didn't like it. However, please may I ask that you consider how you write comments as you sound a little rude and entitled here.
Td0057 5 years
Really enjoying your story. Please continue. You write very well and create scenarios we all wish we could enjoy.
AndiFive 5 years
Will history gain male weight gain?
Womansbellyl... 5 years
Most excellent story thus far!!