His Good Girl

Chapter 1

Dennis and Ashley sat snug at the table in the back of the diner. It was as if the table was cut away from the rest of civilization. It was neatly hidden in the nook. Aside from the occasionally visiting waitress, they were in complete privacy.

Dennis met Ashley 5 months ago at work. She was the new girl from a different branch, recently transferred in. The moment he saw her, he knew he'd never get enough of her. Her brown curls bounced on her shoulders and nestled against her chin. Her eyes were pools of caramel and they were full of life. Her lips were in a shy yet adorable pucker.

Ashley was perfect, aside from her hollow figure. She was thin, nearly skeletal. Dennis knew he had to get close to her.

It started with the chit-chat at work, in between passing. Then chatting at lunch. Ashley would gaze into her bowl of mixed greens while laughing at Dennis' jokes, becoming more and more comfortable with him. She enjoyed his company. And Dennis enjoyed hers.

A month passed and Ashley's desk was moved next to Dennis'. Was it a bribe to have her moved there? Who knows. They both looked forward to going to work now, they both were more upbeat, and they both began to enjoy each other more and more.

At lunch, Ashley would always push her fork through her greens, mindlessly looking at the dull and uninviting plate. Dennis would joke with her, lightly brush against her, and observe her.

Dennis knew Ashley was perfect from the start. Her hair nestled around her face, her clothes dropped among her thin and light frame. And although she came in as skeletal, he could tell she could be persuaded otherwise. She seemed bored during her lunch and while eating, aside from Dennis' company. He noted this.

Monday, month two of Ashley being at the branch. It's 10 am. Dennis and Ashley both hurriedly typed on their keyboards, not saying anything. In the corner of Dennis' cubicle sat a box of assorted donut holes, about 25 of them. Ashley liked him, trusted him. And it was time to bait here.

"Hey Ash! I have some donut holes. Do you want some?" Dennis said as he peered his head into her cubicle. As she looked up, he tossed a donut hole into his mouth, chewed and swallowed. He wanted her to feel comfortable and think they were both going to eat the same amount of donut holes.

"You know, that actually sounds so good right now. Cheer up this Monday, right?", Ashley beamed.

Dennis got up, grabbed a paper plate and filled it with a dozen donut holes. He handed her the plate, smiled, and sat down. As he typed, he threw gum into his mouth and shifted his hand around the donut hole box, making Ashley think he was eating too.

Dennis peered around the cubicle and noticed she only had a few donut holes left. He waited, and returned with another dozen on a paper towel.
"I ate so many and want to toss the box. Feel free to take the rest". Said Dennis as he dropped them on her desk. She smiled up at him, thinking he was flirting. Dennis slowly walked to the bathroom, watching her begin to munch on the second dozen of donut holes.

As he walked away, he imagined the tiny, frail girl swelling with delicious fat while rounding out, and becoming an unbalanced, greedy, needy girl with a bottomless appetite.
1 chapter, created 5 years , updated 5 years
4   1   2878

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LoopsnBloops 5 years
A wonderful start! I can't wait to see what more comes of this.