Losing control

chapter 8

The advertising company Paul worked for finally went bust, leaving him unemployed. However, his CV was good enough for him to be picked up by a bigger company with plenty of orders. His job was much better than his last one, with more responsibility and more money, plus a large welcome bonus.
Paul used the extra money to buy a new wardrobe of clothes for Lucy who had finally burst out of her old ones.
Lucy's weight had stabilised in the 'chubby' category for some time now. It was time for him to turn on the pressure and make her even bigger!
He liked girls with a bit of meat on them, but he preferred to watch them grow. Lucy was an ideal subject.
Until now he had not stopped her taking any exersise. Now he banned it. It was superfluous to requirements. She got enough exersise at work. Plus she walked to and from the bus stop every day, didn't she.
At home she stopped her doing any energetic housework, or anything that had her raising a sweat. He took over what she was not allowed to do.
What was she to do instead?
Relaxation was important after a long day at work. She could have a little snack and a pre-dinner sleep.

Paul knew he had to work on getting her addicted to sugar. He had to make sure she felt a sugar high at least twice a day, because, when she came crashing down, she would crave more.
Other fattening foods that had addiction qualities were chocolate and cheese. They were known to release endorphins to make you feel euphoric. The same chemical that runners got when they reached a 'runner's high'.
He had to make her feel hungry when he knew she would not be.
He came back from his next shopping trip with several items from the health food shop, designed to add muscle bulk, but if no exersise was taken, it would simply add more fat.
He started giving her a shake with her weekend breakfast. It was meant to be made up with water. He had made it up with whole milk, single cream and extra sugar. Hidden ingredients included appetite stimulants. He expected all of it to be drank by the end of her morning meal.
He ensured Lucy would spend the majority of her weekend bored, sitting doing nothing in front of the telly. She could watch whatever programmes she liked and he made sure that she had plenty easy to access, unwrapped snacks within her reach to keep her hands and mouth busy.
After eating most of the morning, she felt full and lethargic when she sat down to lunch. Lunch was no longer a 'lite' meal. It was more like two dinners, including a pudding and a smaller shake. At first she struggled to eat it all, but Paul pushed her until she could accommodate it all easily.
The afternoon followed the same pattern as the morning, followed by a large three course evening meal, meant to serve two people, oh and a small shake.
After dinner, she could relax, have a few more snacks, before her supper, the last meal of the day, which was another large shake. This time the appetite stimulants were replaced with sedatives. They were good to get her to sleep at night, but the next day, they kept her in a daze that prevented her thinking for herself and bending her to Paul's will. And all Paul wanted her to do was to get lazier and greedier.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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GrowingLoveH... 5 years
Wow! Chapter 3 descriptions of the meal and their thoughts are exquisite. Thanks so much for this. Now, more!