Battle fat

chapter 3

Two months of this existence had transformed Claire both physically and mentally. For sure she was now fighting fit and following instructions to the letter. No longer minding so much that she had little enjoyment or relaxation in life, she was focused on the task in hand and was eager for her trial to begin proper.

Now she stood at ease while Doctor James surveyed the results of what seemed like endless tests that Claire had endured since she had recovered from the surgery.

"Yes, yes" he nodded as he read "This all looks fantastic. You've done incredibly well Connors"

"Thank you, sir" she replied, her gaze remaining straight ahead.

"I think it may well be time to turn on that little gizmo in your head" he smiled

Claire was overjoyed although she didn't show it, she had been trained to keep her emotions in check while she would be carrying out this work. Now it was the critical moment, the whole success of the trial rested on the cerebellum transmitter working correctly, she took a seat at the doctor's request and anxiously waited for his next move.

After tapping away at his keyboard for a moment he turned his attention, once again to Claire.

"Okay Connors, I'm about to turn on the transmitter. You may feel a slight discomfort."

A slight discomfort was a little understatement as Claire recoiled from the pain that shot through her skull, a high-pitched ringing in her ears accompanied it.

"Come on Connors, remember your training!" spat Doctor James

Claire gripped the armrests on the chair and dug her heels into the floor as she struggled to deal with the pain she was going through.

Then as soon as it had started it was over.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath as her hearing slowly returned to normal, a click of the doctor's fingers bought her back to her senses.

"Yes, excellent, excellent" murmured the Doctor as he performed a swinging-flashlight test.

"Now Claire, I'd like you to do something for me"

"What's that sir?" she replied

"Say hello to Vega-11"
7 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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PrincessBlurmy 5 years
I'll see if I can get back to this soon.
Other projects have had to take priority.
Lpark435 5 years
I like where this is going, look forward to more chapters.