Amy willard

chapter 28

Jerome looked shocked by her appearance but Amy caught another primal reaction from her long term chauffeur in his pants. It was both shocking and unexpected. She'd witnessed countless hunks and chunks looking her up and down on board the "Big Bertha", especially this year and even more so as she added a considerable amount of weight. But so far out in public, she'd been either ignored or pointed out for being too fat to wear such revealing clothing.

Amy found herself secretly attracted to the negative attention her new fattened body attracted, but even more so, she loved being lusted after, especially when they were turned on by her fattened body.

Seeing Jerome's reaction she decided to have a little fun with her driver. "You know Jerome, I wanna sit up front with you" she said, while removing her too tight blouse. She had an lycra undershirt on underneath but since it was bought over 50lbs ago, it rode up on her like a sports bra, exposing her soft and jiggly belly.

Jerome didn't say a word but his biting of his lower lip was enough of a pantomime along with his hard cock to tell Amy that he found her more than a bit attractive. She could feel his eyes roaming her body especially her now big and soft belly as she threw her blouse into the back of the limo.

"Okay, miss Willard", croaked her horny driver. She'd never seen sweat upon his beautiful chocolate skin before, but she figured now that's because she hadn't been his type before.

After he closed the back doors, and before he could open the passenger side front door to the front cab, Amy put her plump arms around Jerome, pulled her softness around his muscular frame and gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek. Amy maneuvered her big belly right over his hard crotch. She could feel his body tense up and could distinctively feel the throbbing of blood running through the outline of his big hard cock as her soft and fattened belly engulfed his manhood.

"Thanks Jerome, you're the best!", she said chipperly as she released her speechless and aroused driver from her fattened clutches. Just for fun she lowered her short fronts to allow her fat belly to spill over and hang out in front of her. "Ahhhhhhhhh, much better, more room, she said shaking and wobbling her jiggly belly in front ofvJerome.

Due to his beautiful mahagony skin tone, she couldn't tell if he had blushed, but everything else about him told her that he was in a torturous state now. Walking awkwardly around the car, she figured rightly so that he was adjusting himself so that his rock hard cock wasn't so obvious. Amy knew who he'd be thinking of tonight when either having sex or jerking off and it made her wet and hungry.

With her belly and fattened thighs exposed, Amy skyly caught Jerome staring lustfully at her soft and dimpled body. He seemed to hit every bump in the road, causing her body to jiggle and even caused Jerome to swerve the limo a few times as he couldn't help from staring from time to time, even while driving the expensive Bently.

She made small talk with him, about how great her trip was. For his part he just smiled and tried to steal looks at her fat and jiggling body as they made there way down the highway.


"Ye s miss Willard"

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure" he said, "what?"

Wanting to see his reaction, she said, "Well you might not be able to tell but, I think I've gained a little weight over the course of this last cruise", she said while squishing her fattened belly together.

A slight swerve to the left. The truck next to him honked its loud horn angrily.

Back in control, Jerome replied nonchalantly as possible, "Um, now that you mention it, yeah maybe a little."

"A little?", queried Amy rhetorically as she squeezed her belly even harder before working her hands over her thick love handles, "Thanks for being nice Jerome, but I got faaaaaat", she said while spreading her fat thighs and kneading her fat legs, "Look Jerome, look at these".

Squirming and adjusting a bit, Jerome forced himself not to look, because if he had, he felt like he would of cum in his pants.

"I'm hungry, could you stop at the BBQ shack?"

"I'm hungry, could be get donuts?

"I'm hungry could we stop and get a milkshake?"

"I'm hungry, I need candy bars"

Jerome dutifully stopped every time she asked and even ignored her burping a few times. What should have been a two hour trip took 4 hours and would have taken even longer had not Amy fallen asleep after the third of five snickers bars. And even though she was asleep, she could hear Jerome's camera snapping away as they made their way to her home.

As the limo pulled to a bumbling halt atop their cobblestoned driveway fear gripped Amy as she innately reverted back to her childhood traumas related to her mother's reaction to the slightest weightgain.

However, all of her fears instantly melted away when she looked out of her tinted window to reveal a much different Olga, more substantial, and definitely happier looking. Clad in a very fashionable red and black floral print dress, Amy hardly recognized her mother and might not have at first if it were not for her classic shades.resting upon her forehead and her highly recognizable tan purse.

Shocked at how much her mother had grown, Amy couldn't help but feel relief as her mother looked just a big a she, even though her belly looked much flatter. Amy knew however, that her mother was a master of disguise and that she was probably wearing some sort of spank to keep all of her newly inflated assets in their "proper" places. To Amy, Olga looked gorgeous, that is gorgeous for a fat lady.

When Jerome opened the door, Olga immediately embraced her much grown daughter. And while Olga hugged her daughter tightly, there was some considerable neck bending need for kisses as between them, there was at least 100lbs of extra flab separating them that wasn't there at the beginning of her holiday.

"You must be starving said Olga, turning on her heels and sauntering her wide hips towards the house as she barked orders in both Russian and English to staff. Amy's less than perfect Russian kept those demands elusive to the plump young college girl. But if her English told her anything, her mother's Russian commands were most likely for food as that's what she said in the common vernacular.

Amy couldn't help but stare at the utter transformation of her mother in front of her. Olga's long legs were still shapely. However her exposed calves showed a robust thickening along with what Amy suspected the rest of her lower body. She couldn't be for sure the extent of the damage Olga had done to her former supermodel's body, as her long dress covered up much of her fattened parts. Her growing lower half was pretty well covered except for her calves and ankles. The same could not be said for hersleeveless dress top. Chubby upper arms were articulated by elbows slowly receding into Olga's thickening adipose layer. Amy was amazed by just how soft and jiggly her mother had become. Then, after a moment of self relection Amy looked down to see her own soft body as a feeling of kinship overtook her senses.

Olga rushed her self into the dining room where she'd already began digging into fried finger foods, even before her daughter arrived.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!