Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 45 - aftermath (part 1)

A persistent ring lingered in Ava's hearing; a repercussion of a firearm discharge in an enclosed space. Now that Joseph had been subdued, Ava looked behind her to see Patrick's body in the distance, with Karah regaining her consciousness. Next she glanced over to Nayami, whom appeared to be still breathing. Realizing the current situation, A wave of emotion slammed her, breaking into complete tears, sobs, and hyperventilation. Seeing her companions get shot was hard enough, but at the same time her fattening body was forced to end a person's life. She attempted to roll off of Joseph, rocking back and forth, successfully plopping off of the body, and landing right next to Nayami. During the process, all of her clothes tore apart, exploding and leaving most of her body bare skinned. The stress of it all was unbearable for her, as now she was practically immobile, and naked.

"A-Ava..." a weak voice called, her blue eyes searched for the source. "Ava, you...you okay?" Nayami attempted to sit up, moaning in tremendous pain. "Ah! Damn..."
"I'm okay..." Ava sucked in through her nostrils, "But your father..." she looked at the father's body. "...I don't know if he's alive..."
The friend slid beside her, to get a better view of her father, "I... I can't believe that he would shoot me... try to kill me." sadness slammed the Newman offspring, after realizing the clammy pale appearance of Joseph.
Karah stepped to the two, "He did this to himself, Vin...he did this to himself..." the mother stepped to her transformed son, "Vinny, you're still my boy...no matter what. Let's get some medical help..." she attempted to pull Nayami up to her feet, whilst yelling for assistance, hoping a lab employee would come.
"Patrick..." Ava sobbed, "He needs it the most. He got hit pretty badly."

A pair of footsteps ran into the central room, "Ava! Nayami! Vinny!" a familiar woman called, "Oh my god! Anna! Come quick! We need your help!"
"Rebecca!" Nayami witnessed her and Anna tending to Patrick.
"Oh, nooo..." Anna horrifically voiced, "Patty... no..."
"Anna, don't cry, please, we need you to focus!" Rebecca ensured, kneeling and inspecting the muscle bound man, "He still has a pulse! You can do this! You can save him!"
The miracle girl kneeled at her adoptive father's, attempting to heal the severe gunshot wound. "There, it's no longer there..." she announced, rising up. "...but he's not waking up. Did it not work?"
"Anna, he's still alive, just give him time. He'll come to, I promise!" Rebecca ensured, with a pat on the back.

"Uh, Anna, I could use some help too?" Nayami called. As Anna moved over to her, the group in the room noticed a presence of lab workers and security surrounding them, watching in awe at the magical healing the mystical girl did. Nayami met her in the in the middle.
Anna's hands glowed brightly as she smothered the open shoulder hole. "Nayami... you're not changing back?"
"I know," the voluptuous woman grinned, patting Anna on the shoulder, "...it's alright. Vinny died trying to stop his father from ruining the world, and Nayami lives because of him." she faced her mother, as the wound completely healed, "I'm sorry about all this. In some ways, I feel like this is my fault..."
"No, my son... my Vin Vin." Karah sobbed, "This is all his fault, your father - the love of my life - chose a destructive path, and now I believe I am partially responsible for all this. I-I should've known... I should've stopped him before letting his fanatical visions take over his life."

Ava listened and watched uncomfortably, seemingly unable to get on her feet due to her oversized body, despite many failed attempts. "Um... not to be uh, disruptive, but I could use some help here?"
A bystander stepped beside, "You... you did this to him?" the girl in green scrubs pointed out, "He's dead!"
"If he was pointing a gun at you, what would you do?" Ava retorted, "Sweetie, I'm gonna need more than just you to help me."
"I WILL HELP!" a powerful voice commanded, echoing throughout the chamber. Ava immediately smiled, knowing who it was.
"Patrick..." she muttered in joy, and in the corner of her eye witnessing him rising to his feet. He walked to Anna, Nayami, Rebecca, and Karah, who were in between.
"Anna... you're not just Anastasia's Angel, but Patrick's too. You've saved my life, he pointed to the base of his neck, "No miracle of medicine would help me, but only you."
"Patty!" the angel girl hugged him tightly.
"Vinny, or Nayami... you stood up to your father. That takes courage to do. I wish things would've ended differently for him..." he gazed upon the corpse.
"Anna, wanna do an experiment?" the gentleman announced.
"Yeah!" the girl enthusiastically voiced.
"Try to use your powers on Mr. Newman."
"Alrighty!" Anna moved over to the pale body, placing her hands on his head, bringing color once more.

However, after her healing therapy finished, his body faded back to its' dead, pale white tone.
"It... it didn't work..." she commented defeatingly. "I'm sorry..."
"He must've been gone for too long" Patrick mentioned, moving to Ava, "My apologies, Ava, I was supposed to come to you first, but I figured, despite all of what Joseph had done to us, he might be saved."
"You're quite honorable for saying that..." Karah inserted, "I just can't believe he would do such horrible things. That wasn't the man I married over twenty years ago...and now, I have to deal with everything he did."
Ava's lover knelt beside her head, "Look what you've done to yourself now..." he scolded jokingly, slapping her leg encompassing belly.
"Oh shush, I was doing the right thing... unfortunately, it meant putting an end to his life," she replied. "It's all a shame... his intentions could've made the world better, if he wasn't selfish and evil at heart."
Patrick slowly deadlifted Ava up, and to her feet, "There, you can stand!" he encouraged.
The incredibly oversized lady's legs shook and quivered from weakness, as her weight quickly became too much to hold whilst standing, "I can't... I'm too heavy...." Ava huffed, then plopped herself on the floor, fat bounced and jiggled in response. Tears ran down her eyes, "I'm practically Immobile!"
Her grief was quickly disrupted by a powerful hug by her boyfriend, "Don't you worry, my precious Ava. Everything will be alright."

Karah stepped to Ava, "Is this my husband's doing?" referring to her new massive size.
Ava nodded, "I wish I didn't have to use it on myself, but I had no other choice." she looked at Nayami, "If it wasn't for you, your child might not be alive, Mrs. Newman."
"I-I just can't believe he would do such a thing..." the grieving mother added.
"Is there a place we could take Ava?" Patrick asked, "She really needs a comfortable bed."
"Oh, yes. We have a guest bedroom in the first floor...but Patrick, how are you going to get her up there?" Karah questioned.
"I'll find a way." Patrick moved behind his girlfriend, "Ava..."
"What are you planning?" the immobile woman curiously asked.
"I'm going to help you walk, I'll lift you and we'll get you to a bed."
"What about everyone else?" Rebecca questioned. We got over a half a dozen witnesses and well, we did just kill their employer..."
"I'll talk to them." The wife answered, "Son, can you lead the others to the extra first floor bedroom?" she asked of Nayami, which she agreed.

"You ready to go, Lady Ava?" Patrick cordially queried, wrapping his arms around Ava's fold filled back.
"Let's get the hell out of here!" the blobby blonde enthusiastically answered.
"I'll lift and support, you just go along and follow Nayami to our destination. Don't worry about me!" the gentleman instructed.
With a powerful heave and lift, Ava was back onto her feet. She was impressed how much weight her boyfriend could handle, taking her first steps since her immobility.
"It's working!" she yelped, shifting her legs left and right, turning towards the staircase leading upstairs.
"I'll lead you there! Keep it up, Ava you can do it!" Nayami encouraged as the busty lady led the way.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I wanted to mix things up, and introduce new characters, and expand the world a bit. But there will be more good stuff!
Danimal 5 years
I'm looking forward to more erotica. The drama's not really for me, but still great story. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@PrimusFeeder, Thanks soo much for the compliment! I enjoy writing this story as much as people read it. Glad I could entertain you for a bit before bed. smiley
PrimusFeeder 5 years
This is a great story and I love seeing a new page each day when I'm getting off work and about to head to sleep
Danimal 5 years
No worries. smiley I'll send them to you in a private message.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I have already a general plot planned for the story, if you have any interesting ideas, I don't mind hearing them. But to keep the story, an actual story, (not a blog) I need to follow the plot I am going to make. Thank you for the offer/help tho
Danimal 5 years
Awesome smiley Mind if I suggest things to add?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU, I'm thrilled you find it so! I try to write a bit every day (post a chapter a day), and think of interesting ideas and concepts to put down. I sometimes have TOO much fun writing...
Danimal 5 years
So engaging and descriptive. smiley How often do you add to it?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, thanks for your kind words! I don't want to spoil things. lol
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@tablesofachair929 thanks! I'm glad you love it! smiley
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love this story. Makes me consider gaining...
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Nami will end up walking in while she's immobile
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@lpark435 thank you, much more to come!
Lpark435 5 years
Really enjoying this story, interested to see where it goes and who else might gain some lucious curves.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@princessblurmy Glad you enjoy it! The story isn't written in stone, but I plan to bring more drama with weight gain and such.
PrincessBlurmy 5 years
This is great so far, looking forward to see where you take it.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will try to update the story daily if possible, or at least every few days. (I have a busy life lol) So stay tuned on this page for future updates!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I want to thank everyone for all the views and likes this story has been receiving. I will be modifying the story to remove the 'author's note' to streamline things.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, perhaps you'll find out in later chapters. The story is still ongoing. smiley
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