Amy willard

chapter 21

Amy returned to school in her limo, flashes from national reporters and schoolmates alike went off all around her as she stepped from her vehicle. A hushed silence overcame the gallery surrounding her when her sculpted but thicker body emerged from the decked out Bentley.

Amy's tall staturen along with her designer jean and fall sweater did a good job making her nearly 50lb gain over the past 4 months, but Amy's fuller face and bouncy rear end were hard to miss, even for a half blind old man not to notice.

Comments and questions from around her ranged from the mundane, "Ready for a new season" to , "Is it true that you're pregnant?" Amy brushed all reporters aside smiling while singing a few autographs.

When pressed by reporters repeatedly about her obvious weightgain, Amy simply replied that she was happy with her body that she felt beautiful and that the press and society as a whole should judge people for their merits rather than the size of their arses. There was some immediate chuckling from the crowd when a group of very fat women holding up signs saying "We love the new Amy", and "Fat Lives Matter", signs.

"I love you guys too", she yelled back over the impromptu microphone sytem set up for her return. Mostly everyone cheered, but Amy could distinctly seeing her school's "A Class Hotties", snickering to themselves and gesticulating with their bodies like cruel mimes about the size of her ass and thighs.

All of a sudden, she felt like she was back in elementary school, embarrassed, yet surprisingly aroused by the group of girls making fun of her. And for a brief moment imagined their future torments if she got really fat.

Seeing her daze, her handlers called an end to the brief press outlet and whisked away the voluptuous beauty. Amy's arousal only heightened when she finally arrived back at her apartment to find an even fitter Laurie running hard on a treadmill. She was abosolutely stunning. The gap betweenthem Amy was virtually closed. As she stood there looking at her friend who was oblivious to her presence due to her blasting workout music, Amy allowed herself to imagine a day where their roles would be reversed. A day where she was the chubby girl tagging along with her hot and hard bodied friend Laurie. The mental image made her wet. She grew weak in the knees just thinking about her fattened thighs hips and ass. She imagined them balanced out by her then huge rack and a soft round belly.

With her eyes closed and lost to her carnal desires, Amy didn't even notice that Laurie dismounted the treadmill, took out her ear buds and was headed towards her. Laurie then wrapped her now solid arms around her still thinner friends and gave her a big kiss. "Oh my God, you look amazing", said Laurie.

"Yeah and you too. Look at you."

"I know, with the initial motivation you provided me with, I've been able to keep up my dietary and workout regimens going. Down to 188 lbs girl"

Amy was shocked. "Could it be true?" They were both the same height and if what Laurie said was true, she'd become the "fat one".

"Wow, that's great", said Amy flatly as she was totally conflicted inside. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she was kind of upset, even jealous of her friends rapid loss. Yet there was another part of her that loved the current situation, even wanting to exacerbate the situation.

"And you?", queried Laurie

"And me what?", questioned Amy truly at a loss did to her arousal and tangential fantasies.

"How much weight have you lost? You've still got a little caboose left as I can see, but you look fabulous. So?"

"I, I, dont know Laurie", lied Amy suddenly on the defensive, "I've been working out non stop for two weeks, can you give me a break?"

"Relax. I think you look like a million bucks, jeeeeerz?", she said for exaggeration, and both girls laughed.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!