Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 41 - joseph's experiment on ava

The young woman feared what would happen next, with many thoughts ran across her mind. She worried about her friends not coming to rescue her - or worse - Joseph discovering her secret intentions. Looking at her oversized roll filled form, an additional dose of 'Sweet Dreams' would render her immobile, making it impossible for her to leave. Ava messaged her concerns to Patrick.
"Don't worry love, we're looking for a way in from the outside..." Ava read her smartphone screen. A knock on the door, followed by a man in baby blue scrubs entered the room.
"Hello, miss Sarah Smith?" he inquired.
"My name is John, and I will be escorting you to your next destination." he introduced.
"O-okay." Ava rocked up and met with the man, leaving the small examination room. She was guided down a lengthy hall, and into large plain white room, akin to an isolation chamber. Inside, a simple metal barstool chair and table with a large greyed display window on one side.
"What are we doing next?" Ava asked, having a seat on the uncomfortable chair, the metal creaked with the full brunt of her weight.
"This is where you'll receive your first dose of 'Sweet Dreams', Joseph will be coming in shortly to describe the process to you."
"I take it I'm healthy then?"
"Your lab results were pretty good, impressive even. Other than your weight and extreme obesity, you're fine. Joseph has given the all clear. He will step in and speak to you further. Any other questions?"
"N-no..." Ava said, her gut clenching as one of her many fears could become a reality. The lab worker left the room, leaving her to absorb the dead silence.

She immediately pulled out her phone and messaged Patrick of her location, and what will eventually happen, as soon as it was sent, the door opened, Ava quickly slid the phone in her purse once more.
"Sarah?" Joseph called, stepping in and meeting her on the other side of the table. "I'm here to fulfill your 'Sweet Dreams'. Typically the cost of this drug is expensive, but all your fees will be waived with consent on a little deal that I will propose...."
"Deal?" the obese blonde questioned.
"Yes, I want to... how will I put it, do a test on you. You see, with your, um, size, we might be able to fulfill your desires without the drug itself. If it works, everything will be free of charge, and I'll even compensate generously for it. Does that sound good or what?"
"I mean... no 'Sweet Dreams'?" she asked.
"Yep, with this therapy, there will be no need for that, Sarah. There's little or no risk to it either, except that it might not work. If you still desire it, then I will be happy to fulfill your wishes."
"If that's the case, then I'll do it." Ava responded.
"That's what I like to hear. In a few minutes, I'll bring our therapist in, be aware, we'll be watching you through the window behind me, recording and witnessing the results."

After Joseph left the room, Ava critically thought who could be the therapist he had mentioned. Putting the past events together, she realized he was planning to bring Anna to her. Pulling out her phone once more, Ava relayed the revelation to Patrick, in hopes he'll arrive to rescue them.
"Got it...we'll be there soon, when the outdoor patrol changes shifts." she read the reply given by him. The twenty three year old sighed, as her help could be dozens of minutes away. Sitting on the vastly undersized chair hurt the quarter ton woman's ass, as it felt like sitting on a small post, as her adipose flesh greatly flooded around the seat. An idea she had in mind was to tackle Joseph himself, and hold him down with her weight, until Patrick comes and rescues her. However, the plan was too risky as a security guard could hurt her, and free him.

The woman's plotting was cut short with Joseph entering the room once more. "We're ready to proceed, Sarah. Now, I want your complete participation for this to work, so follow instructions and everything will go smoothly."
"Okay." Ava nodded, as Joseph knocked on the door, and with that, Ava's suspicions were actualized with Anna and a security guard entering the room. The angelic girl was still in her pajamas, blindfolded, her body language displayed a neutral and emotionless demeanor.
"Have her sit beside Sarah." Joseph ordered, dragging the chair to the 500 pound woman, and forcing her to have a seat.
"There's no doubt that's Anna..." Ava thought, "...should I say something? Ask him about her? No, Anna knows my voice and give away my fake identity."
"Sarah, this is Anna, she's the therapist that will help you." Joseph introduced. He stepped by the girl's ear, "Anna, this is Sarah, she's very sick, can you use your talents to heal her?" he politely asked.
"Can I see her?" Anna's voice trembled.
"No, she's too sick...remember what I said?"
"Y-yes..." Anna sadily agreed.
"Now, Sarah, turn and face her, and allow her to touch your forehead, don't question it, just follow my command." Joseph ordered.
Ava nodded, and shifted herself to face the miracle girl, heart racing at the fact the girl she came here for is sitting in front of her, the large woman wanted to say something, anything, but with all the considerations in her mind - her hidden identity, her safety, Anna's safety, and the potential chance at money - she remained silent.

"You may begin Anna, please stand up and touch her head. She's a bit tall, and big so reach for the stars!" the creator ordered.
The girl rose, her hands began to glow, blindly aiming her palms for Ava's head. She eventually found flesh, in the form of Ava's puffy neck, eventually grasping her cheek, and finally her forehead.
The oversized blonde felt a dizzying sensation, as the world moved around her ever so slightly. The causality of such feeling was from her body swiftly shrinking - her mind attempting to calibrate itself to the change. In the confusion, Ava noticed Joseph's eyes glow with wonder.
"Anna, you may stop! You did it! You healed her!" He congratulated.
"I-I did!?" Anna voiced, grasping the blindfold, attempting to remove it, managing to peek out, before Joseph stopped her.
"Now, now, I didn't say you could uncover yourself..." he lightly scolded, "Let's get you back to your room," he hurriedly ordered the security guard to escort her out.
Anna was swiftly removed from the room, "B-but I know! I know her! That's AV-" the door closed before she could finish the sentence.
"Sarah, how do you feel?" Joseph asked, as Ava's vision and balance returned to normal. The twenty three year old was now back to her normal, 130 pound, five foot eight self. The current attire she wore slid off her shoulders, as the only way to remain modest was to be seated with the oversized clothes. Her blue eyes scanned her body, confirming the changes.
"I'm skinny..." she voiced.
"Isn't this what you've dreamed of?" the man added.
"Well, I mean yes..." Ava almost gave her secret away.
"Hmm, you don't seem that enthusiastic about it...but you got your wish anyways. Tell you what..." he dug into his pocket, extracting insulin pen like medication, handing it over. "This will solve all of your bodily issues. In your hand is the purest form of 'Sweet Dreams' and with one injection, your dream body will come to life."
Ava remembered Patrick's origin and the 'Sweet Dreams' injection. "Sarah, when you use it, you'll never have to worry about getting fat ever again, and it comes with the added benefit of enhancing your features that you really want in your body." he added. The lady stared at the injection pen and at Joseph himself. "Go ahead, use it. You've got nothing to fear. We have trained medical professionals in the standby if anything happens." he calmly said.

Ava's mind raced she knew what would happen if she were to inject herself, she needed a excuse to not take it. Though in the back of her mind, if the circumstance allowed, she would. "I-I can't..." Ava said, conflicted.
"Why not?" Joseph asked.
"I don't think it's the right time for it... I feel a bit woozy right now." she lied, resting her hand on the forehead.
"Then let's test your bio-metrics to be safe. Sarah, please rest your arms on the table so you don't fall off." he ordered, before taking off out of the room. Ava clandestinely slid the pen in her purse, just before Mr. Newman returned with Taylor pushing a medical cart.
"Dr. Calloway, we need a set of vitals stat." he ordered. The doctor immediately wrapped a blood pressure cuff on Ava's smaller arm, sliding a finger probe on to find out her heart rate. The woman then grabbed a thermometer to and inserted into the twenty three year old's mouth.
After the simultaneous tests were done, Taylor announced, "Blood Pressure: 137 over 80, heart rate 82, oxygen 98 percent, 14 respirations, and 98 degrees temperature."
"She's fine, but I would like her to be taken to one of the bedrooms to rest, I don't need her in the lab anymore. I'll take care of the cart for you." Joseph ordered, "Taylor, do you mind taking her over to one of the bedrooms?"
"Of course, Mr. Newman." she agreed.
"Oh, and get her some clothes too."
"Will do," the doctor nodded, "Sarah, please follow me."

Ava picked up her purse and clutched her ill fitting clothes tightly, desperately keeping herself covered. As she was guided out of the room, she thought of Patrick and the others, if they were even coming, or worse, got captured. The woman then considered the positives of what had just transpired, smirking at the fact that she might be paid a lump sum of money for the successful experiment, and have a fresh permanent dose of 'Sweet Dreams' on top of it. However, the ride for her wasn't over, as her mission still needed to be accomplished one way or another, and her hero might show up anytime.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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