Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 15 - to escape from reality...

"I'm baaacckk!" Nayami yelled, stepping into the dimly lit room. Over a dozen bags overflowed her arms, dropping them onto the king sized bed. "Practically one of every meal I could get, I really doubt we'll eat it all, but we can put it in the fridge afterwards."
"I'm still surprised you went through with buying almost one of every thing on the menu." Ava chuckled.
"Well, there was a limit, but yeah isn't it silly?" Nami picked up a french fry from a bag and ate it, "What do you want?" she questioned her bed bound friend.
"I'll take the grilled chicken sandwich," Ava answered, holding out her sausage fingers. The friend handed the bag containing the sandwich and fries.
"Want a drink? Here some coke." Nayami handed a large cup of Coca-Cola to Ava.
"I guess... but I don't typically drink soda," she accepted.
"Well, it comes with the meal, just try it."
Ava ripped open the paper bag, and extracted the grilled chicken sandwich, immediately digging in. The half ton woman experienced powerful flavors, she had never had before. The last time she eaten a grilled chicken sandwich from Mcdonald's, it tasted bland and disgusting. Now, it felt juicy, fresh, and flavorful.
"Mmmmm..." Ava engorged herself, grabbing a handful of fries and stuffing it in her mouth yielded similar results. The texture and crispness of the french fry was something she hadn't noticed before when eating the fried potato. "Has McDonald's ever been this good?" she asked Nayami.
"Well, I mean it's' good, but not THAT good." she answered.

"I dunno... maybe it's just me." Ava spoke with a mouth full of food. It only took a grand total of a minute for her to scarf down the grilled chicken sandwich, and finishing off the last gulp of Coke. "Ah... never knew Coke was soo good! I can sip on this all day!" Ava announced. "Can you give me big sandwich... I'm still hungry."
"Sure, here, quarter pounder burger," the voluptuous friend presented. It didn't take long for Ava to tear the burger box open. Upon the first bite, a dollop of ketchup and mustard seeped from the bun, and into Ava's chest.
"Shoot!" Ava complained. She hurriedly looked for a napkin, but then opted to use her hand to wipe the excess condiment off, licking her hand, and continuing the burgery feast. "Hey, can you hand me another drink?" she politely asked Nayami.
"Here's a Sprite," she handed a large Sprite to the engorging woman.
"This is soo good...." Ava licked her lips, feeling high from the flavors that enveloped her. The blonde had never been a fan of beef in her life, always opting for chicken or a meat-veggie substitute. This time, a simple fast food burger, made the lady groan in pleasure.
"God.... BUUUARRP!" Ava belched obnoxiously.
"Well, geez..." Nayami voiced, finishing the last bite of her double cheeseburger.
"Sorry..." Ava apologized, "It just came out," her stomach rumbled loudly in protest. "I-I am still hungry..."
"Well, Ava that's like a days worth of food, you just ate there," the friend commented.
"Yea, I mean, you're correct, but I can't stop eating... BUAARP-excuse me, my gut still tells me that I'm starving."
"Well, if you say so... I suppose I'm just as guilty as you now that I've eaten two burgers too," the thick companion patted her belly.
"Is there a double quarter pounder?" Ava asked.
"Well, yeah..." the friend handed the bag containing large sandwich and accompanying fries.
"Give me the crispy chicken sandwich bag too as well" she added, opening the bag given.

The two patty burger is no match for the half ton woman, as just like the bags before, they were gulped down like candy. Moving on to the fried chicken sandwich, the oversized blonde moaned at the taste of fried chicken, as it was the first time she had it in years.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I have the ten piece chicken nuggets!?" she yelped excitedly. Nami handed the bag over, and Ava tore the bag open. One by one each nugget disappeared, Ava faced a new difficulty with immense form, her pillowy arms grew weak and tired of lifting up and down to reach her mouth. Her arms became clumsy the more tired they got, as grease and juices had fallen onto her gut, seeping into the sheets.

"Damn..." Ava complained, as a several french fries drop onto her chest and belly, creating small oil stains on the fresh linen. "Ugh, I'm getting so tired, must be all the food I ate..."
Nayami finished the last bite of her burger, cleaning the crumbs off of her cleavage and top.
"I'm done, I'm so stuffed..." she yawned, "I had a double cheeseburger, a McChicken, and Mcdouble with a large fries." she massaged her distended belly, and released a small burp. "Sorwee!"
"Uh...I have a special request, Nami..." Ava asked.
"What is it?" she turned around.
"I-I...well, see the two little pies over there?"
"Ca-can you feed them to me?" her face blushed red.
"Wait, what?" the busty woman questioned.
"Yeah, um... I'm just soo tired, and I really want those pies." Ava suggested.
The friend grabbed the small bag filled with the pies and placed it beside the morbidly obese blonde. "Here, can you get them?"
"I-I can, but..." Ava paused, "My arms are sore...and I want a dessert."
"Well, I suppose I can," Nayami unpacked a pie, crawling onto the bed. "I don't really do this, y'know...this is kinda weird."
"I know, but, please just put it in my mouth," the double chinned woman pleaded. Nami raised the pie to her gullet, gently pushing it in, as she took sizeable bite.
Ava felt overwhelmed by the powerful apple flavoring that slammed her."Mmmmm! Soooo good!" Ava exclaimed, keep feeding me," she declared, as the friend obliged, eating the pie in a couple of large bites.
"There..." the smaller woman rubbed the leftover cinnamon sugar off of her hands, meanwhile, Ava gave puppy dog like eyes. "What? You want the other pie?" the friend asked, which Ava slowly nodded, face caked with pie filling. "Here..." Nayami cleaned her face off with a napkin.

Ava felt comforted by her friend, her immobile insecurities eased as her face was gently cleaned. "T-thank you, Nayami, you're the best," she smiled. It was oddly comforting to be pampered by the friend, a feeling she had never experienced since she was a little girl.
"Aww, well, I mean, here, have the cherry pie," the pie was pushed into Ava's mouth, where the puffy cheeked woman ate like an woodchipper, bite by bite, creating a violent red mess across her lips and chin.
"My goodness, Nami, that was so good! Thank you so very much." Ava patted her layered belly with both hands lifting and groping it. The feeling of fullness was utterly satisfying, compared to the pain she had in her former size. "Wow, I'm getting sleepy..." Ava yawned loudly. "Thank you for the big meal. I swear I'll treat you well when I get smaller."
"Oh, Ava, don't sweat it, at least I'm not lonely tonight." Nami reclined against the immobile woman's wide thigh and belly. "I've felt so lonely all my life... even being with a lardass like you makes me happy."
Ava laughed at the comment, "I'm just happy I bumped into you today, someone who knows and understands me."
"Same, I, I just don't know how I can return to my mom and dad. I imagined their reactions, I know they're aren't gonna be good."
"You never know," Ava replied.
"No, I know, trust me. My dad would crucify me, and send me to the lab for testing, It's what they did to the first testers of Sweet Dreams."
"Really?" Ava said with surprise.
"Yeah, I mean, I remember seeing hobos and such being guided into the mansion, to never be seen again."
"That's-That's horrible."
"Yeah, and well, that's all from what I've noticed, there's probably a million other things wrong with his company." Nayami heaved a depressive sigh, "Let's not talk about that anymore, I'm sleepy..." she yawned, turning to lay against Ava.
"Agree, this is vacation anyways..." she patted her friend.

The two friends sat in silence and darkness, letting the TV play background noise. Just like the dream, Ava felt comforted by the fact a friend was around to help her, in her current condition. In the moment in time, she didn't mind being bedridden. Looking at herself, she felt at ease, as the warm layering blubber that layered over half of her legs, felt warm and cozy. In fact, she had never felt more comfortable in her life. However, the biggest thing she's unable to do, is to play with herself, as the bountiful flesh prevented her from even getting close. With a companion's help, even that need could be sated. The blonde watched as her friend slowly drifted to sleep, cuddling against her large tummy, finding it cute how her light snore and innocent face rest against her blobby stomach.

Looking at the mess on the sheets, Ava felt disappointed with the mess created. The brown paper bags littered across the bed, with boxes, wrappers and napkins falling onto the floor. A few bags contained untouched food, as either of them couldn't eat it all.
"What a mess..." she thought, "...I wish I could just clean it up." Her bed spanning form obviously prevented that wish, but she couldn't help but try, picking up all the bags she could possibly reach, and crumbling them into a single large bag. When she was done, half of the trash was cleaned, and so her satisfaction was fulfilled. Ava reclined back, her immense form flattening the pillows behind her. Nayami adjusted her posture as she moved, and continued her snoring.

"What an interesting vacation so far... I wonder what would happen if I went home huge..." Ava thought to herself. "Would they be concerned? Shocked? Would mom and dad hate me?" she recalled the dream prior, "I wouldn't expect them to... it's a dream after all..." Ava pulled her dirty sheet up to her shoulders.
"But, it feels so right, feels so good being fat. I don't know why, but I feel, I feel me," the blonde closed her eyes, preparing for sleep. "Perhaps, the only way to know is to take a leap of faith."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Stevita 3 years
This has been an adventure from start to finish! Love your cast of characters too. Great story!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will be going on vacation for a few weeks, and I will be out of the country for half of may. When I return I will post the finale of this story! smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I don't have room in the story page to post this, but a huge thanks to everyone who has followed this story so far! I appreciate every like, comment or feedback you all provide! I've never imagined I'd write a novel length story here!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman I'm getting close. Probably around ten or so less chapters. After the main conflict is over, I plan to write an epilogue and move on with the next phase of 'Sweet Dreams'
Theswordsman 5 years
So are you finished with the story or close because that last message made it sound like you were done
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, you'll find out soon enough smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
With her relationship with Patrick i wonder if she'll decide to live with him
Danimal 5 years
I'll be patient. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KayDance, and I look forward to updating it too!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I agree, but who knows what will happen later in the story. (I don't want to spoil things) smiley
Danimal 5 years
WIth some regulations, shouldn't every adult be allowed to be who or what they want to be? Ending the manufacture of Sweet Dreams sounds sad to me.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, No problem!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, glad you love it so far smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@Theswordsman you'll find out next chapter smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@mark good eye, as that point will be resolved in future chapter! smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if he spiked the bbq sauce with sweet dreams to make her bigger.
Mark 5 years
I'm surprised that Ava didn't pick up on the fact that even though Patrick believes Sweet Dreams is bad for the world, that he hasn't reverted to his old self
Danimal 5 years
Things are really heating up. I can't wait for the next chapter. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@bc33, thank you! I love writing this story daily as well!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, I introduced a bit of conflict (literal fighting) and other things. But I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll keep going as usual!
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