Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 37 - ava's dreams of the future

"Ava..." a male voice called, she opened her eyes to reveal Patrick sliding his clothes back on. "Ava... It's time to get up." he called again, as Ava groaned as she became more alert after a long session of coitus.
"Uh... god..." she moaned, "Damn I'm huge!" yelping as she inspected her new form, jiggling her overlapping belly and grabbing huge handfuls of ass fat. In the short observation, Ava felt sexually heated, noticing the remnants of semen on her breasts and belly, dripping into her flabby creases and underboob.
Patrick placed his arm on her shoulder, distracting the extremely fat blonde from herself, "Let's clean things up Ava. I think we should go and check on the others." he said, grabbing the linen from the bed, and taking it out of the room. His words brought her back to reality as she noticed her expansive form in the mirror.

The twenty three year old rocked herself up to stand, as once again she relived the familiar size she had experienced three times now. Her whole stance, wide and encompassing, Ava waddled toward the mirror, only to trip on an object on the floor.
"Ah!" she screamed, her fatness plopping against the mirror and wall.
"You alright?" Patrick ran into the room to find her precariously maintaining balance. The man's gaze noticed the causality of her near fall. "You tripped on the new scale, Ava." he mentioned.
"Oh!" she blushed, hobbling aside to witness it as well. "My bad, I can't really see things well beneath me, for obvious reasons." the obese lady patted her double belly with both hands. "I'm so happy to be huge again..." she grinned, lifting and plopping her belly on her thighs.
"I would assume you want to know how much you weigh, lady Ava?" the gentleman questioned.
"Of course!" she planted her foot on the scale.
"Hello!" the robotic scale called, then followed with "I'm ready!" after five seconds. The elephantine woman stepped onto the large scale, awaiting its' results.
"Five hundred and ten pounds!" the voice announced.
"Oh, my, god!" she bounced herself up and down, and feeling her immense body react to each jostle. "I'm back to my ideal weight!" she scrunched her arms, elbows and hands together to celebrate, all white Patrick enjoyed the jiggling show in front of him.

It had seemed with each time she returned to extreme obesity, Ava's comfort and confidence within blossomed, as she immediately waddle and gave her love a large overwhelming hug, making Patrick blush hard as he felt every inch of her soft, supple fat pressed against him, and engulfing his chiseled frame.
"Oh, by the way..." the blonde whispered in his ear, "Thanks for such a fun time."
"It was my, and your pleasure, lady Ava." he clenched her tightly and heaved the over five hundred pounds of woman onto the bed, causing a loud cracking sound. She slowly rolled and sat up, giggling like a little girl.
"Oh, Patrick, you sure know how to handle a girl like me!" she lustfully said, "It turns me on just thinking about it again..."
"Now, now, there's always a time and place for that, you should go and wash up, I'll take care of the housekeeping side of things." he left the room once more. She heaved a heavy sigh, and lumbered to the bathroom. "Wait..." Patrick stopped her before she could open the door. "Take this, you'll need it." he handed her a set of clothes, and her 'Extra Hand' tool.
"Thanks." Ava graciously accepted it, opening the door and shifting sideways in the room before closing it. Clutching the fresh linen in her hands, she noticed a object rolled in between. Unraveling the articles on the sink revealed a bottle of water, and the 'Dreams' vial itself.
"'Dreams'... he gave it to me." Ava thought, whilst blushing. The woman recognized the reason why Patrick gave it to her. "I... I have to make a choice now," she looked at her oversized body.
"A figure that would disgust the world, and yet... to me it's perfect." she said in her mind. Her incredibly wide hips easily brushed the walls and door around if she moved slightly enough. "The world isn't made for a woman like me..." the simple observations made her grin, "Too bad. I like this..." she raised her large breasts, "I'll never have boobs like these. Without sweet dreams, I wouldn't have such chubby, yet shapley face like I do right now." Ava coaxed her thick chin, and in some angles the double chin she had wouldn't be noticeable. "This body... it's all I ever wanted, and all I care about now." she unscrewed the small water bottle. "The old Ava is gone, and a new chapter, a new Ava begins, one of enjoyment, and pleasure and confidence!"

The quarter ton woman mixed the water with ten drops of 'Dreams', shaking it up and creating bright orange mixture, filled with potency. "This is it... no turning back after I drink this. No way I will reasonably lose all this weight. I'll remain like this forever, fat..." she raised her apron belly, slapping it onto the sink, "...and happy." opening the bottle and chugging it down in its' entirety. Ava stared at the mirror and waited for some sort of reaction. Suddenly, a painful tightness shot into her gut, forcing her to rest on her elbows, cringing in pain.
"Ah! Sheeeeiiiit!" the quarter ton woman collapsed onto the floor, her bulging ass collided with the door, breaking and forcing it open, plopping flat onto the ground like gelatin.
"Ava! You're alright? Ava!" Patrick called, running into the room, grabbing her from the floor, and taking her to the bed once more.
"It hurts!" she cried, desperately massaging her belly to ease the pain.
"Let me help..." he wrapped his hand around her face and hair, and then used his other to press down on her belly, massaging it in a circular motion. "You're going to be fine, my love, it's just the side effects..." the man couldn't help but fondle and play with the woman's belly as he massaged, lifting it up and down, letting it fall bounce off of her thighs. He watched as Ava's pain and suffering eased, transitioning into a smile. "My beautiful Ava..." Patrick's eyes grew emotional, "I feel the strong urge to keep you safe, and seeing you in pain, hurts me as well." he honestly said.
"I'm-I'm feeling better now." she reached for him, "Let me see your face." Patrick lowered himself, allowing her to graze his sharp jawline. "For the moment there, I saw the old you..." she smiled, and leaned for a kiss, "I love you, Patrick." She then suddenly forcefully pressed his face against hers as the two lovers broke out into a full blown make out session.

Eventually, the man released himself, stepping back. "Lady Ava, I'm glad I met you, I never imagined you'd be the woman I'd adore."
Ava then said, "Me either... but it's strange, I had a dream that night I met you."
"What was it about?" he asked.
The corpulent blonde blushed intensely, "You want to know?"
"Of course. Some say dreams are a window to an idealized world you want to live in, hence where 'Sweet Dreams' gets' its inspiration from." he responded.
"It was of me on a bed, well, immobile." she scratched her head embarrassingly, "I-I was bedbound, and my friend Marcy said we had a good time last night. Then suddenly you show up, and we were engaged in the dream." she retold.
"Oh, engaged eh. Now that's a little too fast if I were to judge."
"That's the thing, I don't know if it's' some sort of premonition or not, or its my mind saying that my soulmate was the guy I met the one time at my door. All of this feels surreal, like it was meant to be, and the dream seemingly looked into my future."
"I theorize that 'Sweet Dreams' do perhaps change and decide our fate and destiny, as fortune has favored me. Anything else from that dream you're willing to share?"
"Well, I mean, I had caretakers come over and claim that my health was really good despite my size, and my family and friends accepted who I've become. In that dream, I felt at ease, by everyone... and accepted the fact that I could never leave the bed again. As much as that dream was nice and all, and could be a look into my future, I just don't want to be immobile."
"I understand." Patrick held his hand out, and Ava gripped it, heaving her up on her feet. "If you desire to remain at independent like you are right now, I promise, I'll keep you like that." he assured. "Let's get you cleaned up now, I've started a load in your clothes washer, and tidied up the kitchen."

The couple entered the tiny bathroom. The two felt claustrophobic as Ava's immense body constantly bumped and brushed against her lover. She lowered herself onto the shower bench, as Patrick turned on the faucet, and prepping the shower brush with soap.
"You're gonna give me full cleaning?" she winked, "You're too kind."
"Of course, nothing makes me happier than to see you smile." he replied.
Ava felt assured by his words, though at the same time, she felt like he may be too overbearing at times, as the gentleman began to spray her with warm water.
"I'm quite thrilled you got a handicap shower." Patrick commented.
"Yeah, it's nice for lazy girls like me who don't want to stand." the fat girl replied, assisting the partner with her cleaning by lifting the belly, folds, and breast meat. The hefty blonde couldn't help but look at her new boyfriend as he cleaned, amazed at the attention to detail at cleaning her.
"This isn't your first time doing this...right?" Ava asked, after Patrick finished washing the soap off of her body.
"No, it isn't. Remember I said a while ago I met some large women, well, I helped one of them out cleaning themselves."
"You're doing such a wonderful job." Ava kissed him, "I could've done it myself however, I'm not that helpless."
He looked down nervously, attempting to remain composed, "Thank you, lady Ava," turning off the shower, the muscle man the picked up the towel. "Let's get you dressed so we can see our friends."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how alcohol would affect the sweet dreams
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