Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 12 - is this real life?

It's official; Ava is immobile. Resting on her king sized bed, she speculated her weight had pushed past eight hundred pounds, watching her flesh swell more and more. The belly ate more and more of her legs, while they too, grew wider and flabbier. The blonde's gigantic rear, expanded to a point that two fat people could fit inside of her, side by side. Her arms, larger than a normal human's thighs. Due to her enormous spanning breasts and double belly, seeing her feet whilst laying in bed became difficult as her view became impeded by them. A half an hour ago, seeing such overwhelming fatness would've drenched Ava's pussy, but in her current state, shame and frustration remained.

Before she could think, a notification alerted her.

"Hey, I know you read texts, how's it going?"

Ava groaned internally, not wanting to engage in a conversation with Nayami, but considering she, or he is a eighteen year old with no friends, Ava understood why she was insistent.

"I've been enjoying my time in bed."

Ava chuckled as it was far from the truth, with immediacy, Nayami replied.

"Well, ain't that booorring... :/
"Why not come down with me and enjoy the nightlife here? Us girls can hit the bars even!"

"Uh yeah, I'm not down for that right now."

Eww so boring... have a little fun!

"I'm good."

"Ugh. Then when you wanna hang out?"


"And what? You gonna say im tirredddd"

"No. I promise."

"Can we put a time, so you don't bounce on me? :3"

"4 p.m."

"Meet at your room? Wait... what is your room number? You've never told me :O"

"Rm 910, a floor directly above yours."

"Really? That's cool!"
"Anyways, I guess I'll just go back to my room and rest too, boringlady. :d"

"Have fun resting, like I am haha."

Once the conversation ended, Ava checked her social media for any updates on her friend circle. Stephanie posted yet another photo of her corgi, while Claire dropped a photo of her dinner at a Italian restaurant. The blond's stomach growled at the sight of the five layer lasagna that revealed plentiful cheese and meat in its' slice.
"Oh god, I could eat a whole pan right now..." Ava subconsciously rubbed her belly with both hands, mouth slightly drooling. Scrolling through her Facebook news feed only teased her more as her vision was plagued by cooking tutorials and food eating challenges. Her scrolling stopped at a familiar photo - it was of Marcy yet again, witnessing it hours ago. "Oh, I wish you could be with me right now... I could use a feeder. Or anything to help my stomach feel full..." The bedbound woman imagined her friend's reaction to seeing her in this state,
"Ava, whoa, you're like HUGE! You... you sure you want to be this way?" Marcy's excited voice transitioned to concern, "You need some help? Well, since well, you can't do much...I can at least help!" Ava knew Marcy had a soft spot for her, and if she was forced in this situation, the friend would do her best to at least comfort her.

The bed-spanning lady reclined against the pillows behind her, resting her tense and sore body. For once, she cleared her mind, meditating her anxiety away. Ava's corporeal body didn't exist, it was just her and only her. Deep inhale, and shallow exhale, soon the physical pressures of her almost half ton form disappeared altogether.

Opening her eyes, she appeared to be in her bedroom. Rising out of bed, she quickly noticed she had returned to normal, clad in her baby blue nightgown. Stepping out of the bedroom, and into the apartment's center hallway, she entered the kitchen and living room chamber. Everything seemed to be normal, just the way she had left it before departing for vacation. Turning on the lights, conformed her suspicions. However, on her couch, a big silhouette rests, turning around to find out who had turned on the lights.

"Marcy?" Ava exclaimed in confusion, "Whatcha doing here?"
The obese friend rose from the couch, waddling to Ava.
"Whoa, whoa, why are you naked?" she asked her tan skinned friend.

"Because, it's hot in here..." she sensually said, resting her large arms on Ava's shoulders. Her melons almost smothering her face.
"I...I don't know what you're getting to..." Ava blushed intensely, resisting the obvious move for sexual temptation.
"Girl, you know what I mean," and with that statement, Marcy pressed her bloated form against the blonde. Smothered in arm, breast, and belly fat, resisting her sexual desires became more and more difficult.
Ava eventually pulled herself away, stepping back, "I-I don't know! Just, get dressed Marcy, please!"
"Oh, Ava, I can see it in your eyes, you must be hungry, come to the table, I've made something special for you."

Confused, Ava moved to the dining table, noticing a large sampler platter of barbecued meat, recognizable due to the wrapping around the food.
"Howard's barbecue? Why so much?" Ava asked.
"Because, it's your favorite place to eat at, couldn't resist treating you...now, have a seat, and dine in. I'll even join you!" she grinned. The twenty three year old, and her friend sat down at the round table, Ava becoming very suspicious over the circumstances she presided in.
"Am I in a dream?" Ava questioned.
"I dunno, pinch yourself and find out?" Marcy confidently answered, as the blonde did just that, hoping she'd just get out of the uncomfortably erotic scene.
"You're still here," the obese lady commented, "Now that's out of the way, lets eat!" her lips seductively licked. With nothing to lose, Ava grabbed a rack of ribs, and nibbled. A rush of barbecue flavors enveloped her taste buds, more than she had ever experienced in her life. "My goodness, has this place always tasted this good?" Ava questioned.
"Oh baby yes. It's doesn't win best in state awards for nothin'" Marcy answered, as Ava chomped down on the ribs, the flavors rewarding her yet again. Somehow, someway, the blue eyed woman ate the rack, whilst drinking her favorite soda, Dr. Pepper.
"BURP! That... that was so good!" Ava exclaimed, as Marcy appeared to have already finished her meat platter.
"Dig in, there's plenty more left!" she voiced, rising up and stepping out of the apartment to grab more. Meanwhile, the skinny blonde ate and ate, soft and juicy beef brisket, flavorful pulled pork on bun, chicken breast, all the different meats with the combination of different types of barbecue sauce quickly became addicting.

But unbekownst to her, eating that platter of food did a number on her waistline. Her loose fitting nightgown became more snug. The lumbering friend returned with yet another platter, swapping it for the empty one.
"Enjoy!" Marcy happily said, in which Ava spared no time digging in. Pound by pound of meat, quickly transferred to fat, as the nightgown became skintight by the time she finished with her second platter. "Let me help you with your bedwear..." her best friend stepped behind, sexually grazing Ava's now larger body. With her assistance, the nightgown was spared from its destruction, Marcy tossing it aside. "Much better?"
"Yes." Ava grinned, "Thank you, but... can you get me more?"
"You don't even have to ask," As the next time she looked, more food appeared at the table. The fat blonde continued her ultimate feast with reckless abandon, the addictive flavors pushed her to eat more and more.

The third platter, then the forth, the fifth, sixth, Ava mercilessly consumed, it was like she had a bottomless stomach. As with each one, the woman slowly forgotten table manners, grabbing handfuls of meat and large swigs of soda. Her frame, as a result, ballooned, as Ava's belly grew, pushing her whole body away from the table. Her now fat ladened arms quivered with each lifting to the mouth, and her breasts bounced with every movement, creating deep and valley like cleavage. After the seventh platter, Ava reclined, patting her newly formed double belly, "Ah... that was so good..." she instinctively groped her fatty flesh.

"Mmmm... so yummy, right?" Marcy giggled childishly. "Come, let me help you to bed, we can have some more fun there," she waddled away from her, with a finger gesture to follow. Ava heaved her self up, her whole body bouncing in response to the sudden fattening.
"Uhh..." she felt so bloated, her stomach on the verge of bursting, lumbering a few feet behind her friend, adjusting to the massive weight change. Reaching the bed, Marcy was already laying on her hips and stomach, waving her finger to entice Ava to join. The obese blonde waddled to the bed, noticing a small cart with a delicious red velvet cake on it.
"Mmmm... Red velvet, my favorite..." Ava licked her tongue.
"Have a seat, and I'll feed ya some..." Marcy erotically whispered, Ava heaved herself by her side. Sitting up, and letting her stuffed belly comfortably rest on the bed. Marcy then raised herself up, and grabbed a slice directly with her hand.

"Feed me..." Ava moaned, engrossed by the sight of her sexy, overly voluptuous friend.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how alcohol would affect the sweet dreams
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