Losing control

chapter 7

Lucy's work colleagues had noticed some changes in her recently. She as filled out. Her clothes fitted her now, rather than simply hanging on a skinny skeletal frame. She had more energy and more enthusiasm, she volunteered for new projects with the minimum of fuss. She was happy.
She was eating. That was always a good sign with her. You could guarantee if she turned around and snapped at you, she had probably skipped her lunch and probably her tea as well.
The food she was eating was healthy, in healthy portions, but she did imibe in the coccasional treat as well.
But then something else happened in the next few months. She was more than simply 'filling out'. Her weight was continuing to increase. Her work clothes were now tight. Her lunches were larger, double the size they had once been and she was no longer a stranger to the snack machine. She was starting to get chubby. If this continued, she get fat in no time. Then again, was it better to be a little bit too fat or a little bit too skinny?

In the new flat, Lucy was now Paul's willing slave in everything except food. As soon as she came in from work, she would greet him with a kiss then fetch his slippers, while he prepared her a small snack. If he wanted somewhere to rest his weary legs, she would become his footstool by going down onto all fours and allowing him to rest his feet on her back. While he rested like this, she had to eat the snack he provided. If she resisted in the slightest bit, she would be punished with a whipping later thar night before bed.
While he made the dinner, she had to tidy up around the flat and make sure that everything was ready for him to start his day tomorrow.
In return, she had to eat an extra large portion of whatever Paul had decided they were going to eat. Plus a pudding.
Conversation over their meal was not unusual, just chatter about what had happened that day, what had happened in the news and an occasional political debate.
Friday evening was always time for stuffing. Paul forced her to eat double portions until she could not eat any more and her belly was a little mound standing proud of her body, with the skin stretched to the limit.

The weekend followed the same pattern, but Paul sneaked in more calories and made her do even more menial jobs.

Lucy's clothes were now getting extremely tight. Paul did not want her to wear anything different yet. Her skirt had once hung loose below her knees. Now it was tight, wrinkled and bunched up around her hips, stretched tight over her belly and her growing thighs, it now looked like a mini on her. Her work blouses were tight around the arms and armholes and the buttons gaped widely especially over her growing breasts. Her bra struggled to contain her and she often had the 'four breasts' look as shown by the 'fat slags' from 'the viz' comic. She also had bulges of fat under her arms and in her back where it oozed out of her bra.

Lucy could look at herself in the mirror and admire her reflection because every extra pound had been added on by Paul and his love for her. She would slap her fat and watch it wobble. She could grab great handfuls of soft flesh where there had once just been loose skin.

Paul admired her new body, but he wanted her to grow even bigger. He thought she had true potential. He liked girls with a bit of meat on them and best of all he liked to be in charge and watch them grow bigger!
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Wow! Chapter 3 descriptions of the meal and their thoughts are exquisite. Thanks so much for this. Now, more!