Amy willard

chapter 27

Every day when Laurie met Amy, she made sure to cover up well along with puffing up her face and neck. She even took to indulging with Amy, to at least get her started. And once the new Amy began eating, it was virtually impossible to stop her, as if anyone was actually trying.

In truth it was the opposite, Laurie and her newfound friend from highschool lavished Amy with her most desired treats, constantly refilling her alcoholic drinks and keeping the foods and desserts coming.

Usually the growing Amy was too distracted by handsome feeders to notice much of what was really going on with her buddy Amy. She'd discovered food, sex, and with the help of some very studly feeders discovered the link between them.

Amy began linking her intense orgasms with the amount of food she ate before sex. Starting as a curiosity, Amy soon developed a habit for stuffing herself or having her eager feeders stuff her to capacity, almost to the point of popping before beginning coital relations. The more stuffed she was, the harder she came.

However, as days turned into weeks, Amy found that she needed more and more food to push her to her limits. Meals that once more than sated her already increased appitite now served as appitizers for her now multi coursed meals, not to mention several layers of dessert that were always accompanied by the staff's specially laced milkshakes.

Amy was having so much fun, she hardly realized the long lasting ruin she was doing to her former tight and athletic body. Laurie was slightly dismayed how Amy had bounced back after last year's cruise to get back in shape. In fact, almost every time Amy did mention her most recent of weight gains to her, Laurie always gently reminded her now more than chubby friend, that "if she got back in shape last year, that she could do it again."

To say that her statements to Amy were a bold faced lie, would be to majorly down play her own culpability and guilt. Laurie realized that her friend had probably gone past the point of no return.

Amy's now soft and squishy belly now rested upon wide and fattened hips. Her breast had grown too, but seemed rather unchanged when compared to the rest of her expansion. Thick and juicy thighs still retained their sexy shape due to years of working out. But one thing was for sure now in Laurie's mind, "From now on, Amy's gonna be that fat ome". Even her arms were now fat and chunky. Soon she realized, no one would ever guess that their roles had once been reversed.

When the "Big Bertha", arrived in Europe, Laurie announced that she was headed to Switzerland for 4 weeks to stay at a spa complete with dietary restrictions and a vigorous workout routine to go along with the usual pampering.

"I've gotta lose all this extra weight Amy", protested Laurie with feign exasperation. And covered in bulky clothing to hide her true svelte form.

"Ok, ok, but don't go getting too skinny on me, I can't be the only chubby girl returning home", joked Amy while lounging poolside in a bakini that was almost invisible deep between her growing belly and swelling thighs.

"No, you won't be, I promise", said Laurie with a genuine smile, for deep on her mind, she knew her sentence to be true, just not in the way her friend read it. "No", she told herself, "You won't be returning chubby. No, unbridled for 4 weeks with handsome feeders to attend to her every desire, no, she would be returning the fat one.

True to her internal predictions, Amy frolicked about the decks, jiggling and sauntering her growing body for all to see. Every night she had her pick of feeders and lovers to stuff her to her max. The more she ate and the heftier her new body felt, the more she craved both food and sex.

Amy knew that she was gaining weight, but for some reason she just didn't care. Not even enough to step on a scale. Although part of that avoidance was sure due to her fear of the numbers that it would show in return.

Surrounded by feeders and encouragers, Amy true gave in and without anyone present to shame her, let herself enjoy being fattened, even asking, and begging her later partners to stuff and feed her while having sex.

Four weeks of constant stuffing had a dramatic effect on Amy's once pristine body. She lost virtually all muscle tone and even though she had a reasonably defined hourglass shape, this hourglass now held a lot more sand.

Forced to acquire new clothing, after a few "wardrobe malfunctions", including her thighs ripping a seam in her favorite pair of "fat" jeans. Waiting for Laurie to return, Amy began to get freighted that she'd gotten "too big".

When she finally stepped up on the gym scale, even her worst estimates were blown out of the water. She now weighed an amazing 251 lbs. "Holy shit", she yelled aloud, "I'm fucking fat! Oh, my god!", she exclaimed and noticing in the mirror the "thick, no, chubby, no, fat girl", staring back at her in the mirror. "Omg, that's more than Laurie weighed last year. God, I hope she didn't lose too much weight in Switzerland", she guiltily thought to herself, instantly ashamed, yet hoping that her friend failed miserably.

That was not to be the case. Laurie returned triumphantly in a tight yellow dress, thin a a fiddle and literally a smoking hot ten, with pampered skin, manicured fingers, pedicured toes, a stellar new haircut, and simply looking like a million dollars.

On the other hand, Amy looked big. Both girls were the same height, tall at 5'10", but thin as a reed and with matching yellow stelletos, Laurie drew the attention of what looked liked the majority of Heathrow airports daily commuters.

Amy still drew her own attention but it was for completely different reasons. Seeing her once fat buddy so fit and trim and herself now a too fat for even the clothes she bought to replace her original pairs designed by her mother, Amy looked absolutely ridiculous. Every step she took felt laborious and keeping up with Laurie's now quickened gait proved as strenuous as winning her two national championships. A few times she feigned excuses for stopping to catch her breath, saying she needed to tie her shoe, or heading to the bathroom.

Her once flat and tight abdominals that the boys lusted after was gone, replaced now with a soft and ample belly, only to be outdone by her thick and curvaceous hips and big round ass.

Laurie gently chided her friend to keep up the pace, remembering when Amy had done the same with her two years ago before heading off to the big Bertha. But that was then and this is now. Back then she weighed 250 lbs, now it was her formerly athletic friend lugging around all of that extra fat and she was the fit one, even with a slight gap between her thighs.

By the time they boarded for Los Angeles, Amy had finished off three airport cheeseburger combos, each with a large chocolate milkshake. What Laurie found most exciting was that her once thin friend that used to gently talk to her about portion size, had ordered two additional fast food combinations to satisfy her now massive appitite. Laurie laughed inwardly as she realized that her friends stomach had stretched out in more than one way.

The plane ride home, even in first class proved difficult for Amy. Like a true fatty, she complained about the seat being too small for "real people" and even required some assistance from Laurie to get her seatbelt around her thick and soft frame. She didn't need and extender yet, but Laurie knew it was just a matter of time.

On board the "Big Bertha", she was a head-turner for all the lusting feeder males. On board the cramped airplane she felt like a fat whale. When getting up to go to the bathroom, Amy had a hard time lifting her heavy body from her constrained chair as her hips and ass were wedged in tight to her wide first classed seat. Her wide hips bumped into more than a few unhappy passengers as she awkwardly moved her drunken and large frame down the isles.

Horror gripped her when she realized that in a few hours she would be back home. Olha was nice to her last year, but that was when she'd merely grown chubby. How would her mom react to her now obese frame. She began growing embarrassed, and strangely turned on and really fucking hungry. With Laurie knocked out next to her, she secretly ordered two more dinners and she nervously ate them before the plane descended.

When they landed in LA, reporters at first mistakenly rushed to Laurie to ask her questions about the upcoming season. A few of the newbies even took a few photos before realizing that they had the wrong woman. Furiously they began looking about for Amy Willard as they knew that she boarded the given flight.

Realizing the embarrassment that would ensue if they found her in such a state, Amy lowered her large sunglasses and maneuvered her big behind and thick legs straight through the throngs of reporters looking for her. She was sure that one of the senior staffers that followed her career for years would recognize her but to her surprise, not a single one paid her even one bit of attention. Amy rationalized her good fortune to the usage of her oversized sunglasses, when in actuality her recent bout of serendipity was due to the reporters looking for a much thinner and athletic woman. Amy was neither now, but at the moment she was quite enjoying the camouflaging effects her much bigger body was providing, if just only temporarily. Sauntering away, and jiggling about, it took Jerome, her chauffeur a few moments to recognize her before he opened the door of limo absolutely speechless.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!