Mark takes charge

chapter 3

"I'll stop after Thanksgiving," Marc promised himself. After all, how could he resist the temptation to let his mom stuff him all Thanksgiving break with his favorite holiday foods? Yes, his clothes were getting really tight now, and he was bulging out of all of them, but he didn't buy new ones because once he let Lisa go back to normal he'd lose all the weight easily.

So he continued to enjoy himself every breakfast and lunch, eating himself stupid while Lisa and Tori watched, amazed at the increasing quantities of fattening foods his greedy belly could hold.

By the time Thanksgiving morning rolled around, he stepped on the scale and was shocked to see he'd eaten his way up to 249lbs. None of the dress clothes he'd planned to wear fit. He pulled up his biggest pair of pants as best he could. The zipper could not even begin to zip up; his belly bulged forward to fill the space between. He could only button the top button of his biggest shirt.

As best he could he tucked it in and hoped no one would notice his giant belly hanging out... well, at least he hoped no one would comment on it.

Just then the doorbell rang. It was his aunt Shyla and his cousin Bonnie come for the dinner. "Sis, you look great!" he hear her telling Lisa from upstairs. It was true; since coming into money after her divorce, Lisa had her tits and ass surgically blown up huge, and she spent a lot of time working on her appearance. Lisa could almost have been her twin, except her hair was blonde instead of black.

When Mark came down the stairs, both Shyla and Bonnie's jaws dropped.

"Holy hell! Cuz, you got huge!" Bonnie exclaimed.

He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I guess I put on a few pounds."

"A few pounds? You look like you've been stuffing your face nonstop since the last time we saw you!"

"I just like to eat is all..."

"Clearly," Aunt Shyla interjected. "Lisa, what have you been feeding this boy? You've fattened him like a prize pig!"

Lisa's face went red; she looked at the ground. "I...he just gets so hungry. And I like feeding him..."

"Clearly," she repeated. "And just how fat are you going to feed him? 300lbs? 500? Until his belly grows so fat and round he can't even stand up?"

"Enough!" Mark said, clutching the gem. It was one thing to make fun of him, but he hated seeing his aunt berate his mother like this. "If this is how you are going to be, then you all don't desire to partake in this feast. In fact, what you desire most is to feedit to me." He licked his lips. "All of it."

Three hours later when Tori got home, having spent the holiday with her girlfriend's family, she found Mark laying on the ground in the living room, red faced and groaning. The shirt was long gone and the pants had split trying to contain his stomach, which reached almost three feet in the air, covered in crumbs and gravy and the rest of the massive meal. The room was a mess; all that was left were the three pies.

Mark was struggling to get them down. Glutton though he was, with everything already in his stomach he was stuffed to bursting. Lisa and Shyla took turns rubbing his belly and whispering words of encouragement in his ear while Bonnie slid slice after slice into his greedy mouth.

"This... this is inhuman!" Tori exclaimed. "Why don't you stop them?"

"Want... to... finish it all..."
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Knightorder 5 years
I hope you continue this.
AshBear 5 years
So good! Can't wait to see how far he pushes it! smiley
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
You’re doing well on this. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Nice job.