Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 3 - living with her desires...

Ava jolted awake with a loud gasp of air. Staring at the ceiling, a strange and ominous feeling hit her, like the world pressing down on her whole form. The young woman's eyes rolled down to be met with bountiful flesh, as far as her eye could see.

"Oh my god..." the blonde whispered, "I, I thought it was all a dream...this can't be true." Her body didn't lie, as it took some effort to raise her arm. "W-wha?" Ava wobbled the hanging fat of her limb, tickling as it slapped against the rest of her body, creating small shockwaves. "Wow..." she blurted, doing the same action on her opposite arm, clapping the fat against the body. Ava couldn't help but to giggle from the jello-like bouncing her body made.

Realizing her immaturity, she stopped. "Wait. I shouldn't be like this. I shouldn't like this!" she attempted to rise up, grunting in pure struggle, "This-this too real... no someone drugged me, what happened yesterday was all a fantasy..."" the oversized woman voiced in shock. Ava looked at her surroundings, noticing a empty glass beside her, and the other glasses on the adjacent table. Her attention, diverted by her cantaloupe sized breasts. The young woman raised her heavy arms and gently lifted her chest flesh. The mammaries she fondled, soft and tender, more than she had ever felt, compared to before. She could only helplessly cover each areola with one arm, her incredibly wide frame prevented a single arm to reach for modesty's sake. Ava giggled at the deep valley of cleavage created by gentle pressing the arms together. "Stop this! Get yourself together girl!" the girl scolded herself. "Hehe... they are nice and shapely..." seductively thinking, then pinched herself in frustration. The simple action drew attention to the immense belly protruding out and below her chest. She grazed herself, feeling each roll and fold the sides of her large body created. The belly had managed to form an large fold down the belly button where the whole index finger could dig in.

Ava shook her head, "Stop! I gotta get up, I can't be doing this..." she said aloud, however the twenty three year old could no longer just 'get up' normally due to her oversized limbs and body. "Oof, I'd forgotten 'bout that already," she whispered, and with that, she methodically rolled, gaining momentum, her flesh folding and rubbing, clapping, and eventually, heaving herself up with all the strength of the arms. "Whew..." she huffed, "That took more work than I expected," she turned around and slid off of the bed.

"WHOA!" Ava almost lost her balance as the center of gravity in her body drastically changed, with the sudden movements. Now in equilibrium, and cheeks flushed pink from exertion, Ava looked at her own body once more, reminding herself of the morbidly obese body she inhabited. Looking at the bed, she noticed another immediate change, "I'm larg-no, I'm taller?" looking at the bed beneath, as her bulbous calves, higher than before. "Okay, girl, this could be worse, you could've been bed bound," she thought, grabbing the glass resting on the bed. The massively overweight woman carefully turned, around, holding her arms out like on a trapeze.

During the movement, a foreign object bothered her. The woman couldn't exactly pinpoint the location, other than down below, between her legs. She maneuvered her fatty arm to the bottom of her gut, slipping it under the pannus, the sensation relieved when thump sound echoed in the room. A foreign object dropped from underneath her belly. Ava instinctively stepped back, "AHH!" yelping as gravity pulled her down, bouncing onto the memory foam bed.

"Shit..." she swore in secrecy. The corner of her eye noticed the silver bullet object on the ground - the vibrator. Feelings of humiliation swept the mind, as she seemingly gotten used to the vibrator inside her fatty folds, or wherever it was. She groaned, as it wasn't hygienic , especially for her well kept and maintained privates. The thought reminded herself of it, lifting her belly with one arm to dig into to feel her vagina with the other, touching the dried up remnants of the fun time with herself.

"GROSS!" the woman yelped, retracting her hand with immediacy. Looking at the linen, proved to her she indeed had plenty of fun in bed. "This is bad..." she thought, crumpling the top sheet into a ball, embarrassed at the matter. The blonde attempted to rise off of the bed, grunting in frustration, rocking back and forth, extending her sandbag-like arms forward, heaving the form out of bed, while almost losing balance. "It's not easy being like this..."

The blonde shifted her leg forward, taking her first true steps in the massive form, forced to shift her legs around the other, like relearning how to walk. Each step seemingly took more effort than the last, as the weight of it all took a toll on the fat girl, as she had only taken a few steps before feeling its' effects. Her feet accidentally grazed the vibrator, "I'll get you...." stopping for a breath, "...later." When finally reaching the door, Ava opened and peered into the kitchen living room chamber. Passing through the doorway, her wide hips grazed the side, just enough to pass through unharmed. The washer and dryer is enclosed in a small closet by the front door. The large woman continued her trek across the room, this time, with a speedier gait. With each stride, the blonde adapted to the new waddle-like walk, all the while distracted by every quiver and bob made with each foot landing. She couldn't help but gaze at her frame, her boobs and belly bounced rhythmically, and mesmerizingly.

Suddenly, all movement halted when her body collided with the closet door. "Oof," she yelped, both arms and belly saved her face from collision. Opening the door, Ava placed the sheet in the washer, leaning forward past the boobs and belly to adjust the settings. The cold metal touching her stomach sent chills and goosebumps. Once done, she dropped the sample detergent powder, and started the cycle. "Phew..." the twenty three year old rubbed her belly instinctively. The incredibly fat woman stretched her arms and jiggled her body with a overly loud yawn. Exciting emotions spun in her mind once more, secretly reveling in her flesh's pleasurable responsiveness. Ava distracted the attention from her body with the vials on the table, slowly lumbering to it. The obese blonde picked up the 'Dreams' vial, and inspected it, remembering the tidbit she read before.
"Psh, why would I want to keep this?" she said, slapping her fat belly. However, no amount of convincing could stop the darkest thoughts from fighting back. However, one thought prevailed over the rest, one with immediacy - the restroom called.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I wanted to mix things up, and introduce new characters, and expand the world a bit. But there will be more good stuff!
Danimal 5 years
I'm looking forward to more erotica. The drama's not really for me, but still great story. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@PrimusFeeder, Thanks soo much for the compliment! I enjoy writing this story as much as people read it. Glad I could entertain you for a bit before bed. smiley
PrimusFeeder 5 years
This is a great story and I love seeing a new page each day when I'm getting off work and about to head to sleep
Danimal 5 years
No worries. smiley I'll send them to you in a private message.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I have already a general plot planned for the story, if you have any interesting ideas, I don't mind hearing them. But to keep the story, an actual story, (not a blog) I need to follow the plot I am going to make. Thank you for the offer/help tho
Danimal 5 years
Awesome smiley Mind if I suggest things to add?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU, I'm thrilled you find it so! I try to write a bit every day (post a chapter a day), and think of interesting ideas and concepts to put down. I sometimes have TOO much fun writing...
Danimal 5 years
So engaging and descriptive. smiley How often do you add to it?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, thanks for your kind words! I don't want to spoil things. lol
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@tablesofachair929 thanks! I'm glad you love it! smiley
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love this story. Makes me consider gaining...
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Nami will end up walking in while she's immobile
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@lpark435 thank you, much more to come!
Lpark435 5 years
Really enjoying this story, interested to see where it goes and who else might gain some lucious curves.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@princessblurmy Glad you enjoy it! The story isn't written in stone, but I plan to bring more drama with weight gain and such.
PrincessBlurmy 5 years
This is great so far, looking forward to see where you take it.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will try to update the story daily if possible, or at least every few days. (I have a busy life lol) So stay tuned on this page for future updates!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I want to thank everyone for all the views and likes this story has been receiving. I will be modifying the story to remove the 'author's note' to streamline things.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, perhaps you'll find out in later chapters. The story is still ongoing. smiley
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