The mistress�s revenge

Chapter 9 - fourth time around

Yes! I know I was stupid! I should have left well alone!
I had been happy on my own, I had not been lonely. I had lost a lot of freinds when the man with the van had finished me because a lot of my freinds were in freinds too and he wanted nothing to do with me. I could not keep them for fear of meaning up with him.
But Stephen still made me feel good about myself. I was still flattered that a man who was so handsome would even look in my direction. I could forgive his indiscretions because I enjoyed his conversation and company. He was incredible in bed, let us not forget that!
He was exciting to be with. I didn't know what he was going to do next. I was jealous of the ginge for having him to herself all this time.
But then again, look at how much she had to do for him. He didn't drive, so, when she was home she had to chauffeur him about everywhere. He didn't cook, so she had to shop for him and prepare all of the meals. He could keep a house clean. That was one point in his favour.

He rang me again a few days later. Gloria was away again. He didn't have much time because he was flying off to Moscow to interview this new band on Thursday. Could I come over on Wednesday. Only I would not be able to stay late because he would still have his packing to do, but he would like to see me.
I did not want to analyse my decision. It might be the last time I saw him. I had to make it special.
After much deliberation, I bought the items he wanted me to wear.
On Wednesday morning, I took time getting ready. I had a twenty minute walk to the metro, then I might have to stand around waiting for a bus to his. Stilettos were impractical and would be uncomfortable by the time I got to his house. It was not worth it. I wore lace up heeled boots instead. They were comfortable as well as practical. I wore a fitted skirt and some kind of blouse with that, then covered everything over with a great coat.

When Stephen opened the door to me, he pulled in in, looked around suspiciously and closed the door. He hardly said a word to me as he closed the curtains, leaving us in semi darkness.
I took my coat off and handed him my gift. I knew he would be hungry when I got there. I had called in at McDonald's on my way here. It was probably cold by now, but it would not take long to heat up.
Stephen grabbed the bag off me enthusiastically. He loved McDonald's meals! He took the bag in the kitchen put everything on a plate ready for the microwave.
Did I want some?
No, I told him I had eaten a sandwich before I had left the house. It was all for him.
He ate quickly. "Gloria does not like McDonald's. She says they are fattening, but I absolutely love them!"
I knew he would like it, but he revelled in every mouthful.
He sat back in his chair holding his full belly afterwards. I would have to take the packaging away with me. If Gloria found the evidence she would be mad at him. He was not supposed to eat them. He thanked me. It was the best present I could have brought him!
He took off my skirt and blouse and showed him his second present. He liked it but complained that I had not done the reveal properly.
I put my skirt and blouse back on and went into performance mode. I danced and sang in front of him while I gave him a personal striptease act.
Oh he loved that! ...except he wanted me to put my clothes back on. This time, he wanted to rip my blouse off me, tearing the buttons away with his teeth. I was a bit reluctant to do this. I had to go home afterwards. I had no replacement blouse. But then he pointed out that I had a big coat to cover everything up with.
I allowed him to do what he wanted with my blouse. It was a good job it wasn't the fancy expensive one I'd considered wearing.
Once my blouse was in pieces, I lay myself down on top of him, pulling his shirt and tee shirt out of his trousers to get to his bare torso. I laid my hand on his skin, it was soften than it had once been, hairier than he had once been. His belly was slightly swollen from his recent meal. He had small love handles on his sides and the beginnings of a flabby chest.
He had once been so slim, although never muscular. What would be be like in another six years? What would he be like with another six stones on him?
It occurred to me that the Ginger Bitch may not appreciate him as much if he got fat. Maybe that would be the final push to get rid of her, so that I could have Stephen all to myself! It was a fanciful idea, though. Stephen would never agree to it. Stephen would not like the extra poundage. If he thought I had made him gain weight deliberately, to get rid of Ginge, he might hold it against me, slim down and go back to her, or even find someone else.
He was loosening the suspenders on my basque. He was trying to feel his way into my knickers. Now was not the time to work out a proper plan. But the seed had been sown.

We made passionate love twice that day. Once downstairs, once upstairs in his bedroom. We had both had a bit of a snooze up there, then got dressed, before he sent me out to get a meal from the Chinese takeaway.

"When I come back from Moscow, I will give you a ring," he told me later as he tucked into his meal. "I want you to be my mistress."
I was shocked at him giving my role a name. I would no longer be a 'bit on the side', I would be a 'mistress'.
I asked him how long he would be.
He was not sure, there were so many variables, he would need to organise working Visas for the band to come to the UK as well as a few other things that might crop up.
He promised he would give me a ring though, whenever he came back.
He did not want to keep me hanging on though. Good luck to me if I found someone else in the mean time. He admitted he wanted to have a bit more fun in his love life, which had gone quite stale. He wanted excitement. The possible chance of getting caught gave him a thrill. That was why he did not want to come over to my flat. It made our meeting too easy.
Suddenly, I put my meal to one side and stood up. I was already fully dressed, minus my coat, but my ripped blouse would not stay together. I walked seductively over to him and leaned over to give him a good eyeful of my breasts.
"Think long and hard, before you ring me when you come back from Moscow. If you want me to be your mistress, well, I will, but things will not be the same as they are now."
His eyes were popping out on stalks as he took in my wobbling breasts and my stern words.
"If I am to be your mistress," I continued, "You must do what I tell you to do. I will be in charge. You will be my slave."
He went ashen. I doubt he realised how bossy I could be.
All he could say was he would think about it.
I'm sure he was thinking about it as he finished his meal because he had nothing else to say until his plate was empty, washed and tidied away.
"I'll let you know," he whispered as he kissed me goodbye.

As I sat on the metro on the way home, I realised this could mean the end of our relationship. Maybe I had frightened him off, he did not like being told what to do. Or maybe it was simply a turning point. If it was, who knew which direction it would lead to in the future.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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