Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 38 - stunning discovery...

With the assistance of her boyfriend, Ava was swiftly dried and dressed, now clad in her shoulder exposed white shirt, black leggings, and new bariatric support shoes. Slinging her proportionally small purse around her shoulder, she met Patrick in the living room.
"Ready to go?" he asked, "What did you forget back there in your room?"
"Just making sure I have everything for the day. You mentioned about getting breakfast while helping me get dressed."
"That's correct, lady Ava, there's a local diner outside the resort, that serves their award winning buttermilk pancakes. Best of all, bottomless too."
"Mmmm, looking forward to it already" Ava enthusiastically licked her tongue.
"Let's go, love." he held his hand out. Ava looked at it, and realized he wanted to court her to the destination. She gently grabbed his hand and he led the way out of her resort room.

"Lady Ava, how are you handling yourself?" the gym clothes clad man mentioned, as the two walked to the elevator.
"I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." she answered, "I've grown quite accustomed to having hundreds of pounds of additional weight on me like this." she patted her hips and belly satisfyingly.
"I'm impressed how well you carry yourself, I've seen and been with women who are as large as you, and they don't seem to be as happy and satisfied, especially with walking.
"Well, this is what I want... I can't say I regret it yet. Perhaps it's the magical drug that's changing my mind to like this, or it's just me wanting to be big and huge, I can't really explain why other than its' 'Sweet Dreams'."
The two entered the elevator, "I need to switch clothes, and check on Anna, then we'll go and visit the others." Patrick pressed the PH button. He gazed at the enormous woman curiously, "Do you ever feel the urge to sit down more frequently when you're like this?"
"I mean, I suppose, but that's because I get rather tired quickly from walking in general. Short walks like this, isn't too bad. Now after you fed me that one time and I got even fatter, then yeah, short walks were pretty taxing on me. But right now, I'd say I'm pretty mobile and fine, and I like it that way." she responded.

The elevator doors opened, "Well, Lady Ava all it matters for me, is that you're happy and comfortable. I ask that question so I can understand your limits and ability." he stepped out of the elevator first and walked towards his room.
Ava hastily waddled to catch up to the partner, "Oh trust me, I feel like even if you see me stressed physically, I'll do my best to keep up. This... fatness won't stop me for anything, if anything I like the challenge of being this big..." she lowered her voice embarrassingly, "...and well, the sexual pleasure I get from it as well." she was already mildly out of breath from the quickened pace.
"I can't say that I'm proud of your determination, Lady Ava. I think you'll be very happy at your current size then." Patrick congratulated, opening the penthouse door. The two stepped in, Patrick quickly noticed something different about his place. "Something's up, the light... it's off. I don't shut off the entrance light..." he immediately moved towards the bedrooms, with Ava stopping at the kitchen, curious about what's got her boyfriend concerned.

The gentleman immediately ran back to the kitchen, "Ava! She's gone!" he decreed in absolute shock, "Someone took her!" he yelled, he then punched the table beside him, snapping it in two, "They fucking got her! How in the hell..."
Ava was horrified by the news, "How did they get inside without breaking in?" she waddled to the bedroom to witness the discovery herself, noticing the agitated bedsheets on the floor.
"I don't know, other than the light there's nothing else but her bedroom that was disturbed by the invasion." Patrick met with her in the room.
A note caught Ava's attention, placed by the TV stand clothes dresser. "I found this," she handed it to Patrick.
"I've warned you before not to meddle with my affairs, and now you've kidnapped MY son. Your days are numbered, Jonathan Willow. You have twenty four hours to bring him back, you know the address," he read aloud. "Damn. He's taken her to his manor. We've got to check on the others!" Patrick moved to another bedroom while Ava checked her phone, dialing Nayami's phone number..

"Hello?" she answered, as Ava heaved a sigh of relief.
"Nami, you okay over there?" the blonde asked with immediacy, lowering her fat rear onto the bed.
"Yeah? Why? You sound worried, Ava, and out of breath." the friend questioned.
"Anna's been kidnapped."
"WHAT!?" Nayami screamed, as Ava could hear Rebecca's voice in the background, equally as concerned.
"Yes, it's true. Someone broke into the penthouse and snatched her, probably someone hired by your dad. The bigger discovery is that they know you're here, and by you, I mean Vinny you. They think Patrick is responsible for your disappearance."
"B-but I haven't got anything from my parents, no phone call, text message, nada.... What gives? I should, no, I can't call them! They wouldn't think its' me! Now that Anna is gone, I can't change back!" Nayami frustratingly voiced
Ava then asked, "You've taken a permanent dose?"
"Yes, I thought, if we needed Vinny again, Anna could change me back!" she explained.
"Now, we're stuck like this..." the obese lady shook her head, "I too took a permanent amount. I have a feeling Patrick wants you to confront your father... wait! I hear him coming!"

"Ava!?" Patrick called, "Who are you talking to?" he entered the room, clad in tight black tuxedo, "Is it them?"
"It's Nayami. They are fine down there... I'll turn speaker on." Ava answered, tapping the speakerphone setting.
"H-hello?" Nayami announced to the two.
"Yes, Nayami?" Patrick sat down to speak.
"Yep that's me, I heard what just happened." the phone answered, "My father did this... took her."
The man heaved a heavy exhale, "Yes, and now the clock is ticking. He must've hired a group of people, somehow unlocked the door, and kidnapped her."
"Oh my god, and now we're going to have to rescue her?" she voiced.
"I..." Patrick paused in deep thought, visibly conflicted, "We have to...I'll do anything to free Anna. She's too important, not only to your father, but to me as well." he rose from the bed, "We're going to have to go now, there's no time to waste. Stay put in room and we'll meet you there," he ended the phone call.
"You hung up..." Ava stated the obvious, "Why, we could've talked more?"
"We don't have much time on our side, if we're quick, we can infiltrate his manor without much resistance, get Anna, and take out Joseph, if possible." he held his hand out for Ava to help her up.
She stood, "You mean you're going to kill him?"
"It's me. Or him. It's simple as that. We came to an agreement, and I broke it in his eyes. Once the deed is done, we'll transform Nayami into Vinny, so he can claim inheritance of his lab and company. It's the only way we'll get the happy ending here." he drew close to her, "If not..." Patrick kissed Ava, "...it was nice to share my last day with you, my love."

The words that came from his mouth left Ava with worrisome eyes, "P-Patrick don't say that! I don't want you to die! I'll...I'll be by your side! I love you!" she yelped.
"That's the Ava that I saw before..." he smiled, "Going out of your way to save the ones she cares most. Despite your appearance, I feel like you're going to save my skin a few times." he held his hand out for her once more, "I got everything I need here, lets go. Hopefully the next time we return, it'll be all five of us, enjoying a nice dinner," the strongman guided his extremely obese girlfriend out of the penthouse.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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