Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 18 - living large at the beach (part 1)

Stepping out into the living room, Ava met with her friend.
"This, this is the stuff... right?" Nayami asked, holding the two Sweet Dream vials in each hand.
"Wha?-Put that down!" the blonde exclaimed.
"Well, It would be a shame if it were to break and disappear forever..." she laughed nefariously.
"No! Don't!" Ava exclaimed."
"I thought so, hehe, you wouldn't want to give up on your dream form, would you?" she pointed at her with the sweet vial.
The navy bikini clad woman's face transitioned to a flustered pink, "N-no! Please, just give them to me!"
"...and then what? You gonna use them?"
"Use...?" Ava pondered, as she covered her mouth, biting her lip, as the thought dwelled in her mind.
"Uh, no... not right now," she nervously replied.
"Hmm, well, I just don't want you to embarrass yourself in public. I care, y'know."
"I understand, can you just give me the vials now, so we can go?"
"Fine, here. Take them. Just don't do anything stupid, I already have enough eyes on my figure enough already. I just don't want you to become a beached whale."
Ava laughed from within at the comment, taking the two vials from her friend's possession. "I promise, no beached whale."
"I'm going to my room and change real quick, I'll come back up and we'll head down okie?" Nayami ordered.
"That's fine, I'll see you in a few minutes." Ava said to her, as the curvy woman departed from the resort room.

"Thank goodness she's gone," Ava whispered, placing the Sweet Dream vials on the table. "I don't want to lose you two just yet." she thought long and hard about her friend's words, and going public with her idealized form. Looking at the 'Sweet' vial, already a third of the amount had been used, and the 'Dreams' untouched.
The amount of attempts to test the waters of her fantasy dwindled, and she needed to at least try, take a leap of faith, and see what happens. She secretly grabbed the vials and slid them into her beach bag, awaiting her friends return.

A knock on the door alerted the twenty three year old, as she moved to open it.
"Hiiiii!" Nayami greeted with a cute and bubbly voice, posing seductively in front of the blonde. Clad on the pale skinned, blonde and lavender haired woman, a two piece triangle topped black bikini bra, and a matching g-string swimming thong.
"Whoa!" Ava stepped back at the sexily dressed Nayami. "Oh my god, she's hot!" she said to herself, glancing at her friend's bra cups, as not enough fabric covered each breast, almost overflowing past them. Her rear almost completely naked, the string enveloped by the large orbs of meat.
"Wha?" Nami noticed Ava's dismay, "Don't worry, I have a towel to cover my butt," she charmingly said. "I-I know it's a bit revealing, but if you got them, flaunt them." she laughed.
"B-but you just said you got too many eyes on you already!?" Ava argued.
"I didn't say it was a bad thing? Okay?" the friend wrapped the towel around her curvy waist. "Let's go!"
"It's still a bit early, can we go shop at the beach shops first?" Ava asked, "I'd like to buy an umbrella anyways. I forgot to take one with me here." the two stepped out of the room, and made their way to the elevator.
"Sure, we can stop by at some of them." the two entered the lift and pressed the first floor lobby button.


The duo hit the streets first, Ava noticed an increase of traffic and rumblings of a 'Little Mermaid' by some of the passerbyers, confusing her. But nothing was more distracting than walking beside her overly attractive companion. Ava felt out classed in every regard, as she was slightly taller, and had enormous boobs and butt to boot. Her walking strides accentuated her form, as her butt slightly jiggled, swaying with each step, and her chest responding with small quivers as well. Almost every man that walked by, had at least one look at her, as Nayami was the definition of fertility and femininity. Looking at herself, she wasn't as well endowed, with jealousy in her head, "Just you wait, I'll have people look at me soon enough!"

A quarter of a mile away from the resort, a particular beach store caught Ava's eye. "World of Bikini! Any shape, style and design!" a large sign pointed to a building to the left.
"Hey, can we go there?" the blonde pointed.
"World of Bikini? Sure!" Nayami started jogging to the store, forcing Ava to follow suit. The duo stepped inside the air conditioned store. They were overwhelmed by the innumerable amount of womens swimwear in display.
"Wow, look at all of those!" Nayami blurted, running off on her own.
"Well, that didn't take long..." Ava thought scanning the environment for the reason why she chose this store to begin with.
"There!" her eyes caught the plus sized section, moving over to see the selection available.
"Hi! How may I help you!" A young brunette employee greeted her.
"Crap, why do they always got to come and help!?" the blonde swore in her mind. "Quick, gotta make something up, or dismiss her all together. "I'm doing fine... just browsing," she answered.
"Well, I mean, you're are at the world's largest selections of bikinis, you look overwhelmed, please allow me to help you." the female worker said.
"N-no, I'm fine." Ava insisted.
"Well, you're in the wrong section to begin with, may I suggest turning around and heading to the other side of the store for smaller sizes?"
The skinny lady grew frustrated internally, "Great, now I have to say something or else things are gonna get awkward." Ava coughed, "Well, I have a pretty large friend, who is in need of a swimwear for herself."
"Oh, really, you know her size? Dimensions?"
"Uh, yeah, I can see for myself, look, I know you're trying to help, but I am fine," she insisted.
"Alright then, I'll let you be, let us know if you need help with anything okay?" the employee responded, leaving the annoyed twenty three year old alone.
"I'd like shopping more if these people didn't go around and bother me so much..."

The young woman's eyes noticed a sign, "For Super Sized, Big Beautiful Women," she witnessed a small section dedicated to those who like to live it large.
"Wow..." Ava whispered quietly, "Those tops are HUGE!" the blonde pulled one of many bikinis from the wall rack. Turning around she looked for any witnesses before pressing the fabric against her body. "No way this could fit me... yet." Ava lewdly whispered. Putting the piece back, a particular top caught her eye. It was of a white tube top, with a matching white lace bikini bottom. She checked through the sizings, but ultimately settled with the largest one available. "I could just grow into it," she imagined her body swelling to make the impossibly large swimwear fit her. "This is perfect!" she subtly smiled.

Moving to check out the piece, Ava noticed Nayami speaking to a employee. Thankfully, she won't be noticing her promiscuous purchase. The lady at the counter scanned the large bikini without much thought, and Ava cashed out with a small black plastic bag in hand. Walking to her friend, she discovered the voluptous woman had three pairs of bikinis in her arms.
"Nami! Let's go, I'm done shopping." Ava pressured.
"Okie, okie, lemme buy these."
"Don't you have enough to wear?" Ava joked, looking at her friends exposed flesh.
"Well, I suppose I just got this like yesterday. I'll come back and get these later if you're that much in a rush to try your new bikini." she returned the items. The two quickly stepped out of the cool store, and into the powerful sun above.

"Wanna hit the beach now?" Nayami asked, shielding her eyes from the sun. "What did you get from there?"
"I got a new bikini, of course." Ava answered, clutching the bag close to her. "We'll head back to the resort, so I can change."
"Why not at one of the many bathrooms? We're already down here, why do we have to go back?"
"Because I like to change privately, those bathrooms are disgusting." the blonde retorted.
"Gee, if you're that concerned, you can find a private family bathroom. They are much better and cleaner than the large ones."
The couple crossed the street, heading for the coast and continuing their discussion, "Look, I just want to not deal with others, okay?" Ava argued.
"Well, we're almost at the beach," Nayami pointed, "Look over there! Private bathroom and changing rooms!" In the distance, a concrete building containing multiple doors loomed ahead. The sexy friend skipped and jogged to one of the doors. "Ah family restroom, and it's vacant!" she opened the door, "Look, it's nice and large, with a mirror too, with nobody around to share it with, okay, miss scaredy pants?"
With those prospects, Ava couldn't disagree, as Nayami's peer pressure won the debate.

"Alright, I'll go in," the skinny lady sighed, stepping inside the bathroom. "You can shut the door, I'm gonna change privately, and use the restroom as well." Ava ordered. Nayami winked back and released the door, letting it shut so she could lock it. The woman looked around for a surface to place her belongings, opening the baby changing station, she placed her beach bag and new bikini on it. The room was eerily dead silent, the only sounds produced was the quiet respiration she produced. The concrete walls echoed each footstep her flip flops created. Ava opened the beach bag, pulling out a bottle of water, and the two 'Sweet Dreams' Vials. Her heart rumbled loudly as her erotic thoughts began to cloud her mind.

"It-it's time for the world to see the real me..." she cooed, "...oh... I'm gonna be so huge!"
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how alcohol would affect the sweet dreams
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