Amy willard

chapter 22

Amy and Laurie promised to work out and get fit together. The first half of there promise was easily kept by both girls, but the latter half proved more difficult for Amy than she could have ever suspected.

Amy liked working out with friend but was taken back by how their roles had reversed. In the past she was the one pushing the duo to get in an extra rep, or encouraging her fat friend to go just one more mile. Now it was Laurie doing all the pushing and Amy struggled to keep up. She never admitted it to herself, let alone Laurie, but Amy found her new roll titillating. As she watched her former fat friend's now solid body beginning to look like her old one, she couldn't help but imagine herself growing fatter and eventually ending up just as fat or fatter than Laurie ever was. These little imaginary adventures didn't help to motivate her working out and usually led her to secretly snacking and rubbing both her stubborn little belly pooch and nether regions.

Where Amy now appeared a little chunky, Laurie had transformed into a work out goddess. Due to all heavy squats and leg workouts, both girls were getting fit but Amy's roughly 5,000 calorie diet continued to thicken her form while the former fat girl stuck to her minimal consumption and continued to slenderize.

This wasn't a magical or anything, it was simply their diets. Laurie stuck to her vegan diet for the most part, except for the nights where she and Amy went out drinking. On those occasions, both girls abandoned all dietary constructions, well, at least Laurie did. As a result of their "drinking and binging cheating nights", both girls weight losses were dramatically slowed down.

Amy however regularly continued eating as she had during their cruise and had even added eating oreos and milk before bed as it reminded her of she and her mother's new tradition. As a result, even though she was getting back in shape, Amy continued to thicken slightly.

Amy wasn't too concerned and she was happy with her new look. She still had her cute little belly pooch even though her waist had narrowed. And her tits were out of sight. Up to slmodt D cup, her soft and jiggly breast tissue flowed over the top of all of her C up bras. Her thickening thighs and ass bounced and slightly jiggled with each step. She loved the feel and if the boys at school were any indication, so did most of the male and lesbian populations. She felt hotter than ever before and even Johan told her he liked her new look through their video chats.

One group of people not initially happy with Amy's weight gain were here coaches. At almost 200lbs, Amy needed to be taken out of the game several times a half, where she used to be the girl that stayed in for all 40 minutes.

With all the running Amy's weight should have dramatically dropped but it didn't. Amy's weight stayed about the same because the more exercise she did, the more she ate.

All was forgiven a few games into the season as the team steamrolled over their opponents. No longer rushing the ball up the court, Amy walked the ball up and then used her now impressive big and solid ass to back in her thinner and mostly helpless defenders into a bad position where she could either score or pass. Amy normally deferred to the latter and as a result, led the nation in assist.

Midway through the season, fans even began embracing her big butt and wide hips, with the stadium playing clips of "Baby got Back", "Rump Shaker", and "All about that Bass". By the time they made the NCCA championships, sponsors and even a few clothing lines had serious talks with Olga who was both agent and mother.

By the time they'd won their second straight championship in a row, Amy's weight had dropped to about 185 lbs and even though she had grown thicker, she still looked like a rather thin athlete with a big bouncy bottom.

But with a second championship in a row, there was a lot of partying, drinking, smoking weed and plenty of eating. Amy's gluttonous behavior and partying began to show as her legs lost their definition. Instead of her thighs looking solid as a rock as they did the night they won the championship, they now looked rather plump and chubby. Her breasts also returned to their preseason size and fullness, much to Amy's delight. And her belly that had flattened due to miles and miles of running every day for five months straight also returned with an even softer belly pooch. However it was Amy's ass that had taken the show.

Supported by widening hips and chunky thighs, Amy's ass was big, round and soft. Both ass cheeks seemed to have a mind of their own, jiggling and bouncing wildly with every step.

The more she smoked weed and drank alcohol the more she ate. Laurie who was now getting pretty trim and down to 160lbs, warned her now chubby roommate a few times that she better watch it was now obvious that Amy was blowing up.

Amy however was too drunk on alcohol and her own success to see the ruin that she was doing to her body. All she did was party and eat. By the time the school year was reaching it's finale, Amy gained over 20lbs of pure flab, with most going to her now famous big bubble butt.

Laurie marveled at her friend's new flirtatious behavior. The Amy she met at orientation would have been devastated by weighing 212 lbs, butt not this version. Amy strutted her big arse around in either tight clothes that accentuated her rear end or ones that let the bottom of her big cheeks hang out from beneath. As her weight steadily increased, Amy's clothes usually fit into both afore mentioned categories.

Amy still garnered most of the attention when the girls went out. Butt Laurie knew it was just her fame that Amy from being the chubby tag a long. And in fact, guys now came up to Amy these days just to strike up a conversation with Laurie.

Laurie really liked being the thin one butt Amy's fame and thick pawg shape still rendered her second fiddle. However, Laurie didn't panick, things were going according to plan. She just needed to weight another few weeks before their second cruise. With Amy heavier than she'd ever been in her life and with her already slowed metabolism, Laurie knew that her friend would be getting plenty of attention when they arrived back at school next year, but the looks would be that of absolute shock at what she'd become.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!