Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 47 - epilogue (part 1)

It was there in that bed Ava remained, unable to physically leave it's plush linen and memory foam mattress. Resting on it for so long, she grew to being comforted and helped by the manor's maids and assistants. It didn't take long for her to push aside the worries of what happened hours ago.

However, for the Newman family, a new chapter begins. Karah Newman, and now Nayami Newman have to provide an explanation to Joseph's 'mysterious' death. Many investigations would be held but with a little bit of money exchanged - all come to the conclusion that a massive heart attack killed the creator of 'Sweet Dreams'. Eventually, the laboratory and its' employees would dissolve, finding jobs elsewhere, and lips sealed tight due to a non-disclosure agreement.

For a time, the news reported - and even grieved - of the pharmaceutical mind that was Joseph Newman, with a funeral held privately. Afterwards, came the battle over wills and property, and with that, a surprise. Joseph had written Vinny as the owner and successor of Eicorp upon his passing, and his spouse keeping most of the land and property owned. The son (or daughter) and the mother ultimately agreed with the decision, their bond strengthening through the hardships faced.

Patrick remained a close friend to Nayami, as his wisdom proved useful in organizing the remnants of 'Sweet Dreams' and Eicorp itself. The two, with Ava, formed 'Dream Vision Foundation'. 'Sweet Dreams' production did not end with the creator's passing, as in limited quantities, new vials were made for people who really need their dreams to come true. Thus, propelling the Foundation to the forefront of charitable organizations, with its' 'Miracle work'.

Rebecca Thomas remained in Valaris Beach, living a quiet life by the shores. With a lump sum of money given by Nayami, she bought a small cottage, living happily in land and sea. She maintained connections with the Newman family for the occasional foundation promotion and reunion. As for the young Anna, she remained by Patrick's side, and under his guardianship, where she was privately taught a formal education, with private tutors and caretakers assisting her.

For Ava Nennington, the six months that passed, was nothing but a show for her. After the incident, she was relocated back to her hometown, Charlesburg. She ultimately accepted her fate as an immobile woman, reveling in the perks of her limitless stomach, and tender fatty flesh. The news and social media would eventually notice the half ton blonde as TLC's 'My 600 pound life' featured her in a episode - a dream come true for the insanely obese lady, even gathering a social media following. Her time in the spotlight shined brighter as she and Patrick established the 'Dream Vision Foundation'.

But, all was not 'perfect' for the woman, as winter came, so did the blues that followed. Ava's life had been confined to a singular room, in a assisted living home, with most of her existence and reach coming from the internet. She longed for the outdoors, to step out and touch the snow, and feel the chills of the winter breeze against her skin. The perils of immobility slowly seeped into her psyche, as despite all of the delicious food she consumed, it didn't quite satisfy her. Remembering the prophetic dream before, and it's eventual reality, she never imagined feeling conflicted with being indoors for too long.

Now twas the day before Christmas, and the holiday cheer would soon grace the one thousand pound blonde.


"Wakey Wakey, my beautiful love!" Patrick shook the bedspanning woman awake.
"Wha...what's going on... isn't it a bit too early?" she moaned, rubbing her eyes to see her significant other.
"Remember what your mother and father said about tomorrow?" Patrick reminded.
"Yeah, they want me to come over for Christmas to see the family. Why are you asking me? I told them I can't make because I'm so fat!" she defeatingly voiced. "I can't leave this bed!"
"It's alright, Ava, as I, Patrick have the solution! Think of it as an early Christmas gift." he stepped out of the room.

"Oh, what could he be bringing now..." Ava looked at the window, heaving a depressed sigh.
Suddenly she heard a loud crash, "Dang it." Patrick cursed outside the room, as he pushed a large mobility scooter through the wide door, barely passing through. "Merry Christmas!" he jollily announced.
"A...A scooter?" Ava recognized.
"Yes, a scooter designed for you!" Patrick moved the mobility device to the bedside, "Your days of immobility are no more! With this, you can finally leave this room and enjoy the outdoors, just like you wanted." the gentleman smiled, kissing Ava in the cheek.
"Really? Will it actually work with my weight?"
"Of course, I had the manufacturer make one specifically for you. You should see all the features it has!"
"Um, how am I gonna get there? I obviously need someone to help!" she asked.
Patrick laughed, "Then you will love what's going to happen next..." clearing his throat, "Carrie!" The mobility device activated, with a bright blinking blue light and ringtone.
The man then instructed, "Activate mount mode, left side!"
"Mount mode engaging, wheels locked and braced." a robotic female voice said.
"Love, roll onto your side, the scooter will move the seat so you can sit on it." Patrick instructed.
"I'll try..." Ava voiced without confidence, rocking left and right, swinging her oil drum thighs around each other with great difficulty, eventually flopping onto her stomach and hips.
The muscle man then announced a play by play of the mobility scooters actions, "Now the flat seat is lifting, then extending itself over the bed.... Alright, Ava you can roll back!"
The half ton woman pushed her weight back, onto the elevated platform, "Whoa! What's that!? It's... weird..."
"Operator mounted, returning to base." the feminine robot voice exclaimed, the strong metallic arm creaked as it slowly pulled Ava off of the bed.
"I'm scared! Shoot!" the fat blonde cried, worried the mechanism would give from the weight. But quickly realizing the action was over, and was now on the scooter itself. "Oh. It's done... I'm actually on it!" she grinned like a child.

"Operator returned to base." the scooter announced. Spinning the seat, facing forward towards Patrick.
The lover leaned in for a kiss, and Ava met in the middle with her own lips. "Now, we can go outside." he quietly said.
Now seated on the mobility scooter, Ava felt like a new woman, as she spun the steering console in front of her.
"Before you drive on out of here, let me explain what this thing is capable of."
"This is Carrie, it's a voice assistant to the scooter itself. You can give it commands without lifting a finger."
"How does it know where I'm at? Does it have sensors?"
"All over the scooter, and seat are micro sensors that can detect if there are objects nearby or in this case, you."
"That's pretty cool." Ava swiveled the steering console around.
"You can move the controls around so you can do daily tasks in almost 360 degrees."
The woman's eyes lit up with pure joy, "This is perfect!" Ava's eyes watered, "Thank you Patrick!" she gave the biggest hug possible to the strongman.
After a lengthy cuddle, Patrick stepped back, "Let's go out for a walk."

Ava nodded, and clutched the steering controls, pressing forward, it's movement surprising her. "Oh! It's pretty responsive!"
"Indeed. Let's see if you can squeeze yourself through." Patrick walked to the door, awaiting the lover of his life to come.
With a little experimentation, Ava got the hang of steering and propelling herself around the room before meeting Patrick at the door. "Uh... Patty, what if I don't fit?" she looked at her blobby form, comparing to and from the door frame.
"You'll be fine, don't worry love. The door is wider than normal, and the scooter made it through.
The immobile blonde looked at her hips, where her flesh overflowed over the seat, "Yeah, and well, I'm wider than it though."
"Wouldn't hurt to try. You got through this door in the first place...unless you've been gaining more weight?"
"No, no, I don't think so. But this is all new to me...it's been so long since I've actually left this room..." Ava expressed her concerns. "Isn't it cold outside?" she asked. "What am I thinking it is..."
"Well..." Patrick grabbed a large blanket, draping it over her. "There. That'll do more than the gown you're wearing now. "Come, let's get some fresh air."

The over one thousand pound lady happily reached the door frame, stopping just short. Carefully, she moved forward where the wheels had enough clearance to pass through. However, her body had other ideas, as it grazed against the door frame. But with a bit more acceleration, she successfully forced her way through.
Now in the hall, Ava witnessed the double doors at the end of the hall - the exit. Looking around, it was the first time in months she had actually seen past the limits of her room.

"Let's go!" Patrick smiled, leading the way. The hall-spanning woman drove with her boyfriend to the end, where a double set of of doors separated them from freezing temperatures. "Ready?" he asked, with a nod of agreement from Ava. The gentleman then opened both doors, with a large gust of cold air blasting through.

"Brr...." Ava audibly cooed, hugging herself, the blanket and gown fluttered around her body. Patrick stepped out first, onto the sidewalk path, inhaling the cold air. The obese lady pressed forward, taking her first breaths outdoors. Looking up to the sky, small snowflakes dazzled, ultimately falling and melting on Ava's enormous body. "Wow...just how I imagined... It's been so long, and it feels so good." she stuck her tongue out to catch a snowflake.

"Well, my love, you'll now celebrate Christmas?" Patrick looked at her with heartwarming eyes.
"Yes." she reciprocated, "You mean the world to me, and I'll gladly be there for my mom and dad."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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