The mistress�s revenge

Chapter 11 - starting to grow

I would have liked to go back to stephen's house for breakfast the next day, but work interfered with that plan. Instead, I went there after work.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get dolled up, but then again, this was a surprise attack.
I parked the car at the bottom of the street again. The ginge bitch was not back from her trip because there was no cars outside the house.
I could see the lights were on in Stephen's bedroom. He was in.
I let myself in quietly. With a bit of luck he'd have his headphones on anyway. I went directly to the kitchen and got out a plate for him. I had been to McDonald's on my way there and brought a variety of burgers, lots of fries a large shake and a large coke. Plus an apple pie, McFlurry and whatever else they had on a special that day.
I crept up the stairs. I saw Stephen before he saw me. He was on the computer playing something on his keyboard with his headphones on.
I opened the door wide, I stood tall, with my hands on my hips. "Your dinner's ready" I told him.
He took off his headphones. He was taken aback at the sight of me standing unannounced in his bedroom. He was about to ask why, when he remembered he had to go along with whatever I wanted.
He came downstairs to be greeted to McDonald's heaven, but there was so much of it! Was all of it for him? Absolutely! The quicker he got on with it, the sooner I would be on my way.
He started eating. After the feast yesterday, he'd not eaten a thing all day because he had still felt full. Now he realised how hungry he was!
It took him an hour to get through all the savoury foods. He had eaten too much half an hour ago. It had been a slog to get him to this point. I had to force feed him the few small desserts.
His belly was swollen again. I looked forward to the day that it was permanently this size. In the mean time, I helped him to the sofa, where he immediately drifted off to sleep.

Stephen had no idea when I was going to land. Sometimes I was not so sure myself! My shifts at work were random and followed no pattern. Stuffing Stephen had to fit around that and had to coincide with the ginge bitch's trips away.
Nevertheless, after his first week, I had managed to stuff him full to bursting four times and one of them had been an all day session.
Ginge had noticed a change in him already. She thought he might be coming down with something because he ate very little when she was there and he was so lethargic.
The next week, I squeezed in two all day eating sessions and one evening.
He was already showing some physical changes. His empty belly was more round and soft. He had two small silvery red stretch marks, one on each side. His capacity had grown somewhat too. When his belly was stuffed full and his skin tight, he had a football sized pot belly. I encouraged him to stroke it, to massage it. He had to learn to look after it when I was not there. I made him make the connection between sensuality and being stuffed to the brim. He already had a high libido, so I didn't have to push him hard before the association clicked.

But this was just the start!
I left him homework to do in his third week. He was not allowed to skip meals any more. Every day he had to eat a breakfast, a lunch and an evening meal. If he felt hungry between meals, he would not deny himself a snack. I made sure he had plenty of chocolate bars to snack on hidden in his bedroom. He knew where they were, but the ginge bitch would not.
In his fourth week, he had to eat double portions once a day, when he was home alone.
I knew when he was not doing his homework correctly. I told him. I knew he would try to cheat at least once, so whenever I could spend a whole day with him, I made sure he felt the full force of my whip at least once!
After his first month, he had put on just over half a stone in weight. I was disappointed. I had been hoping for so much more! I had high expectations for his second month.

Stephen gave me a list of times when the ginge bitch was away. He knew he could not stop me any longer. I had to have my way. He had no say in what happened at all!
In his fifth week, he had to overeat at every meal. Preferably double the standard portions.
In his sixth week, he HAD to eat at least one snack between meals.
Blossom had noticed more differences with him when she came home. He always seemed to be hungry. One of her meals never seemed to fill him and he had started putting on weight! It was mostly around the middle, she'd told him. He was getting softer all over. She warned him about putting on weight. She suggested he learned how to cook. Then he wouldn't be so reliant on Special K, pot noodles and takeaways.
But by now, Stephen was too far into my programme to stop. His business shrivelled up because he was not putting the effort in, just as I knew it would. His whole life now revolved around food and eating.
When he looked at himself in the mirror naked these days, he could see the changes in his body. He started calling himself a fat pig, because that was how he saw himself. He had a definite double chin, he had a large back roll and his full belly was getting too big for his tee shirts.
Two months after starting, he had put on a total of two stones and one pound. That was almost thirty pounds!
He was costing me a fortune in all the extra food I had to provide him. But I did not care! It was worth every penny to see him like this.
I was not repulsed by his weight gain as I thought I would have been. I got a kick out of watching him eat until he could hardly move. I liked to see how small his old clothes were becoming.

By his fourth month, he had put on around six stones - around 80 lbs of pure fat.
He said he didn't care what Gloria thought anymore. He was a big fat pig and if she didn't like it, she could leave. She had made several attempts to curb Stephen's eating, but he refused to listen. She tried to get him to take extra exersise, but he was not interested. She said he was worried about his health. He might get sugar diabetes, or something worse!
He closed his ears to all of her pleas.
He had a cupboard in the kitchen filled with snacks for him. The first shelf held a big box of crisps and other savoury snacks. The second shelf had a big box of sweet snacks. The freezer was full of ready meals he just had to defrost and heat up in the microwave. He could get through four of them in one sitting. The fridge was full of all kinds of fattening rubbish, laden with cream, or cheese, or both.
If she served him a standard portion of a 'healthy' meal, he would undermine her good intentions by standing with the fridge door open and just grabbing stuff to shove in his mouth.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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