Losing control

chapter 6

As Lucy got closer to Paul, he became more authoritative over her. If she did some small tasks for him, he would make sure she was provided for. She made his bed in the morning, polished his shoes for him, took his clothing to the launderette. In return, he prepared her packed lunch for work, prepared her breakfast and did all the food shopping.
He used ordinary, reasonably healthy foods for her, but it still added up to a higher calorie count than she was used to. Oh, and he could not forget the stuffing meal, which was becoming a weekly occurance. She was starting to fill out. Her cheeks were becoming less sunken in. Her hip bones less pronounced. In herself she was a lot happier and less lethargic.

Upkeep of the communal areas in the house often led to arguments. The dishes were usually only done when there was nothing clean left and someone could not stand the mess any more. Some residents survived on takeaways and eating out because they did not want to be responsible for the washing up. One resident... it may have been one of the nurses, had visitors coming round. She had spent all morning tidying up, vacuuming and cleaning. She could not face the mountain of dishes in the sink, so she put the whole lot outside and left a note to tell everyone where they were.
She had actually done them a favour because by the time everyone came in from work, it had been raining and the rain had cleaned the dishes for them!

Paul talked to Lucy about their position in the house. They were getting closer in their relationship. What did she want to do? Did she want to remain just freinds and stay where she was, or did she wanted to take their relationship to the next level? To do that they would have to move out, find somewhere of their own. It might not be as fun, but they would have more privacy.

Lucy agreed on the latter. They moved into a fully furnished, rented flat within the month together. They still had a bedroom, each, but Paul's was much bigger than hers.
They celebrated with takeout pizza. Lucy managed a few slices easily, but would have left it there a few weeks ago. Now it was different. Now, she pushed on and ate the whole thing. It was difficult, but she managed. Paul struggled with his too. Thar made her feel better.
Then his attention turned back to Lucy. He stood up, grabbed her arms and tied them around her back. The. He began to feed her a second pizza. She ate willingly, but struggled with every bite. It was no longer delicious, it was just mouthful after mouthful, taking up every little bit of space inside her. She was grateful of a drink to settle everything down again. Then there were more slices to come.
Paul considered she'd had plenty when her skin was taut and her belly was pushing out, her clothes were too big anyway, but he dreamed of a day when she would outgrow them.
Lucy shuddered with pleasure when he touched her sensitive belly. He was glad they'd made the move. Perhaps now they could become more intimate.
He allowed Lucy some time to rest and recover when he asked her to join him at the kitchen table to discuss their boundaries. What could he do and how far was she willing to go. Lucy said she had no boundaries. She was willing to do whatever he wanted in exchange for a little affection. Something that had been missing from her childhood.
He made her think again about what she was about to commit to. It was a contract. It might not be legally binding, but once she'd signed it, she would be dependent upon him.
He made her think about a safe word. A safe word that let him know that she could not take it any more. The safe word was 'amoeba'.

In the next few days Paul really showed her his authority. She was his slave, to do whatever he wanted. He had her cleaning the bathroom and putting out the rubbish. On the other hand, she was only allowed in the kitchen if she was hungry and wanted something to eat. He would buy, prepare and serve all the food, then clean up afterwards.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Wow! Chapter 3 descriptions of the meal and their thoughts are exquisite. Thanks so much for this. Now, more!