Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 19 - living large at the beach (part 2)

The young blonde cracked open the bottle of water, placing it down the plastic surface of the baby changing station. The two vials reflected back, calling, daring to be used. She picked up the bottle and dropped four milliliters worth of 'Sweet' Into the water, closing it, and shaking the mixture up. A knock on the door alerted her, Ava turned around and opened the door,
"Hey, you doin' alright?" Nayami asked.
"Y-yeah. Just gonna-gonna do the number two, it'll be a few minutes, okay?"
"T.M.I. Ava, just do it."
The blonde closed and locked the door, the conversation distracted her erotic trance. The more she thought, the more difficult it was to simply choose - To indulge in her fantasy, or remain normal. Ava imagined all the reactions, all the eyes that would see her for what she is, wants to be. The conflicting thoughts started to burn in her psyche.

Arms pressed against the restroom sink, Ava could feel the pulse of the heart beating through the hands. Staring in the mirror, her blue eyes twitched in conflict. Butterflies in her stomach desperately wanted to escape, as her breathing became more intense by the second. Her heart wanted to just let go, to drink the magical liquid and be over with it. Her erotic desires demanded resolve.
But the thought in her mind, "Would it be worth it?" kept repeating. "You'll be fine, Ava, you'll be fine," she huffed, returning to the plastic changing station. Pulling the giant swimming wear out from its' bag, Ava felt the tingle of pleasure once more, pressing the silky smooth fabric against the skin. With that, her mind was made - it was time to sweeten her body up.

Ava picked up the bottle, and held it up to her mouth,
"Bottom's up," she took a large swig of the mixed drink. Looking at herself, she realized her original swim top and bottom were still on.
"Crap crap crap!" Ava fumbled with the bikini bottom ties and loosened the panties, dropping them to the ground. But, not soon after, a strong vibration feeling slammed her.
"Sheeitttt!" Ava cursed, twisting her arms behind her neck to untie the first part of her navy top. The vibration sensation transitioned to a mild tickle as the 'Sweet' drug started to take its' toll on Ava's figure. "Oh, no-no-no..." she attempted to unclasp the bikini hooks, her quickly thickening body started to strain the swimwear's fabric.
"All...most there..." she huffed, releasing the tension, and jettisoning the bra onto the floor. Soon after, the effects of the water dwindled, Ava was thankful her favorite bikini didn't share the same fate as her other articles of clothing.

Ava felt familiar with her now vastly overweight body. Every part of her body had swelled with adipose, her belly folded, spilling onto her hips and thighs. Her upper arms developed loose, hanging flesh, resting against her now softball sized breasts. Each thigh now fought for space as she lightly waddled to mirror to reflect on the changes.
"I must be around 250 pounds..." Ava speculated, fondling her fatty body. "Oh..." Ava revealed in the weight of it all, her groin becoming damp in the process. Pulling out the gigantic bikini top, even at her current size, it wasn't enough to properly wear it, hanging and draping from her boobs. The bottoms shared a same fate, unable to be even worn, even at her now obese figure. The woman couldn't help but to grope and play with her fatty form.
"Ohhhhhh...." she whispered lustfully, "I'm getting so fat!" smacking her flabby stomach, and lifting it up and down, bouncing against the fupa.

"I need to drink more!" Ava voiced, popping open the bottle of water and taking another large gulp, leaving a fourth of the bottle left. The fat lady sat on the toilet, spreading her thick thighs apart, her pussy drooled of moisture, as her sex drive demanded to be answered. Just like before, the vibration returned, stronger and pleasurable than ever before. Ava thrusted her fingers into herself,
"Ah, Ah!" she cooed, keeping her voice down, "I'm getting fatter! Oh, I'm turning into such a PIG!" she voiced within as her belly began to consume her thighs, overlapping her masturbating hand, bearing it's weight caused massive quakes to reverberate all over the rest of her growing body. Such feelings exacerbated her carnal pleasure to new heights.

As she swelled with fat, her new bikini started to properly fit around her breasts and back. "Oh! OH!" Ava moaned, realizing this, she climaxed just as the effects of 'Sweet' water quelled. The large woman groaned as her mind slowly recovered from such a sexual experience. Once her eyes finally focused, she looked at her new, morbidly fat form. Her wobbly arms rested against her double belly, where multiple folds and rolls extended to her back. Ava felt her breasts, as they 'just' fit the tube top-like bikini, the fabric loosely fit. Ava heaved herself up, with the assistance of the handrail beside the toilet. Her juices dripped onto the floor, as her rear and vagina had grown past the toilet seat.
"Oh, I really came hard there..." she voiced in her mind, embarrassed, but with a smile.

With each time she returned to her obese form, came more confidence when working with hundreds of pounds of fat on her frame. Ava grabbed a bundle of toilet paper and widened her stance to clean underneath her pussy covering belly. It was like her body subconsciously knew, as if it had experienced it before. The incredibly fat blonde then lowered her whole torso, while gripping the side rail, and wiped the excess cum off the stone floor. Afterwards, she heaved with the assistance of her back, arms and legs to return to a standing position.
"Whew... I'm getting better at this..." Ava congratulated herself, adjusting her loose fitting top. She waddled to the sink and mirror, where her bikini bottom and 'Sweet' water remained. Moving in her current form, she estimated that her weight could be around 400 pounds, and her height had pushed well past six feet tall, by the position of the sink and mirror.
"I've gotten quite big... she fondled her belly, slapping it against the sink bowl, almost consuming it. Ava grabbed the bottoms, hooping one foot through one leg hole, precariously bending down and balancing with her arm to hoop the other foot.

Finally able to pull the swimwear up, she hobbled and stumbled, wiggling the fabric around her wide hips and jutting rear. With each sudden movement, her fat bounced and quivered. Once she pulled the other half up, Ava realized the bikini didn't quite fit the way they should, as it pulled up all the way to the crease of her double belly, but not as flush against the skin.
"It's-it's too small..." biting her lip, and placing her fat hand against her chubby cheeks. "That's a shame..." she jokingly said, grabbing the leftover 'Sweet' water. Reflecting on the mirror, Ava smiled with immaturity, "Gee, Ava you've gotten so fat, you're like a whale!" She thought, seductively lowered her underwear, revealing the entirety of her belly, "You should lay off of the donuts..." the humiliating words were now pleasurable to the obese blonde.

"Well TOO BAD! I want to be bigger... and FATTER!" she took another gulp, leaving a small remnant. Ava dropped the bottle in the sink, watching the mirror for the changes. Ava sexually moaned at the powerful, warm, shaking feeling the drug did. She stared at the ceiling, shaking and wobbling herself, basking in her own fattening ego. Her top tightened, now flush and stretched against the skin, fat and loose flesh overflowing around it. The growing woman widens her stance, adjusting her swimming bottoms, as they too, began to fit better. The pleasurable sensation stopped, satisfying not only Ava, but her new bikini set as well.

She heaved a sigh of relief, as the deed was finally done. Ava scanned her almost 500 pound form, paying close attention to her new clothes. Her enormous melons almost overflow from the wavy white tube top, creating a massive valley of cleavage, making Nayami's seem like a small ditch. She fondled them through the fabric, as the bra top rested against her double layered gut, giving support to the titanic mammaries. Looking below, her new swimwear stretched over the belly, but now halfway in between the first and second layer of her expansive stomach. Ava posed in the small mirror, waddling back to see the rest of her lumbering figure. The blonde raised her hands and gently combed out her hair, the sandbag like upper arms swung with each cycle.

The morbidly obese lady found beauty in her new form, her eyes looked vibrant, face more supple, as the skin was full, with no age wrinkles in sight. Her chin, though thicker, still miraculously resisted creating a underlayer, as her neck was subtly wider as well. The breasts, despite growing many times in size, remained in shape, with little separation or drooping, and with little or no effort, cleavage will form. Most of lady's body seemingly had little or no hints of cellulite, though if searched hard enough, some can be found in the most remote areas. The more the fat girl looked at her body, the more satisfied and comfortable she was, as despite being her current size, the skin remained nearly the same as it was before gaining hundreds of pounds.

"Sweet Dreams really does give you the ideal body you want..." she commented to herself, "I'm huge, yet, don't look disgusting... I-I can't believe it, it's like impossible..." Ava pinched her hip, "...but here, it's soo smooth and soft, tender, and comfy!" Ava smothered her lengthy and bulging curves, "I bet some men find me HOT!"
The fat blonde's inner confidence rose, "Yes. Who the hell cares what others think, I'm sexy too!"

A knock on the door stopped Ava's inner soliloquy. It was a reminder that Nayami is awaiting her.
"Welp, time to show the world who the real Ava Nennington is!"
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Stevita 3 years
This has been an adventure from start to finish! Love your cast of characters too. Great story!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will be going on vacation for a few weeks, and I will be out of the country for half of may. When I return I will post the finale of this story! smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I don't have room in the story page to post this, but a huge thanks to everyone who has followed this story so far! I appreciate every like, comment or feedback you all provide! I've never imagined I'd write a novel length story here!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman I'm getting close. Probably around ten or so less chapters. After the main conflict is over, I plan to write an epilogue and move on with the next phase of 'Sweet Dreams'
Theswordsman 5 years
So are you finished with the story or close because that last message made it sound like you were done
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, you'll find out soon enough smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
With her relationship with Patrick i wonder if she'll decide to live with him
Danimal 5 years
I'll be patient. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KayDance, and I look forward to updating it too!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I agree, but who knows what will happen later in the story. (I don't want to spoil things) smiley
Danimal 5 years
WIth some regulations, shouldn't every adult be allowed to be who or what they want to be? Ending the manufacture of Sweet Dreams sounds sad to me.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, No problem!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, glad you love it so far smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@Theswordsman you'll find out next chapter smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@mark good eye, as that point will be resolved in future chapter! smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if he spiked the bbq sauce with sweet dreams to make her bigger.
Mark 5 years
I'm surprised that Ava didn't pick up on the fact that even though Patrick believes Sweet Dreams is bad for the world, that he hasn't reverted to his old self
Danimal 5 years
Things are really heating up. I can't wait for the next chapter. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@bc33, thank you! I love writing this story daily as well!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, I introduced a bit of conflict (literal fighting) and other things. But I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll keep going as usual!
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