Amy willard

chapter 26

At first, Amy felt only anger towards her the girl she called her best friend. "How could she do this to mem", she thought over and over again. But as the days passed Amy began to soften - all puns intended. Amy realized that even though Laurie had initially tricked her into fattening up, she liked her new body with all of its sensual curves and softness. And if Amy was completely honest with herself, which she was learning to accept, preference for overendulging over watching her diet constantly and torturing her body in the gym.

Since the day of Todd's revealation, Amy had embarked on an inward journey as to answer the all time hardest question, "Who am I?" Yes, on one hand she was a famous all-American collegiate player, but she was depressed, repressed and only worked out so intensely to relieve her anxiety. However, when she relaxed, and engaged in a hedonistic lifestyle, she felt herself. Just thinking back about how thin she used to be now felt alien and had lost its appeal. And now that she was heavier, even working out, which used to be her cure all, only made her feel more miserable. Food however, and usually greasy and fattening foods comforted Amy much more easily andveffectively. And then there was the sexual component to her gaining which now she couldn't hide from herself any more.

As far back as she could think, she remembered being attracted to her distant cousin Natasha's big fat body. She was one of those fat party girls that just let it all hang out, or wearing tight pants and dresses that hugged and displayed all of her voluptuous curves.

Amy then remembered that they only saw each other rarely as her mother Olga kept the growing teen away from her daughter. As her mother put it, "Kits of a feather flock together".

Amy only kept contact of her through social media, but thinking back now, she remember tracking Natasha's weightgain with her libido rising with each pick of her scantily clad cousin posing in sexy poses usually reserved for much thinner and fitter women.

At that time Amy wasn't ready to admit that she wanted gain weight like her cousin nor the idea that growing fatter, softer and more jiggly was her deepest desire. So deep was her denial that Amy had convinced herself that she must be completely homosexual. That was the only thing that made sense to her at the time. And why should she have thought any differently? Almost every time with out exception when she pleased herself it was always to mental images of her cousin or girls shaped like her eating, being stuffed, and yes growing fatter.

But now, Amy felt empowered by the truth. She could now at least partially answer the question. She was a feedee and one that wanted to party, be pampered, and yes grow fatter.

Amy only revealed her true self to Todd. Heartfully he appealed to Amy to be open about her newly discovered proclivities, but Amy insisted that she would weight until after the cruise. Todd agreed in part because he liked the idea of secretly fattening Laurie and in part do to helping out an old time friend, whom he found very attractive, not to mention the fact that he wanted courtside seats to Amy's thickening. Either way, his mouth was shut and Amy, secure with her secret entow was free to play dumb.

She especially liked doing this with the abundance of hot guys, who were secret feeders. She hadn't weighed herself since boarding, but the size of her swelling breasts and the increased softness and texture to her belly, along with the addition of the nascent addition of cellulite to her rear end, Amy was sure that she'd added another 10lbs of flesh to her already chubby frame.

With full knowledge that her hot prey had full intentions of secretly feeding her and watching her grow fatter, Amy took delight in teasing her soon to be lovers into a sexual frenzy before they ever reached the bedroom.

Amy wore bikinis that had all but disappeared into the growing thickest and softness of her ass and thighs. She'd often complain with doe like eyes about how she "just kept growing fatter", all the while kneading her soft flesh with one hand and stuffing herself with food between sentences in their conversations.

Amy most of all enjoyed the power she could exert over these hunks. She'd had something similar when she was famous, but this was different, more carnal, more powerful. In the past when she was skinny and famous for sports, guys came on to her by the dozens. Some were nicer than others. Some were really good in the sack, and others not so much. But aboard the Big Bertha, Amy knew that every stud that she teased and eventually fucked, were under her complete control. They desired her now chubby body with its soft belly and big ass like she never felt before. Maybe it was because they were feeders that they grabbed hold and shook her fattening parts, or maybe it was the fact that Amy enjoyed being so full and stuffed from both ends, but no matter what is was, sex for the liberated Amy was intensely blissful.

Meanwhile Laurie was growing suspicious of her outrageous new appitite. Laurie knew her own ravenous appitite well, but understood that this was different, way different.
Laurie was si hungry, she literally couldn't resist any food offered to her and often found herself snuck out at night to eat late night snacks. She suspected her chubby new boyfriend was to blame. One day while riding on top of Todd's hard cock and soft belly she confronted him while grabbing his fat hard. Todd was literally puddy in her hands. Once she got him moaning with pleasure she stopped and seriously asked if he had been giving her appitite stimulants.

Under Laurie's charms, Todd not only admitted his blame, butt spilled the beans about Amy's plans to fatten her up secretly.

"Please Laurie, don't tell Amy. Please..."

Laurie began riding him again with a smile, "No honey. You don't have to worry. I'm not gonna tell her and you're not gonna say a word, understand Fat Boy?", said Laurie grinning, "In fact, you're gonna start putting those appitite stimulants in her food from now on, do you inderstand?", asked Laurie while gently kneading Todd's expanding belly.

"Yes", said Todd, sealing Amy's fate down the track of obesity.

Laurie continued to complain about her weightgain wearing big baggy clothes and even sweaters. Whenever Amy wasn't around she hit the gym hard, shedding the small amount of weight she'd gained over the first three weeks and actually adding more definition to her muscles.

She ate pretty big portions around Amy to not rouse her suspicions, but Amy really paid less and less attention to her friends meals by the day. Amy's embrace of her secret feedee identity, appitite stimulants, and loads of attention from hot guys, kept her eating, fucking, growing, and eating some more.

Laurie knew went so far as to have the staff, shrink her clothes purposely, so that she looked to be plumpening up instead of losing it. She puffed up her cheeks, slouched, and pushed out her belly all the while feeding both Todd and Amy, while carefully taking smaller portions herself, or passing off her leftovers to her two greedy pigs.

One day, Fully clothed in a bulky sweater, Laurie complained about her weightgain to her oblivious and growing friend. Amy retorted with "don't be so stuck up and worried, were supposed to be letting our hair down right?"

"Sure Amy, but some of us don't have metabolisms like yours. We can't just burn it off that easily.

"Some of us are just lucky, I guess. And if you haven't noticed, I've gained a little too", said Amy in gross understatement, as her sexual encounters with her hot male feeders was adding many thousands of extra calories to her daily intake and impacting her entire body. Her legs had grown thick, her ass now jiggled uncontrollably and had hints of cellulite showing every where. And her tummy now was no longer merely soft with a big pooch, but now growing outward and extremely soft to the touch. It worried her a bit as she never really had a bulging belly, but those fears wear mitigated and relegated to the back of her mind every night when one of her hot lovers, rubbed, kneaded and even jiggled her belly when in the throngs of passion.

"I guess" said Laurie trying not to grin to widely. "Hey, you wouldn't mind if I stayed with Todd, in his cabin for a while?"

"Well no, but I wanna still hang out, the three of us, okay".

"Okay", said Laurie knowing that she had to make this move before Amy saw her naked one day and realized that she was the only one of the two growing fatter.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!