
chapter 5 - there are 1080 calories in a cinnabon pecanbon

Browsing nutritional menus to find the most calorie dense foods to bring his wife became a bit of a hobby for Chris. When he found the nutritional guide for Cinnabon it literally aroused him to think that one Cinnabon Pecanbon Roll was 1080 calories and one Cinnamon Roll latte was 880 calories. 1960 calories just for breakfast, and there was a Cinnabon just down the street. He could bring Lana breakfast from there every morning.

The next morning Chris woke early as usual, quietly dressed, and went down the street to pick up a Pecanbon Roll and Late for Lana. He bought a large Pecanbon Roll and was even able to get the girl behind the counter to add extra caramel, another 200 calories. He walked home, put the roll and latte on a tray with a linen napkin and woke his wife.
"Wow, what is this?", Lana asked when she woke and saw the tray.

"I thought I would bring you breakfast in bed.", Chris replied and sat the tray down in her lap.
"It looks so good.", Lana said and then took a bite.

She took a drink of the latte to wash the bite down and then thanked Chris again for bringing it. Seeing her laying there eating what was a good 2000 calories for breakfast aroused Chris so much that he was worried she would notice he was getting hard.
When Lana finished the roll and latte, Chris took the tray from her. She got up, took her clothes off, and walked to the bathroom to shower. Chris watched her and thought she was now obviously gaining weight.
Chris packed her lunch, a salad with a high calorie dressing, a roll with butter, an apple (to make it seem healthy), and a large Oatmeal Crème Pie. Roughly a thousand calorie breakfast, but seemingly lighter since it was a salad.

That night for dinner he made a potato soup with heavy crème and a sandwich made with focaccia bread. He just had a cup of soup and a small sandwich. He gave Lana a bowl of sup (580 calories), a focaccia sandwich with plenty of olive tapenade and olive oil on it (640 calories), and a roll with butter (200 calories). For dessert he gave her a serving of cookies and crème ice cream (320 calories). She protested at the dessert but could not help herself.

Total calories for the day: 4750

Lana's caloric need due to her reduced metabolism from the drug: 1230

Total excess calories for the day: 3520

Calories needed to create a pound of body fat: 3500

Chris was so dedicated to his wife gaining that he tracked all of this in a spreadsheet every day, keeping track of everything he fed her, as well as her calorie, sugar, and fat consumption.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
What a dick. He wanted her fat he got her fat she deserved better then that
Karenjenk 5 years
I absolutely love this story so far. I'm sub and love how he is sneaky and tricks her.
and i love chapter 7 because i work with number and quantifying things.
It's easy to visualize what you wrote here.
Nok 5 years
love that ending
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love it please continue!
Kintem 5 years
This is great. Can't wait for more.