Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 6 - she's not the only one...

"I'm sorry," Ava apologized. She immediately noticed strange features and clothes on the equally aged girl. Her long hair, blond, transitioning to a light purple color, real and uniform, with round waves and curls on the ends. The oversized eyes featured lavender colored irises. Her shirt was ill fitting due to her large bust, revealing the belly button, with a japanese anime character printed on. The jeans the girl wore awkwardly fit, even with a belt. Ava was jealous at her exaggerated hourglass figure, the rear, hips and thighs were oversized - the epitome of femininity shape.

"Sorrwee I-I wasn't looking!" Her overly high pitched, cute voice apologized, eyes reflecting from the light. A small detail caught her attention, deep scratches marked the concrete floor where the busty girl fell. Ava's looked to the strange woman, her emotions, displaying absolute fear. The blonde looked at her hands - noticing that the right had talon-like nails.

The jig was up, as the mysterious woman stepped back.
"Wait, I know what you're going through," Ava calmly said, attempting to calm the lady. "Come to the fitting rooms, we'll talk."
The girl nodded, and Ava led her to the private fitting room. Inside, the innocent, curvy lady hugged herself for comfort, while the blonde closed the door to the room.
"You, you're not an ordinary woman, are you?" Ava asked the multicolored haired woman.
"I-I I don't know. Please, let me just go..."
"Tell me," Ava grabbed her right hand, only to notice to be human again, "That hand wasn't like anything else I seen."
"I-I'm a freak, I-I know," she began to cry, rubbing the opposing arm on the eyes.
"What's your name?"
"Y-you d-don't wan't to k-know."
"Well, I need to know your name, to help you. My name is Ava."
"Y-you wouldn't understand!" the lady's temper raised, "Alright fine! I-I will tell you! My name is Vinny Newman!"
The words stunned the twenty three year old, "That's a man's name!" she thought, "Did this person use Sweet Dreams?"
"See, now let me be!" Vinny attempted to step around Ava, but couldn't as the blonde pressed against the door. "Let me go!" she yelled, brandishing her talon claws, as the center of her eyes transformed into an animalistic diamond shape.
"I know you drank 'Sweet Dreams'!" Ava blurted, scared for her life.
"D-did you say, 'Sweet Dreams'?"
"W hat do you know about my father's product!? Huh! Tell me!" Vinny brandished her hand to Ava's throat.
"P-please, can you l-lower that," she pleaded, "Look, all I know is that it works."
"You've tried it, have you?" Vinny aggressively asked.
"I-I have," the blonde nervously answered. With that, Vinny retracted her talons.
"This is the end result. Look at me," she lowered her head in defeat. "You become a freak of nature!"
"Vinny, you're not a freak-"
"Don't sugarcoat it!" she interrupted. "I-I had a promising life! My father is a millionaire, accepted to an Ivy league school, all the lot! Then, then I stole a set of his experimental drug, and now look! My dick is gone! GONE!"
"Your body, it's the one on your shirt?"
"Y-yes. Her name is Nayami Hayato. It's... it's... let's just say I-I liked her."
"Hm? Liked? Tell me, because I have an idea what 'Sweet Dreams' do."
"O-okay, fine! I'll tell you!" Vinny covered her eyes, her face comically blushing red. "Nayami is my waifu, I-I obsessed over her. I bought all her manga, and all five seasons of 'Charmingly Nayami', okay, there! Now tell me who's the degenerate now!?"
Ava didn't have a clue what Vinny described, but only felt empathy for the former man.
"I'm-I'm sorry about all this, what you've become," she said, "Can you turn back? How long have you been like this?"
"I-I can't. I didn't read the directions. I'm such an idiot! It's been a few days since I drank it. My parents are too busy to care about me, they don't even know what had happened."
"H-how are you sustaining yourself? You have money? A car?"
"I-I have been living in my car and using my parents bank card that they gave me. I-I plan..." her voice transitioned to be more gleeful, "...to buy a plane ticket to Japan and live happily! They won't hear from me again, I won't have to hear them complain, and I'll live in pure-" Vinny stopped, shaking her head. "No, no, no! I can't abandon them, especially mom!" the well endowed lady heaved a heavy sigh, "Sorry, I just want to forget everything." Her large eyes noticed the multiple clothes bags wrapped against Ava's shoulder. "Those, clothes... those are not for the current you," she asked.
Ava's heart immediately raced, she knew Vinny is attempting to probe her psyche, "Yes, and what's it to you?"
"If you tell me,I won't judge you, but I'm going to throw a bone and say you're as bad as me." Vinny responded, which Ava remained quiet.
"I'm sorry, Vinny but it's best you shouldn't learn."
"Thought so," she crossed arms turning her head in angst, jiggling her enormous mammaries.
"You, you don't have anyone to talk to?"
"Not anymore, obviously. Well, unless I wanted to be probed by a bunch of scientists."
"Why not come stay with me at the 'Seaside Deluxe Resort', that's where I'm at for the week. I can treat you to a drink, and talk about things."
"R-really?" Vinny seemed shocked at the offer. "I-I mean, I can't just stay there, I'm not even an identifiable citizen... just a silly cartoon."
"Just pay me back, I'll get your room."
"A-alright. I can bring the cash from a ATM."
"You have a cellphone? Gimme your number so I can call you to let your know about the room."
The two exchanged numbers, "Thanks Ava. Thanks for all your help... and running into me." Vinny smiled and chuckled for the first time, "I, I hate to say this, but in public, please don't call me Vinny, call me Nayami, I've already lost my original identity."
"But Vin-"
"How-about Nami, okay?" she clasped her hands with a head tilt.
"Fine. If that's what you want."
"Great!" Nayami's tone drastically changed, "I look forward to visiting my new room, Ava-chan. See you around then!" the busty lady gleefully skipped out of the changing room, with Ava soon after.

The blonde couldn't believe what had just transpired. Meeting a man, or woman whom went through with Sweet Dreams to its' finality. Holding the bags, she felt utterly disgusted to let her erotic desires take hold. But at the same time, the cute white top she bought begged to be worn. Internally frustrated, Ava stormed out of the bra store, got in her car and drove off, speeding out the parking lot. A thousand thoughts raced within, as each participated in war that's held in Ava's mind. She needed to focus, and do something productive. The car turned into a Walmart parking lot, the frustrated twenty three year old decided that shopping for groceries would help.

Entering the supermarket, she picked up a cart and headed for the self-care and medical section of the store, needing body soap. Stepping into the aisle, she saw a incredibly obese woman, clutching a plastic shower brush, inspecting it, playing with the the retractable and bendable feature. The lady's clothes, too short as her belly hung out halfway down her thighs from her oversized tanktop. Her grey sweatpants clung tightly to her wide form. Her rear is flat as can be, the belly the complete opposite, seemingly eating away her leg span. Ava blushed as the thoughts of using it for herself attacked her mind. "No!" she commented aloud. The morbidly obese woman turned her double chinned face towards Ava's direction. The blonde looked away, not to draw suspicion, as she picked up the body soap she wanted, placing in the cart. The obese lady waddled past her, turning sideways to move past. Ava curiously watched as she had experienced it before - being too wide to fit in. Once she was out of sight, she moved on, stopping at the shower brushes.

"Well, I suppose I could use one anyways..." the skinny woman thought, placing the same brush in the cart. Ava moved onto the next aisle, feminine products. It wasn't her time yet, she dared not to be caught without a supply of it in case, and picked up a small bag. Moving down the aisle, various other pad types allured her, including a disposable bed pad. Mentally, she chuckled at the thought of buying it, but remembering what had happened the day before, she regretfully picked a set up to possibly save the stress from permanently damaging the resort's linen.
As she passed through the supermarket, the blonde witnessed the same belly-heavy lady before, browsing for bras. Ava stopped curiously as the fat woman returned the piece that was handled by her. Now gone from sight, Ava inspected the bra size, "42 G?" she thought. Clutching it, she relived the moment she fondled her cantaloupe sized breasts. "I might need bigger," picking up J and K sized specialty bras, with extendable bust sizers, surprised at the fact they carried such immense sizes. Afterwards, she stumbled in the panties aisle, and looked for the tags with the largest X count possible.

Looking in her cart, the variety of items concerned her, confused is to why she picked up the biggest clothes possible.
"Focus, Ava! Get food! That's why you're here!" she assured herself. Moving into the grocery area, she picked up plenty of fruits, veggies, and salad mix to last for the whole week. After grabbing some chicken breast, Ava moved to the freezer aisles. Passing by the frozen pizzas, one caught her eye, a thick crust supreme pizza. Ava wasn't too crazy about it, but the sale pushed her to pick one up. Once finished shopping, the blonde headed to check out. The twenty three year old heaved a sigh of relief at the existence of a self checkout station, and began to scan the cart's contents. Not a soul will question why she was purchased all this stuff. Once done she happily rolled the cart to her car, to head back to her room.
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I wanted to mix things up, and introduce new characters, and expand the world a bit. But there will be more good stuff!
Danimal 5 years
I'm looking forward to more erotica. The drama's not really for me, but still great story. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@PrimusFeeder, Thanks soo much for the compliment! I enjoy writing this story as much as people read it. Glad I could entertain you for a bit before bed. smiley
PrimusFeeder 5 years
This is a great story and I love seeing a new page each day when I'm getting off work and about to head to sleep
Danimal 5 years
No worries. smiley I'll send them to you in a private message.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I have already a general plot planned for the story, if you have any interesting ideas, I don't mind hearing them. But to keep the story, an actual story, (not a blog) I need to follow the plot I am going to make. Thank you for the offer/help tho
Danimal 5 years
Awesome smiley Mind if I suggest things to add?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU, I'm thrilled you find it so! I try to write a bit every day (post a chapter a day), and think of interesting ideas and concepts to put down. I sometimes have TOO much fun writing...
Danimal 5 years
So engaging and descriptive. smiley How often do you add to it?
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, thanks for your kind words! I don't want to spoil things. lol
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@tablesofachair929 thanks! I'm glad you love it! smiley
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love this story. Makes me consider gaining...
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if Nami will end up walking in while she's immobile
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@lpark435 thank you, much more to come!
Lpark435 5 years
Really enjoying this story, interested to see where it goes and who else might gain some lucious curves.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@princessblurmy Glad you enjoy it! The story isn't written in stone, but I plan to bring more drama with weight gain and such.
PrincessBlurmy 5 years
This is great so far, looking forward to see where you take it.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will try to update the story daily if possible, or at least every few days. (I have a busy life lol) So stay tuned on this page for future updates!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I want to thank everyone for all the views and likes this story has been receiving. I will be modifying the story to remove the 'author's note' to streamline things.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, perhaps you'll find out in later chapters. The story is still ongoing. smiley
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