Amy willard

chapter 24

After school let out the girls left for there perspective homes for a week before disembarking on another feederism tour cruise. Laurie still hadn't told her and hoped her friend wouldn't find out this time around again either.

The Olga to meet Cammie was a different person than she remembered. Her mom was a woman transformed. Still not exactly fat, Olga must have gained over 40lbs by the look of her chunky legs, big sagging breast and rounded belly. There was something else different about her too. Not only had her outside exterior softened, but so had her soul. Her now chunky Russian mother was all smiles and compliments, even referring to her daughter as "skinny girl", while bringing her delicious donuts to eat. She, Olga, and what seemed like a never ending assortment of delivered foods were besties for the whole week.

If Olga's weight gain was a mystery upon arrival, it was one easily solved by watching the two women scarf down huge amounts of meats and sweats, accompanied by desserts and calorie loaded crushed ice mix drinks.

By the time she left for her trip, Cammie was pretty sure that she'd done some real damage. Stepping up on the scale, she was shocked to see 231 lbs, because in her mind she "wasn't fat, not really, maybe a bit thick, but I'm athletic. Led my team to two back to back championships, so I gotta be doing something right", she thought to herself while opening another bag of Doritos after stepping down from the scale.

When she looked in the mirror though, it was obvious that she'd really gained some serious weight. Clad in her Bikini, Cammie noticed maybe for the first time how voluptuous her figure had actually become since the end of the season.

She was quite please with her now giants boobs and she rightfully thought that her new weight accentuated her now even thicker hourglass figure. Her waist was still relatively small in comparison to her hips and chest. But the last twenty pounds that she'd gained were very noticeable in two main areas, her thighs and her now soft and pillowy with fat belly.

Her thighs while still sharply had grown thick and soft and were supported by large and sculpted calves. Amy's belly now slightly jiggled when she walked and the larger it grew, the harder Amy found it was to suck it in, so she eventually just stopped and let it just hang out.

When the two girls met, the irony of them switching places wasn't lost on either of them.

Amy broke the ice with a hug, then stood back and looked at her thin friend that now stood 5'11" and only weighed 140lbs. Then she shook her own sizable belly and said, "Looks like this year, you're the one who's gotta learn to left her hair down".

Laurie smile, and walked her lithe frame over to her chubby friend, grabbed her soft belly and said with a wink, "Well it looks like somebody has". Both girls smile and giggled with Laurie promising to let her own hair down this time too. As she put it. "Wirking out is hard work, and I think I deserve a little break Amy, dont you think?"

"Oh yeah, and this year I'll he your coach in that too, okay?"

"Okay", said Laurire huskily as she grew wet thinking about the two of them eating and growing from chubby to down right fat before the cruise was over.

As they boarded, Amy happily recognized many of the passengers from last year that she partied with. Slowly butt surely she began to see a pattern in that a majority of last year's passengers had put on a significant amount of weight since their last voyage. She still hadn't pieced together that this was primarilarly a cruise that catered to the feederism community. Therefore everyone's growth seemed rather ordinary. And while Laurie was now the hot one on ground, Amy was the one that turned heads, especially from the passengers that remembered her from last year.

Laurie now sporting a hot and tight body complete with six pack abs was virtually ignored by the male passengers. Secretly Amy really enjoyed all of the focus of positive attention she was getting. Even though she was proud of her former fat friend's transformation, she began notice a jealous streak running through herself at times as guys who used to fawn all over her, were now doing the same to Laurie while she was related to answering vaguely masked questions about her weight like, "Great championship, what are you gonna do to get back in game shape before next season", or "I think it's wonderful that full figured women can compete". But on board the big Bertha the stares were that of lust and what seemed like every male and half of the females on board had hit on her the first day back aboard the feederism cruise.

Besides Laurie, Amy was the next hottest girl on the cruise. Even though her weight was above 230lbs upon boarding. Any was extremely tall at 5'll inches and had muscles built up over many years of exercising. As a result, Amy still appeared more athletic and was definitely more curvy than most of the other female passengers, some of whom were quite fat indeed. Amy suspected that was the reason nobody admonished or teased her about her recent weight gain. To the contrary, Amy was getting nothing but compliments on her sexy body. She did however think it was kind of strange how everyone seemed to just ignore Laurie.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!