Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 14 - caught in a landslide...

As the twenty three year old stared at the sliding door, her heart raced, and gut burned with anxiety. The silhouette tapped the window, then pointed to the door handle. Ava shook her head, but she knew her secret was out either way. The stranger pulled the door opened, letting in a strong cool gust of ocean air. The thick and shapely figure revealed herself to be Nayami.

"Uh.... Ava?" she asked, visibly surprised at what is in her view, there stood Nayami, clad in black leggings and a purple low cut tank top. "I-I am sorry, look, I...." the friend's face turned peachy with embarrassment.
"Why did you come!? I didn't ask for this!?" Ava angrily raised her oversized arms.
"I...I was so bored, I can't sleep either-"
"So you go on out and snoop on me? Y'know that's sick, you pervert!" Ava yelled, "And besides... how did you get here? You climbed a whole story?"
"Look, my new body gives me superhuman stuff... but it also changes my mind, I-I am sorry! Please..."
Ava sighed, she knew the cat was out of the bag - and there was no way to undo what's been seen. "Look, as much as I want to strangle you...I can't." she smirked, "... as you can tell."
"I see that," Nayami sighed, "So, is this what Sweet Dreams did to you? Well, obviously. I am-"
"Spare me the words, Nami, I know, I know." Ava rolled her eyes.
"But, but how... is this permanent? I don't think we can simply get you out..." Nami poked Ava's belly fat, making ripples and quivers, "...in this state? I-I am kinda worried about you."
"I had too much to eat clearly, but I shouldn't be stuck like this forever, I just need to get the 'Sweet' stuff out of my body."
"Alright, how do we accomplish that?" Nayami sat beside Ava, scanning her oversized body.

The immobilized blonde figured the only way to purge the drug was the natural way, "Well, there's pretty much one way," she slid her hand underneath her lengthy belly.
"Um... you're meaning..." the voluptuous friend raised the half ton woman's belly, "... you serious!?" her mouth gaped open in shock.
"Well, there isn't any other way..." Ava shrugged, "I'm already embarrassed to even think about it, okay?"
Nayami shook her head, and sighed, "This is crazy..."
A loud rumbling interrupted the conversation.
"I'm starving..." Ava looked to the friend, "As much as I don't want anyone to see me like this, I-I need you, Nami." the stomach pain was unbearable for the twenty three year old, "I-I need food... and drink..."
"You do?" the companion poked and prodded Ava's bloated body.
"I really think food isn't a good thing for you right now."
"Well, I've hadn't had anything to eat in a long time... please, get me something, I can't help myself like this..."

A thousand thoughts lingered in the blonde's mind, as she was frustrated at the fact that her sinful desires put her in this situation. Fear and terror of loneliness hit the woman hard as she had never felt so helpless in her life. The pain coming from her stomach needed to be sated one way or another, and the only help she could have was right in front of her. Tears slid down from her puffy cheeks, as a wave of depressive sadness hit. Nayami recognized her body language and leaned against Ava's bed spanning body.
"Ava, I know how you feel..." she pressed herself against the immense belly. "You're very comfy to lay against, y'know that?"
"I-I," Ava sobbed, "I need you Nayami..." she wrapped her enormous arm on the woman, enveloping her torso completely with flesh.
"Ow... a little....much." the friend complained, Ava relaxed her arm, giving more breathing room, "Thanks... well, wow, come to think about it, this is the first time I cuddled with a woman before...let alone, um...yeah." Nayami's blushing face and eyes looked at Ava's tear filled face. "I'll help you, just like you helped me, okay? We'll get through this..."
The blonde girl smiled, feeling relieved that her friend accepted her for who she is, "Can, you order some food? We can use Uber Eats food delivery to get it, I... I just-"
"Say no more..." Nayami patted calmingly, pulling out her phone tucked between her lengthy cleavage. "What would you like? Pizza? Burgers? Chicken?"
"Please... anything." Ava pleaded.
"Alright, how bout some Mcdonalds..."
Ava despised the golden arches, as they would always give her an upset stomach after the meal. She'd take the lesser of the two evils if it means quelling her tremendous hunger.
"Fine." Ava agreed.
"So? Whatcha want?"
"Just anything... I feel like I can eat one of every item on the menu, that's how hungry I am."
Nami giggled, "One of every item? I can put that enormous stomach of yours to the test," she began to place the order, literally ordering one of each item available. "There! Teehee..."
"Did you actually order one of every item?"
"Yep!" Nami proudly exclaimed. "Besides, I'm starving too, if there's anything left, I'm sure my sharp teeth would dig into what's left."
Ava pressed her heavy arm against her friend, "Thank you thank you thank you!"
"Ack... you... welcome." Nami mustered out. Ava released her, blonde and purple haired lady raised out of the bed. "You got something to drink?"
"Bottled water in the fridge."
"...that's it?" the busty woman asked, "No soda? Not even juice?"
"I-I don't eat unhealthy things." Ava replied.
"Hah, says the woman who weighs a ton." Nami playfully slappy Ava's tree trunk legs, sending waves across the limb.
"Very funny... how long till the food's here?"
"Thirty minutes." Nayami yawned and stretched, bouncing her bountiful breasts in the process. "I'm gonna make myself comfy here, okay?"
"Yeah, sure, but can do you me a favor?" Ava asked, "Can you grab the sheet from the dryer? I-I need to be covered up."
"Okie," the friend cutely said, stepping out of the room, shutting the door behind, leaving Ava in darkness.

The half ton Ava heaved a sigh of relief, as peace and quiet returned. She felt assured that Nayami had to goodwill not to spill the beans when it came to her true fantasies. Patting her own flesh, she attempted to move one of her oversized legs. The only movement she could muster was a couple of inches, as she quickly got flustered with the simple action. Nayami stepped in the room with a bedsheet and bottles of water, realizing her friend's distress.

"What were you doing?" the well endowed woman asked.
"I-I was," she let out a deep exhale, "I was trying to move my legs... I'm too weak, or just too fat."
"Probably the latter..." the companion giggled, throwing the blanket on Ava, covering her drooping breasts her knee covering belly. "Better?" she asked.
"Yes, I feel, somewhat modest," Ava smirked, whatever modest can be for someone my size. She groped her dangling breasts, "It's so, so overwhelming, Y'know."
"I can't possibly imagine," Nami responded, handing a bottle of water to the blonde. "Heh, well, I mean, when you wake up as a naked woman with a ginormous ass and breasts... " she broke out in laughter, "...coming from a guys perspective, it was definitely overwhelming, and incredibly hot." Nayami casually pulled out her J cup breasts, and fondled them. "Oooo.... Having these feel so tender... does it for you?" she looked to the bigger woman.
"Well, duh," Ava answered, "So, you just woke up like that?" she added.
"I, um, drank both vials and got really sleepy, then I well, yeah I woke up naked, wet, and sexy as hell." Nayami playfully smacked her large and curvy posterior. "Of course I was shocked that it happened to me, but oh so very turned on."
"Well, it's Sweet Dreams for you." Ava inserted.
"I had so much fun being the woman I loved so much... but then, well, reality hit me as I had to deal with the loss of my old self," her eyes twinkled with emotion, "Now, I have nobody to go to..." she sobbed, "I just have you, Ava... and I hope we can fix you, so you don't follow my big ass."
"It's alright, I'm, I'm gonna be alright, okay?" Ava felt nothing but empathy for the former man. "Once I cut some of the weight, I'll try not to do this again, trust me I don't want to follow your big butt either, or be stuck in this spot forever." Nayami's mood lightened as she sat down on Ava's bed.
"So, your thing is, what, being incredibly huge?"
"Thing? You mean what Sweet Dreams does to me?"
"Well, I... I found out that I enjoy being big, and well, fat was one of things that well, I was into."
"So, you're into getting fat then?"
Ava grumbled internally, but realized it was the truth, "Yes, I like getting fatter and being like big," she sighed. "I-I guess I had a lot of repressed desires..." she scratched her thick double chin.
Nami crawled up the bed, resting on Ava's gigantic gut, "So, is this, like your ultimate form? Jabba the hut?"
"No, I-I didn't intend to be this big... this, this is too much for me."
"So you just want to be huge, but not 'can't leave the bed' huge? You find that hot? Why's that?"
"Yes...yes I do..." Ava's face blushed intensely, as her kink was finally discovered. "I... I actually like big women in general, my best friend is like over three hundred pounds. I dunno, I just find the feeling of my body growing...appealing, so much so I enjoy it."
"Oh, I see..." the companion rolled onto her back, reclining on Ava's stomach. "I mean, I can see why that's such a turn on... big bodies, means big boobs, big ass, just...big everything."
"Would you accept me, as a fat woman?" Ava asked, her heart raced with anxiety from the question, "T-that's w-what I want to be..."
"I, Well, I won't stop you Ava, but please learn from me, in that there are going to be, 'challenges' involved when you drastically change what you look.
"Well... the next time we're out.... I wanna do that." Ava admitted.
"I don't care as long as it's temporary, okay?" the curvy friend responded.
"I promise I won't go too overboard." she happily agreed.

A ding alerted Nayami to the food's arrival at the suite's door.
"It's here," she announced.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Stevita 3 years
This has been an adventure from start to finish! Love your cast of characters too. Great story!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will be going on vacation for a few weeks, and I will be out of the country for half of may. When I return I will post the finale of this story! smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I don't have room in the story page to post this, but a huge thanks to everyone who has followed this story so far! I appreciate every like, comment or feedback you all provide! I've never imagined I'd write a novel length story here!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman I'm getting close. Probably around ten or so less chapters. After the main conflict is over, I plan to write an epilogue and move on with the next phase of 'Sweet Dreams'
Theswordsman 5 years
So are you finished with the story or close because that last message made it sound like you were done
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, you'll find out soon enough smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
With her relationship with Patrick i wonder if she'll decide to live with him
Danimal 5 years
I'll be patient. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KayDance, and I look forward to updating it too!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I agree, but who knows what will happen later in the story. (I don't want to spoil things) smiley
Danimal 5 years
WIth some regulations, shouldn't every adult be allowed to be who or what they want to be? Ending the manufacture of Sweet Dreams sounds sad to me.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, No problem!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, glad you love it so far smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@Theswordsman you'll find out next chapter smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@mark good eye, as that point will be resolved in future chapter! smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if he spiked the bbq sauce with sweet dreams to make her bigger.
Mark 5 years
I'm surprised that Ava didn't pick up on the fact that even though Patrick believes Sweet Dreams is bad for the world, that he hasn't reverted to his old self
Danimal 5 years
Things are really heating up. I can't wait for the next chapter. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@bc33, thank you! I love writing this story daily as well!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, I introduced a bit of conflict (literal fighting) and other things. But I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll keep going as usual!
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