Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 5 - temptation needs fulfillment

Ava moved to the dining table, and grabbed the vials of 'Sweet Dreams'. She couldn't help but be conflicted, the mystical medicine did what was advertised, and knowing the end result of consuming the liquid. Once again, her mind flashed back to her obese self, where in that size, she mirrored or larger than her best friend. Ava grazed her flat belly, imagining the folds and flab of being over four hundred pounds. It felt, euphoric to the blonde. Her hand drifted to the chest, cupping her breasts, recalling how pleasurable it was to fondle the tender flesh that enveloped each hand. Then, she moved lower, to the bikini bottom, grazing around her crotch, recalling the wave of erotic pleasure she felt simply touching it when it was much larger.

Ava picked up the "Sweet" vial and extracted a small amount with the dropper, and opened her mouth subconsciously to consume it. Before she pressed the dropper, a knock on the front door stopped the action. Flustered, she quickly returned the dropper and covered it up in its' paper bag. Opening the door, a man in a tight black blazer and dress pants greeted the lady. The muscle bound, long wavy haired male stared down at the smaller Ava.

"Why ello madame, my name is Patrick Mahone... Oh, were you busy with something, my apologies." the caucasian man recognized her irritated face.
"No, no, I was just cleaning. Yeah, cleaning before heading to the beach."
"Ah, I see. Well, I won't take your time. Have a jolly mornin'" he stated, turning away.
"No, I'm sorry, what did you want?" Ava inquired.
"I was just going hand you a complimentary ten dollar credit to the Shore Bar in the resort," he pulled out a small gift card, handing it to her. The man's incredibly large arms and shoulder muscles distracted Ava, as it strained the blazer's sleeves.
"Yeah, for free?"
"Complements of the resort."
"Very well," she accepted.
"May I add, It's good for two visits, so please do come down. I recommend getting the Valaris Sea Slide, I think it'll be perfect for a woman like you."
"Alright, alright, thank you, Patrick. I, I have to go now."
"Very well, have a nice morning, I didn't get your name?"
"Have a jolly good morning, Ava, I look forward to your patronage." The swave man bidded farewell as she closed the door.

Heaving a stressed sigh, she returned to the two vials on the table, and the temptation to let loose, returned. Standing in stupor, something caught her eye in the living room window, moving to peek through. A overweight woman stood on a balcony in the opposite tower. Her rotund belly hung downwards as she rested against the side rails. Clad in a overtly tight two piece bikini, Ava became amazed at her lack of self modesty, others stood in their respective balconies for all to see. Then a muscular bearded man met the lady, hugging and kissing each other, the male partner subtly caressing her fatness. Ava felt empty after seeing the scene, quickly replaced by devious thoughts she looked at her own blue bikini. Slowly her stomach, breasts, arms and legs grew, popping the two piece of the body, with an extra set of hands groping her flesh. She cooed in pleasure, returning to reality. The blonde now had a plan in mind, to live her deepest desires, and make it into a reality.


Now clad in a green tank top, jeans and tennis shoes, Ava slammed her car door shut, turning the ignition on. She drove out of the resort's parking garage, destination: Tanger Outlets. Upon a google search, she quickly found many plus size clothing stores in the outlet mall - and she's going to pay them a visit. After only a twenty minute drive, she parked in close proximity to the first store in the list: Curves. The harsh summer sun flashed on Ava's pale skin, forcing her to apply a layer of sunscreen on her exposed flesh. While smothering herself, she slapped her legs playfully, wanting the skin to jiggle, only to be disappointed. The twenty three year old bit her lip and headed for the store. Entering, a wave of cool air blasted her. It was almost too cold for the skinny woman, as she hugged herself for warmth.

"Good morning, or wait, afternoon! Welcome to Curves!" a woman greeted from the distance. Ava anxiously turned left and hid around the clothes tree, hoping the employee wouldn't follow. In the moment, her azure eyes caught a pretty top. She stepped back to survey, wherein the white silky fabric reflected charmingly back. She picked it up, feeling the cool, thin fabric, shoulder revealing neckline, whilst maintaining its' shirt sleeves. It was love at first sight for the blonde, instinctively pressing it against her body.

"This is absolutely huge!" she thought in awe, as it blanketed over her torso comically.
"Hi!" a voice greeted, Ava hurriedly threw the top back on the clothes tree. Anxious thoughts raced through her mind, "Did she see me do that?"
"I see you're interested in this right here," the female employee raised the same article piece. "I know you smaller folks are jealous of some of the styles we have here, but don't worry, our sister store next door, 'Fabriikk' may have something similar."

Ava's hands clamored with sweat, heart racing, "Uh, actually I was shopping for a friend here. I'd think she'd like that."
"Well, I can certainly help. The size right here is actually one of our larger sizes, six."
"Wait, six?"
"We like to keep our numbers low, y'know so people like me don't get too self conscious."
"I see, I think I can find the right size from here, thanks." Ava attempted to dismiss the employee.
"Let me know if you need any help then," she turned away, heading for the register. Ava heaved a sigh of relief as she could return to her own thoughts. Looking at the same white top, she reached into the clothes tree, inspecting each size. Size 0-S is the smallest in the lot, still too large for her to wear. However, she imagined it would be appropriate for someone around the 200 pound weight class. Returning it, she checked the increasing size, as the largest size is ten. She picked sizes nine and ten, satisfied with the selection.

At the checkout, the same clothier scanned the two pieces of clothing.
"Ah, I see indecisive eh?" she commented.
"Yeah, uh, she's just gonna have to return one of them, or keep both. I don't know her exact size," Ava nervously replied.
"Well, letting you know, we have a thirty day no questions asked return policy, just keep the receipt."
"Oh good."
"Your total is 73.45, will that be cash or card?"
Ava, stunned at the price, pulled her wallet out to pay with card. "Gee, fat girls have it hard," she thought, "For TWO things!"
The transaction completed alert rang, as the cashier handed the receipt, and the bagged clothes to the blonde.
"Thank you! Please, come again," the employee bidded farewell, as did Ava, exiting the shop.

"This is gonna get expensive." Ava said to herself, heading for the next shop, 'Leggings United'. Before entering, her attention caught wind of a mannequin, with a overtly formed rear, accentuated by the form fitting black cotton leggings on it. Inside, an emporium of various tights and leggings displayed prominently in all four corners of the small store. In the center, the 'pay here' sign displayed in large bold text. Once again, Ava was greeted by an employee of the store, but this time, she dismissed the person immediately. The young woman scanned for the plus sized section, moving to utmost corner of the store, where various sizes ranging from XL to 6X were held. She grabbed the 6X size with extra stretch fabric, as it was absolutely humongous compared to her. The woman didn't waste any time and payed the 61.43 price tag.

Next store, 'Passione' - a bra store specializing in larger busts. Stepping into the overtly purple themed store, thousands of bras overwhelmed the sight. Fortunately for the girl, the sizings for bust and cup were neatly organized, and without much thought, headed off to her desired section. As Ava hurriedly navigated through the aisles, she collided with another woman, knocking her to the ground. The victim immediately rose, her appearance, alarming to the twenty three year old.
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Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder how alcohol would affect the sweet dreams
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