Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 16 - the repercussions of eating... (part 1)

"Wakey wakey!" Nayami yelled, vigorously shaking Ava's blobby form, bouncing and jiggling her enormous gut.
"Wha?" Ava said drowsily. Opening her eyes, revealed the overly voluptuous woman resting face down on her stomach. Her lengthy cleavage in plain sight, swaying with each movement. "I-I was sleeping so well..." the blonde yawned.
"Yeah, so, It's like eight in the morning! I made you something!" the friend exclaimed with jubilee. "Lemme get it!" she hopped off the bed and swiftly left the room, returning with a plate filled with eggs, grapes, bananas, and bottle of water. "I cooked it myself!" Nayami rested the plate on Ava's enormous chest, sliding the fork on her hand.
"T-thanks..." she groggily commented, looking around, noticing the bedroom had been cleaned up, and the sheet resting on her had been replaced by a blanket. "Y-you did this for me?"
"Yup! Last night was fun, I-I felt so happy being with you..." Nami awkwardly rubbed her left arm. "So, yeah! I woke up, noticed the crazy mess, cleaned up, and replaced the sheet you had, with the blanket I found. I then made breakfast!" rubbing her tummy, "Too bad mine's already digesting," she quietly murmured. "Anyways! Enjoy!"
Ava looked to the plate, as semi-overcooked scrambled eggs littered the center, with a small unpeeled banana and grapes surrounding it. She clearly noticed her friend's poor cooking skills as she began to chew on the egg. Ava couldn't blame her, as she did this all out of kindness and love. Consuming the plate wasn't a challenge for the over one thousand pound lady, as simply eating the plate forced her hunger to return.
"Still hungry?" Nayami asked, taking the plate from her immobile friend.
"Kinda..." Ava embarrassingly answered, drinking the water bottle in one fell swoop.
"Well, I suppose I can reheat the last of the leftovers..."

"HOLD THAT THOUGHT!" Ava yelped. The oversized lady felt a powerful pressure slam her pelvis. She clenched her hips tightly, grabbing handfuls of fat in the process.
"Ava? What's going on?"
"I-I no!" she started to bounce up and down in the bed, "Ahhhh!" she moaned in discomfort.
"Ava!? Tell me!" the friend jumped on the bed, "Did Sweet Dreams do anything to you!?"
"I... I can't hold it!" the twenty three year old, clenched her quivering rear. She knew what was about to happen, and with her current physical condition, there was no way to be saved from it.
"Do... no, do you have to pee!?" Nayami guessed, scanning Ava's frame for a solution.
"Y-Yes!" she yelled, "It-it came so suddenly! Please help!"
"I-I I don't know!"
"I don't want to wet the bed!" the blonde cried, "It's soo embarrassing! Especially in front of you!" Ava rocked the bed back and forth with the full force of her half ton body, causing loud creaking and snapping noises. "I-I can't leave this bed! I'm too fat!"
"Well, can-can you turn to your side!?" Nami nervously said.
"I can try, but I don't know what we are going to do then, even if we are able to?"
"Let's try... we gotta at least save the bed from you somehow! I'll help!"
"Okay, I'm gonna rock myself towards the right, and you're just gonna lift and push me!" Ava began shifting her hips, rear and belly left and right, her fatty flesh wobbling like jello with her momentum. Her busty companion walked to the opposite side, and began to help push and lift her tree trunk sized leg.
"If...If I can, huff...get my leg and belly-huf-to cooperate!" Ava cursed, out of breath as some of her rear started to lift off the bed.
"Come on! We're getting there!" Nayami encouraged, pushing her thigh, her hands enveloping in the fatty tissue.

The peeing urge became more and more prevalent, with every push, Ava becoming more and more desperate to turn. Her morbidly oversized form tried its' hardest to prevent her from doing so, but with pure strength, determination, and friendship, the left leg and hips pushed past her right, forcing the blobby lady to rest on her stomach. The existential crisis temporarily quelled, as adjusting positions on the bed relieved some of the pressure within.
"Hoo-ray!" Nami celebrated, jumping up and down.
"Yea-huf... that, was... something..." Ava sighed, already burnt out from moving. "At least, my ass can get some air..."
Nayami blushed as she had a front row seat to Ava's cellulite ridden, bed imprinted, titanic rear. "Dayum...your butt is HUGE!" she smacked her friend's posterior, causing a ocean wave of jiggle, crashing into her folds of her buttcrack, hips, and belly folds.
"Please... stop..." Ava pleaded, "You gonna make me leak!"
"Oh sorrweee" Nami apologized, moving to Ava's side, "What we gonna do now?"
"I don't think I have the strength to leave this bed..." Ava with defeat replied, "We're gonna have to prepare..."
"Prepare for what? No, you gonna do it now?"
"I'm so sorry!" the bed spanning lady apologized profusely, "Shh-it, this is going to suck!"

Ava thought of every possibility, every idea to prevent her from releasing herself while in the bed. Without Nayami's help, she wouldn't have made it on her side, and leaving the bed was definitely out of the question. In the corner of her eye, she saw the bed pads she had bought a day ago.
"Nami, can you grab those pads?" Ava asked.
"Um, yes... what did you get them for?" she curiously asked.
"No time for questions! Just bring them to me!"
The friend obliged, grabbing the pack and handing it to Ava. She then took a pad and neatly folded it in half, then lengthwise.
"Here, we're gonna put this in between my legs." the blonde ordered, the exhaling a disappointed sigh, "I'm probably going to need your help with that too."
Nayami curled around the bed, clutching the folded pad, "Alrighty, I'm ready when you are." she jokingly slapped Ava's bulging ass.
"I'm gonna try to lift!" Ava exclaimed, cringing her face in stress, attempting to lift her left leg, as it jiggled and quivered from exertion. Nayami hopped onto the bed, and assisted the leg, lifting it up, as the fleshy skin and folds on each leg finally separated, revealing her puffy, blimpy vagina and fupa to fresh air. Her friend's face scowled, as she got a good whiff of the immobile lady's stench. Nami then slid the folded pad against her pussy, releasing the leg, and jumping off of the bed.
"Ava! Damn!" Nayami cursed, "What have you been doing to yourself all this time?"

The twenty three year old, covered her eyes in absolute embarrassment, "Ugh, I'm soo sorry you had to do that! It's humiliating you know!" she exclaimed, "I-I would clean myself if I could!"
"I know, I know, but seriously... whew!" Nayami wafted the air in front of her. Ava's bloated face turned cherry red with embarrassment, "Look, If you weren't with me, this whole ordeal would be a thousand times worser! I have a feeling if I pee, I'll lose some of this weight, then I can maybe get off of this bed!"
"I surely hope so... I don't think I can do this anymore," her friend complained.
"Trust me, never again! I promise!" Ava said, "Alright, I'm gonna have to let go soon... "
"Then what?"
"Then you're gonna have to help with whatever happens afterward."
The curvy woman groaned at the comment, "So, what, you gonna need cleaned too?"
"Like I said, once I am relieved of this feeling, I should shrink. All you need to do, or might do, is to help me to my bathroom. If I can help it, I'll do all the work myself, okay?" Ava answered.
"Just get it over already, I don't think I can bear this situation any longer." Nayami pleaded.

"Here goes..." the oversized woman relieved herself, cooing a satisfied exhale. Slowly but surely, her frame shrunk, as her arms, leg, hips, stomach, and rear jiggled from losing mass.
"It's-It's working!" the friend exclaimed, but just as she said it, the effects stopped. "Oh... noo...."
"Wha? From my perspective there wasn't much change." Ava commented.
"Yeah, there was, I mean, you're not taking most of the bed now, but I wouldn't call yourself skinny, obviously."
The now smaller, but still incredibly obese blonde felt her groin drenched with bodily fluids. Ava felt absolutely disgusted by the reality of it all. It was one thing that she feared about being immobile in the first place. Thankfully, she didn't have to do the number two, as her friend would 'nope' out in response.
Ava could finally reach down to her crotch, sliding her oversized arm into her underbelly pulling the soaked pad and throwing it onto the floor.
"GROSS!" Nami yelled, noticing the strange blue dyed pad. "Wait... that's not the usual color."
"It isn't," Ava huffed, "Can you help me to a seated position?" The friend helped with all of her strength (and Ava's) to get the recliner sized woman up. "God, it feels soo good to touch carpet..." she smothered her puffy feet on the plush floor.

"So, what's this again?" the companion reminded.
"That's the 'Sweet' juice that my body had processed. I've seen it before when I last peed."
"Care to explain a bit more?"
"Okay, Sweet Dreams is comprised of two liquids - one 'Sweet', one 'Dreams'."
"The first one, temporarily transforms you into the body you most desire-wait! Why am I explaining this to you?" Ava angrily remarked.
"Oh, because I wanted to hear it, and well, I didn't really read the directions, as you can tell..." Nayami giggled.
"To make it quick, 'Sweet' transforms you, while 'Dreams', keeps you like that however you please, or even permanently."
"Ah, so when I drank both at the same time-"
"You set yourself up for permanent transformation."
The big breasted lady heaved a annoyed sigh, "Well, sheeeittt..."
Ava sarcastically laughed, "Well, at least for me, all this isn't permanent, but since I ate the sweet stuff instead of drinking it, the only real way to lose all this weight-"
"Is to poop..." Nami finished her sentence.
"Yep, and I'm gonna need your help getting to the bathroom."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Stevita 3 years
This has been an adventure from start to finish! Love your cast of characters too. Great story!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will be going on vacation for a few weeks, and I will be out of the country for half of may. When I return I will post the finale of this story! smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I don't have room in the story page to post this, but a huge thanks to everyone who has followed this story so far! I appreciate every like, comment or feedback you all provide! I've never imagined I'd write a novel length story here!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman I'm getting close. Probably around ten or so less chapters. After the main conflict is over, I plan to write an epilogue and move on with the next phase of 'Sweet Dreams'
Theswordsman 5 years
So are you finished with the story or close because that last message made it sound like you were done
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, you'll find out soon enough smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
With her relationship with Patrick i wonder if she'll decide to live with him
Danimal 5 years
I'll be patient. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KayDance, and I look forward to updating it too!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I agree, but who knows what will happen later in the story. (I don't want to spoil things) smiley
Danimal 5 years
WIth some regulations, shouldn't every adult be allowed to be who or what they want to be? Ending the manufacture of Sweet Dreams sounds sad to me.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, No problem!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, glad you love it so far smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@Theswordsman you'll find out next chapter smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@mark good eye, as that point will be resolved in future chapter! smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if he spiked the bbq sauce with sweet dreams to make her bigger.
Mark 5 years
I'm surprised that Ava didn't pick up on the fact that even though Patrick believes Sweet Dreams is bad for the world, that he hasn't reverted to his old self
Danimal 5 years
Things are really heating up. I can't wait for the next chapter. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@bc33, thank you! I love writing this story daily as well!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, I introduced a bit of conflict (literal fighting) and other things. But I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll keep going as usual!
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