
chapter 7 - insomnia cookies

There are 570 calories in one Deluxe Reeses Peanut Butter Cookie from Insomnia Cookies.

That discovery excited Chris. On his way home from work he picked up 2 of them and made a cookie sandwich out of them with frosting.

2 - Deluxe Reeses Peanut Butter Cookies = 1140 calories
Frosting = 240 calories
Total Calories in the Cookie Sandwich, 1380 calories.

Chris handed it to Lana as soon as she walked in the door. She took it and mindlessly ate it before she even changed out of her nice work clothes.

Chris also got the idea to start making Lana a couple of drinks after dinner. Her favorite was Vodka and Pineapple juice. Calories in each drink, about 300 if he used a shot and a half of vodka.

So now Lana was eating on average per day:

2000 calories for Breakfast
300 calories for snack before Lunch
1200 calories for Lunch
1380 calories for a snack when she got home (the cookie sandwiches)
1500 calories for Dinner.
600 calories in drinks after Dinner

Total on average each day: About 7000

She was now gaining over 4 pounds a week. 5 weeks after he gave her the drug she weighed 178 pounds. 9 weeks after he gave her the drug, she weighed 195 pounds. 12 weeks after he gave her the drug, she had gained all the weight she lost with Weight Watchers, and now was at a new high of 206 pounds.

This wasn't enough for Chris though. He saw her new fat belly and he wanted to make it bigger. He saw how her panties stretched over her hips now and he wanted them even bigger. He saw how she could hardly pull her biggest jeans over her thighs and he wanted them even bigger.

Lana hated how she had gained all the weight she lost back. She was disgusted with herself every day for it, but she just couldn't stop eating. Most days even after the Cinnabon breakfast she would stop on the way to work and get herself a sausage biscuit. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She craved food, especially sweets, like never before, but at the same time her metabolism seemed slower than ever. It was like every ounce she ate went to new body fat.

Moreover, it was embarrassing. She just knew all her friends had to be talking about how fat she was getting. She was just gaining weight so fast. She knew she had to stop it somehow but she loved food so much.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
What a dick. He wanted her fat he got her fat she deserved better then that
Karenjenk 5 years
I absolutely love this story so far. I'm sub and love how he is sneaky and tricks her.
and i love chapter 7 because i work with number and quantifying things.
It's easy to visualize what you wrote here.
Nok 5 years
love that ending
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love it please continue!
Kintem 5 years
This is great. Can't wait for more.