Sweet dreams: ava's 'big' vacation

Chapter 10 - the world holding me down... (part 2)

Ava's eyes opened to the ceiling above, as a few minutes passed by since her second climax, exhausted from the whole experience. Looking around, her pink and white flesh was all she could see. Moving her legs, Ava felt the vibrator grazing the insides of her crotch, feeling the need to remove it.
"Huff....can't get up..." she attempted to rise up directly, failing each time. Swaying left and right, her bountiful, bouncing fat gave her enough momentum to be on her side, pushing herself to her feet with tremendous effort. Now standing, her belly and breasts swung before settling on her thighs. The woman experienced deja vu from a day ago. Remembering the difficulties her body faced at the time. With that experience, came confidence, however careful, unsure if her weight was still increasing. Stepping on the scale, then pressing the history button, Ava shifted her weight sideways off the scale to see the number.
"Oh my god... four hundred and fifteen pounds?" she exclaimed. Those words would startled her thin self, but with this new discovery, she smiled like a little girl, slapping her belly in the mirror, as it created a large ripple effect, like dropping a stone in a pond. She once again lifted her belly with effort, revealing her large fupa and soiled, plump vagina. Despite have two orgasms recently, her pussy craved more pleasure, as looking in the mirror only served to increase her sexual needs and desires.

The immense woman noticed the vibrator peeking out from her orifice, leaning forward, lifting the belly, then stretching her arm and hand to retrieve it. Her apron belly made it difficult to wipe off the excess juice from her crotch. Afterwards, the obese blonde stepped back on the scale to find out whether the cookies were finished. "422.4 pounds!? I'm still getting fatter!?" she shockingly said. Ava didn't mind the discovery, but a teeny tiny thought appeared, "...but what if it doesn't stop?" The larger than fridge sized lady immediately dismissed the theory, assuring herself that not that many droplets of 'Sweet' was used. Ava looked to the bed, tempted to sit down once more, quickly discovering that she had made a mess on the blankets.

"Damn it! Not again!" she exclaimed, then remembered that she had fun on the couch too, "Shit!" The oversized woman pulled the soiled linen towards her, balling it up, and resting it on her double layered belly. Mimicking what had happened in the morning, she began her trek to the washer and dryer. Ava felt frustrated as she should've placed the disposable bed pads beforehand, now her *** self has to deal with the hard work of moving her almost quarter ton body around. With each step, Ava felt heavier and heavier, she knew her weight wasn't increasing that fast, but it was her body tiring out. Her blubber bounced in every direction, as her movements became more and more laborious. Reaching the washer and dryer, Ava opened the first, revealing the bedsheets that were washed prior. The 400 plus pound lady cursed in her own breath, pressing her fatty stomach and breasts against the freezing metal to pick up the sheet. The mere difficulty entertained Ava, despite the major inconvenience, as she threw the blanket in to be washed. Fortunately, the dryer seated above the washer, allowing her to just simply throw the linen in.

After that task, Ava widely waddled to the kitchen, grabbing a towel and wetting it in the sink. Her respirations increased as she slowly waddled to the living room couch.
"Heh... I really did a number on it," Ava lewdly cooed, bending over to wipe the dirty leather surface. Her immense, bulging rear gravitated to the couch after finishing. She heaved a sigh of relief, finally giving the tired legs a break. Spreading her thighs far and wide, and reclining back, the incredibly obese lady took up most of the couch, breathing deeply to recuperate her lost stamina.
"Ah, sitting down has never felt so good," she giggled, airing out the pockets of sweat her folds and armpits. Ava subconsciously slid her hand underneath her lengthy belly, feeling the warmth and comfort it provided, like chicken resting on a egg, her watermelon sized tits provided a similar feeling as well. Sitting, her expansive hips and stomach kept her gelatinous pillowy arms at a 45 degree angle, she rested her arms on the side of her belly, playing with the jiggly mass that was inches away from enveloping her knees. After a couple of minutes of observing her immense form, Ava had forgotten her clothes she had bought, she wanted to see if they could fit.

The lady began rocking herself forward, struggling to sit up, but after the third rock, and using her arms to assist her, tree trunk legs finally straighten out to a standing position. "Whew, is it me or is it getting harder to get off of this comfy couch..." she thought, shifting her wobbly fat legs forward. Ava's waddles widened significantly, as the combined weight of her enormous thighs and belly, and ass pressed downwards. The hyper obese lady required the assistance of her enormous shoulders, and two liter sized upper arms to give her momentum to reach her destination, all the while her whole body swayed with each gait. Reaching the door, presented a new set of problems. Her over three and a half foot wide hips, seemingly stopped her movement against the bedroom door frame. "Shoot...come on!" she huffed and heaved, pushing herself through, continuing her laborious waddle to the nightstand. Ava grabbed the smaller white top, and lifted her heavy arms up, through the shirt, and pulling down.

"Crap...." the fat lady cursed, as the top made it past her breasts, stretching only past the first layer of her double belly, the thin fabric pushed to its' limits on the shoulders and upper arms. "Crap! Gotta take this off!" she flung her fatty hands down to the bottom of the shirt, attempting to pull it up, and getting a face full of breast meat. "I-I can't get it off!" she leaned forward in hopes of getting enough leverage, her gut prevented moving past a 35 degree angle. Ava widened her stance, attempting one more time, pushing herself lower. The woman could feel the hundreds of pounds of fat dangling downwards, as she attempted to wobble the shirt off. Now completely out of breath, she leaned back, giving up on the task. "Huff... fine I...huff... give up," Ava voiced in defeat, pulling the tight shirt down to cover as much as possible. "I'll... try... huuf, when I'm better..." The immense lady somehow found enjoyment out of the whole experience, "Wow... too big for the ladies who shop for the biggest size." she erotically thought, her vag pulsing as well.

"Time, huff, to know my weight..." she voiced heavily, with a pink face. lumbering to the scale. With every movement of her arm, the brand new top strained and stretched. She lifted her overly swollen legs, stepping on the scale. BEEP! The scale detested, the blonde knew what it meant. "I'm.... I'm too heavy..." Ava cooed, grasping her pannus with both hands, lifting it. "The scale goes up to 500 pounds so," she looked in the mirror, her frame expanded past the rims. "I'm getting fatter..." nefariously grinning, and making eye contact with her now fat face. The wide lady pinched and rubbed her double chin, the tender meat providing a unique feeling. Her cheeks were puffed and swollen, as the weight finally found a home in her head. Moving down, the shoulders, stuffed packed with fat. Transitioning to her gallon sized bag upper arms, her pool noodle-like upper arm, overlapped her wrists. Expansive mammaries, spread far and wide due to the immense weight they've developed, rested on her belly as a natural bra. The enormous gut extended more than halfway down her thighs, even whilst standing. Because of that, her arms parted away, giving her hips, belly and butt the most room possible. Ava shuffled to see her rear, even standing sideways, the mirror couldn't contain her bulk, as her yoga ball-like butt cheeks bounced and quivered with every slight motion.

"This... is it." Ava grinned with pride. "How it feels to be in Krystal's body... but much sexier, and not disgusting!" shifting her hips side to side, her gut, rear and breasts danced with her, as her vagina pulsed with pleasure. "Uhh.." Ava moaned, digging her hand through her underbelly, disappearing out the mirror's sight. Her middle and index fingers barely penetrated, enough to please and send shockwaves of carnal pleasure. Before Ava could get started for the third time, she painstakingly lumbered over to grab the disposable bed pads in the room. Tearing the package apart, she pulled a pad out and threw it on the bed.

Upon landing, the pad folded halfway mistakenly, "Come on!" Ava whispered, carefully shifting her tree trunk legs around the bed to the opposite side. The fading mobility, forced her to a sweat, as even the simple task of walking around the bed proved to be a challenge - one that Ava is determined to conquer. Finally there, the blonde twisted her enormous form sideways, attempting to grasp the pad without falling on the bed, but her increased height and expansive form forced her anyways.
"Wah!" she cried, falling directly on her boobs and gut, but determined to stretch the pad out so she can enjoy her now over 600 pound form. Successful, the overly fat blonde relaxed, recovering from complete exhaustion. "Huf...Hehh, there now..." she commented to herself. The obese woman attempted to push herself up, wobbling her legs out of the bed, using them to help her stand. "You...can... do it Ava!" she groaned, her fatty arms quivering due to the stress of pushing the enormous bulk her torso contained. Using the bed as a literal spring, she barely pushed off, rising to her feet. "Wow..." Ava wiped the beads of sweat from her brow. The woman's body covered in moisture from her heavy actions.

It was at this moment, Ava realized...
"I'm going to be immobile..."
47 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Stevita 3 years
This has been an adventure from start to finish! Love your cast of characters too. Great story!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I will be going on vacation for a few weeks, and I will be out of the country for half of may. When I return I will post the finale of this story! smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
I don't have room in the story page to post this, but a huge thanks to everyone who has followed this story so far! I appreciate every like, comment or feedback you all provide! I've never imagined I'd write a novel length story here!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman I'm getting close. Probably around ten or so less chapters. After the main conflict is over, I plan to write an epilogue and move on with the next phase of 'Sweet Dreams'
Theswordsman 5 years
So are you finished with the story or close because that last message made it sound like you were done
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@theswordsman, you'll find out soon enough smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
With her relationship with Patrick i wonder if she'll decide to live with him
Danimal 5 years
I'll be patient. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KayDance, and I look forward to updating it too!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@DannyAU I agree, but who knows what will happen later in the story. (I don't want to spoil things) smiley
Danimal 5 years
WIth some regulations, shouldn't every adult be allowed to be who or what they want to be? Ending the manufacture of Sweet Dreams sounds sad to me.
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, No problem!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, glad you love it so far smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@Theswordsman you'll find out next chapter smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@mark good eye, as that point will be resolved in future chapter! smiley
Theswordsman 5 years
I wonder if he spiked the bbq sauce with sweet dreams to make her bigger.
Mark 5 years
I'm surprised that Ava didn't pick up on the fact that even though Patrick believes Sweet Dreams is bad for the world, that he hasn't reverted to his old self
Danimal 5 years
Things are really heating up. I can't wait for the next chapter. smiley
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@bc33, thank you! I love writing this story daily as well!
I-am-eightee... 5 years
@KaeDance, I introduced a bit of conflict (literal fighting) and other things. But I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'll keep going as usual!
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