Amy willard

chapter 25

So far as Laurie saw it, everything was going according to plan. She'd met a quite thin by her standards young man named Todd. He was a little thin by her standards but his open willingness to gain for her sealed the deal. She liked feeding him and with as much as he was consuming, she couldn't weight to see just how big she could make him grow by the end of the cruise. The only drawback she saw to dating such a cute feedee was that watching he and Amy always stuffing themselves made her horny and hungry too, with her usually succumbing with Todd to both desires.

Amy was still the center of attention, strutting her now wobbly and growing body around on deck. Eating and drinking voluminous amounts of both. Laurie could almost swear she could see Amy growing softer and more ample before her eyes. But thinking about that made her so hungry it was irresistible for her to resist overeating with Todd constantly handing over his leftovers to her. Watching Todd further fatten and Amy continuing to ruin her once perfect form made Laurie both ravenously hungry and strangely turned on. And the more turned on she got, the more she ate and drank. By the end of the week Laurie was actually out eating both Todd and Laurie as she'd become lost in a tempest of hunger and lust. She knew that she had to get s hold of herself, but she'd never been hungrier or hornier in her entire life.

Laurie at heart was a feedee that loved to eat, but even she was amazed at just how much she was able to put down, especially considering that her stomach capacity had shrunken due to months of barely consuming enough calories to survive, while working out like someone possessed. Laurie just figured that she was starved for food and sex and surrounded by feedees and feeders, not to mention Amy and Todd, that she just naturally wanted to eat more. Laurie never even once suspected that her "oblivious" friend and new boyfriend were actually conspiring against her, spiking her drinks and foods with strong appitite stimulants.

Unbeknownst to Laurie, On their first day aboard the Big Bertha, Amy met a young man named Todd that went to high school with her. There conversation was rather lively with the two of them reminiscing about the "good old days". Amy remarked to herself, that Todd was a handsome guy, butt probably more suited for Laurie's tastes as he had gained a significant amount of weight since when she knew him from back in the day. "He must of really let himself go", thought Amy hypocritically until she rested her hands upon her own thickening hips. After about an hour or so, their conversation was winding to an end when Todd then said, "I always knew you had potential, but after watching you grow so fat last year on TV, I suspected you might be a feedee."

"A feedee?"

"Yeah, you know, this cruise is usually booked by couples are into gaining weight. My old girlfriend used to give me appitite stimulators to make me eat more. Looks like it worked", he joked, "Now I've brought some on board with me and I hope to find a feedee to fatten. But I'm jealous of you if she's you're feedee. So tell me are you fattening her or the other way around?", asked Todd while smiling like someone who was about to learn the secrets of the universe. Then chubby Todd leaned in and whispered, "We're out to see, we can be honest with each other right?"

"Amy just stood there bewildered not knowing what to say. On one hand she allowed herself to think of the possibility that this was some kind of practical joke, but on the other hand, all of the pieces started to fit together in her mind from how Laurie always encouraged her to cheat on her diets. And then she began looking around her like a person just granted vision for the first time. Almost everyone ranged from slightly chubby to fat with only a few hot guys hanging around and hand feeding very big women.

Looking down at her own softened form, Amy felt conflicted emotions. Yes, she felt somewhat betrayed but when she thought about it, she had no one to blame but herself. No one forced her to give up her diet and exercise routines, nor had Laurie ever lied about the cruise as Amy never asked. And as far as her new softer body went, Amy quite liked her new softness and fullness of figure, even if it meant having a soft and growing belly.

"I'm guessing you're the feeder, right", asked Todd again trying to dig a little deeper.

"No", said Amy with conviction, "But I soon will be", she said with a smile before continuing, "So tell me Todd, are those appitite stimulators tasteless?"

"Yeah, they are" he acknowledged grinning as he saw where the conversation was heading.

"How would you like to help fatten her up with me?", asked Amy with a sky grin?

"Who? Your girlfriend?", asked Todd.

"Well she is my girlfriend but it's not like that. But I bet she'd be into you if you were willing to grow a bit. Sound good to you?"

"Sure, count me in" said Todd.

------------------------------------- -------------------------
Keeping her new feedee boyfriend and Amy stuffed and filled was harder than Laurie expected. They were constantly sending her or ordering room service. She liked watching the two of them eat, but Laurie found herself cheating her own diet quite often stealing food off of both of their trays. She couldn't help herself, always hungry she couldn't resist the temptations. Amy and Todd ordered such delicious meals and desserts, with Todd enjoying the same desserts that were her favorites.

About two weeks into their Holiday Laurie began noticing that her clothes were fitting a bit tight. She thought about mentioning it to her growing girlfriend but kept it to herself as she was afraid if spooking Amy. Regretfully she admitted that she'd probably gain back some weight on board the cruise this time. However, after weighing out the benefits of transforming Todd and Amy from merely chubby to obese, Laurie decided a few extra pounds were worth it.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!