Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 46 - aftermath (part 2)

"Almost there!" Nayami opened the bedroom door and marched in. "You're lucky this guest bedroom has double doors, or else you'd have to go up another flight of stairs!"
"God..." Ava huffed, drenched in sweat and out of breath, "...I'm so tired...huf, and sore... those stairs almost...huff, killed me!" the two lovers shuffled into the room.
"It's alright love, we're almost there!" Patrick encouraged, equally sweaty and out of breath. The duo wobbled to the center of the room, where Patrick heaved Ava, releasing her onto the king size bed.
"T-thanks..." Ava collapsed completely onto her back, her whole body swayed and jiggled with the large movement. "I...I just want to rest now... I'm tired."
"Damn Patrick, I can't believe you took her all that way without a break, you're a madman."
"No..." he turned to his girlfriend, "I'm madly in love with this madwoman!" kissing Ava's portly lips, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be alive. God, if you're up there, you've made the perfect woman for me!"
Ava giggled, and stared at Patrick romantically, "...and you're the perfect man for me."

"Allllright....I'm just gonna leave you two be for a bit. I have a lot of work to do, and well, since the man of the household and company is dead, someone's gonna have to do the paperwork." she walked toward the doors.
"Stop!" Patrick yelped, "I'm coming with you. I want things to be done right. If anyone asks, let them know I'm your family's adviser." the gentleman turned around, "Ava, are you comfortable?" he asked the immobile woman resting on the edge of the bed.
"Uh, I mean I could be laying down and facing the big screen television." she suggested. With that, Patrick went to action, lifting her multi-hundred pound legs, pushing her to the middle of the king sized bed, finishing things up with a sheet tossed onto her.
"You're such a pro, Patrick." Ava commented, impressed at how quick he was.
"Only for you, my love. Do you have your cell phone?" the man asked.
"Yes. I have my purse too." she opened the carrying bag to reveal her phone.
Patrick pulled his phone out as well, "If you ever need anything, food, drink, restroom, let me know, and I'll be there as soon as possible."
"I'm kinda hungry and thirsty right now..." Ava rubbed her expansive gut.
"I'll send word to someone to bring you something." Nayami answered, "It's the least I could do. Alright Patrick, let's go down and talk the people here...god, I am gonna hate this..." the two friends departed the room, leaving Ava to herself.

The over half ton blonde heaved a heavy and tired sigh, and removing the sheets. "Well, this is it. This is me now." she looked at her bed spanning form, patting herself and watching the waves of adipose tissue bounce and quiver, traveling across from chest to calf. The sight of herself was all too familiar, but this time, there's no way out of it. Ava remembered the premonition-like dream she had...
"It's all real!" the impossibly obese woman blurted, "... I'm immobile, my parents are rich, and Patrick loves me!" she leaned back, onto the half dozen pillows behind her. "If that's the case, then there's nothing to fear." she grinned, clutching her belly with both hands and clapping it against her thighs. "Nothing to fear...I'll be taken care of! I have the world's strongest man to carry my bulk!"

However, something felt amiss to the twenty three year old, "He's gonna propose to me, and I can't walk down the aisle...am I gonna have to roll down in a mobility scooter or something to say my vows?" her speculative thoughts worried her, but at the same time drew curiosity.
"I'm sure there's a way to undo some of this weight. Perhaps I'll make my way down myself!" Ava rosily speculated. A ringing noise and vibration alerted her. Checking the smartphone revealed Ava's father calling.
"Hello?" Ava answered.
"Ava! How's it going?" her father said, voice filled with enthusiasm.
"Um, good?" she rolled her eyes, knowing why he had called.
"I can't believe it!" he announced, "We're millionaires! All thanks to you!"
Ava remained silent, taking in the pure joy in her father's voice, something she hadn't heard in a long time.
"My beautiful daughter, I can't believe you've done such a generous thing...it means me and mom can finally retire."
"I, I know your job is difficult dad, and I thought your hard work needed to be repaid..." a tear ran down Ava's eyes as she remembered all the times he had to leave her for work, "I just wanted to make up things..."
"Aw, don't be sad, Ava, I know you probably wanted a bit of that money..." the father consulted, "...We'll take care of you too." his words pushed her emotional state even lower.
"I don't think money is a concern for me..." she sobbed, "Dad... how do I put this, I'm not going to be the same the next time you see me."
"What? Ava? What's wrong? What's going on?" his voice transitioned to immediate concern.
"Uh, it's hard to explain...don't worry about me, I'm safe, and happy, that's all you need to know."
"I'm just worried 'bout you, okay? Tell me, did something happen?"
"Like I said, it's gonna be hard to explain. I'll be back in Kentucky in a week, and you'll get to see me then."
A concerned sigh came from the father, "Alright, Ava, stay safe... that's all I care about."
"I will. I gotta go now..." Ava bidded farewell.
"Love you..." he replied.
"Love you too..." the woman hung up, breaking into tears.

"How the hell am I going to explain how I got so big!?" she moaned, almost regretting her new form. "Get it together, Ava, they'll understand...they'll understand." she checked her messages, noticing a missed text from Marcy.

Marcy: Hey girl, how's it goin', been a while, and wondering if your vaca was doing well... call me."

The immobile blonde shook her head, "I'm gonna regret this..." she whispered to herself, pressing the call button on Marcy's name.
After a few dial tones, "Hello?" a smooth talking feminine voice answered.
"Heeyyyy!" Ava voiced with savviness.
"Ava!" Marcy greeted with excitement, "What's happening? You've been quiet 'n such, I wondered if you got a man during all this vacationing!"
"Uh, about that..." the bedresting lady happily exhaled.
A loud gasp came from the best friend, "Do not tell me. Do. Not. Tell. Me...."
"Yes. I've found a man. I mean THE man." the blonde admitted.
"Whaaa!? Girl have you been smokin' something!? I'd never thought you'd get someone, let alone during your vaca!?"
"No, it's real alright...and he's a hunk. Oh, I can't wait to see the look on your face when you see him..." Ava laughed with a hint of sexual satisfaction.
"Now that's what I'd like to hear..." Marcy congratulated, "...Ava, you sound... different."
"Wha? How so?"
"I dunno, it's not your voice, but how you speak...you seem much more, how-do-I-say it, more confident. It's almost like I'm speaking to a more happy version of you."
"I mean, I am happier. I'm on vacation after all." the overly fat woman patted her belly, coming to the conclusion that she'd have to eventually tell and explain what had happened so far this week to her. "Look, I have something to tell... and I don't know how you're going to react to it."
"What is it?" Marcy questioned, "If it's a deep dark secret, y'know me, I'll keep it tight!"
"Well..." she sighed heavily, "I'm not coming back home the way I looked before..."
"...and? I'm curious where this is coming."
"It's a long story Marcy... do you want me to tell you?"
The friend's voice expressed interest, "Of course girl, I want to hear what's happenin'. Ava, I care about you, and whatever's goin' on, I'm there for ya."
"Alright, I'll start from the beginning..."

The twenty three year old retold the fine details of her extraordinary vacation, from using 'Sweet Dreams' for the first time, going to the beach as a quarter ton woman, having sex for the first time, to the final confrontation with the creator himself. To the other side of the phone call, it seemed straight from fantasy. However, with a picture sent to her - it wasn't.
"Daaaaymmm!" Marcy screamed in shock through the speakerphone. "You're ginormous! Let's do a facetime, and see each other."
Ava transitioned the phone call to video chat. Seeing her swollen cheeks and pronounced double chin made her blush with embarrassment. "God, I'm such a blob..." she whispered, adding Marcy in the conversation.
"Um, hello?" Marcy revealed her tan skin, large brown eyes, small nose and chin to the bedridden woman.
"Hi..." Ava waved to the camera, her arm fat swinging with the motions.
"Geez, seeing you now... wow!" Marcy's face displayed absolute shock... "You sure it's really you, Ava?"
Ava pinched her puffy cheek, "It's me, in my probably half ton body..."
"HALF TON?" Marcy laughed, "...and I thought my weight was hard to carry."
"Look, Marcy, I told you what happened, and well, you wanted proof?"
"Yeah, and well, hah, trust me the proof is in your pudding-like body."
The humiliating words were satisfactory to the oversized lady, "I told you, I'm not going to be the same when I come home."
"Duh, since you have a nice sugar daddy, you'll be taken care of. God I can't imagine you coming back and shocking the little town of ours... You'd make the local,no nati-GLOBAL news! I can see it now, world's heaviest woman! A millionaire!"

"Yeah, yeah...." Ava rolled her eyes, "Look, I'm just looking forward to coming home to peace and quiet... I've been through enough."
"Oh, I'm sure your body has as well. Girl, when you get back, we should have a feeding session, I'll cater Howard's Barbecue, just for you!" Marcy offered.
"You would?" she grinned, "At my size, I could eat a whole buffet, and then some."
"Totally, and who knows, I might pack on some weight in your name as well. I'm no longer the fattest woman in our circle!"
"You've got a LONG way to go..." Ava added.
"Hah, yeah, look, I'd like to talk more, but I gotta go, work's callin."
"Alright, see ya!"
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I wanted to mix things up, and introduce new characters, and expand the world a bit. But there will be more good stuff!
Danimal 5 years
I'm looking forward to more erotica. The drama's not really for me, but still great story. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@PrimusFeeder, Thanks soo much for the compliment! I enjoy writing this story as much as people read it. Glad I could entertain you for a bit before bed. smiley
PrimusFeeder 5 years
This is a great story and I love seeing a new page each day when I'm getting off work and about to head to sleep
Danimal 5 years
No worries. smiley I'll send them to you in a private message.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I have already a general plot planned for the story, if you have any interesting ideas, I don't mind hearing them. But to keep the story, an actual story, (not a blog) I need to follow the plot I am going to make. Thank you for the offer/help tho
Danimal 5 years
Awesome smiley Mind if I suggest things to add?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU, I'm thrilled you find it so! I try to write a bit every day (post a chapter a day), and think of interesting ideas and concepts to put down. I sometimes have TOO much fun writing...
Danimal 5 years
So engaging and descriptive. smiley How often do you add to it?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, thanks for your kind words! I don't want to spoil things. lol
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@tablesofachair929 thanks! I'm glad you love it! smiley
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love this story. Makes me consider gaining...
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Nami will end up walking in while she's immobile
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@lpark435 thank you, much more to come!
Lpark435 5 years
Really enjoying this story, interested to see where it goes and who else might gain some lucious curves.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@princessblurmy Glad you enjoy it! The story isn't written in stone, but I plan to bring more drama with weight gain and such.
PrincessBlurmy 5 years
This is great so far, looking forward to see where you take it.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will try to update the story daily if possible, or at least every few days. (I have a busy life lol) So stay tuned on this page for future updates!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I want to thank everyone for all the views and likes this story has been receiving. I will be modifying the story to remove the 'author's note' to streamline things.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, perhaps you'll find out in later chapters. The story is still ongoing. smiley
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