
chapter 8 - another movie night

Lana had not seen many of her friends for weeks. She had been working a lot of long days and had frankly been avoiding them due to her weight gain. However, when Stacy texted everyone saying she was throwing another Lifetime movie night, Lana felt like she couldn't refuse.

Lana weighed herself that Saturday morning, 211 pounds. Most of her clothes no longer fit, so she dug around in her dresser and found a pair of leggings and a shirt with a plunging neckline. She put on the leggings and stretched them over her fat flabby belly and hips. Then she put on her bra and the shirt, put on her makeup and fixed her hair.

She looked at herself in the mirror, pretty face, but a visible belly outline, and the leggings were stretched tight over her thighs and hips. There was nothing she could do, she was already late, so she picked up her purse, and ordered an Uber on her phone.

This Lifetime movie night was about a sorority murderer, so the theme was a murderous sorority girl. Lana's Uber dropped her off and she walked up to Stacy's door and knocked. Stacy opened the door and was obviously taken aback at Lana's weight gain. She looked Lana up and down and then said, "Come in."

Lana followed her in, and her other friends were obviously staring at her. Lana followed Stacy back to the kitchen to see the cake, a sheet cake made into a gun wielding sorority girl.

"I love the cake.", Lana said.

"I bet.", Stacy replied.

Wanting to break the ice over her weight gain, Lana said, "The diet obviously isn't working out."

Strangely, Stacy reached forward and poked Lana's fat belly and said, "I guess not."

One of the girls in the living room called out that the movie was starting, and Stacy poured everyone a Cosmo. Lana followed Stacy back into the living room and sat down.

Everyone started chatting and laughing like usual. Stacy got up to get everyone cake and started returning with slices. She served everyone but Lana, then went back to get Lana a slice. When she came back with Lana's slice it was huge, more than twice as big as everyone else's. She handed it to Lana saying, "I thought you would want a nice big slice."

Lana was mortified but did not know what to do other than take it. She sat there and ate the cake and drank her Cosmo, and then another Cosmo with the rest of them. Have such a huge slice was embarrassing, but she did love the cake and secretly wished she had even more when she finished her portion. Stacy was inhaling her Cosmos and had 5 of them by the time Lana and the rest of the girls drank their 3rd.

When the movie was about to end, Lana got up to carry her plate to the sink and Stacy followed her into the kitchen.

Stacy said, "Did you come in here to get more cake?"

Lana, "No just to put my plate in the sink."

Stacy, "But you want more cake don't you?"

Lana, lying, "No"

Stacy, "Look how fast you got fat, I know you want more."

Stacy reached down and grabbed a handful of cake and pushed it into Lana's mouth. She then grabbed the front of Lana's leggings and pulled them down enough so that Lana's belly flopped out over the front of them.

As Lana swallowed the last of the cake, Stacy leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Now you are going to walk back into the living room with cake frosting on your lips and your belly out."

Lana did as Stacy told her and walked back into the living room with her fat belly hanging out over the front of her leggings and cake frosting on her lips. All of their friends just stared at her.

When Lana got home that night, there was a cookie sandwich waiting for her on the kitchen counter.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
What a dick. He wanted her fat he got her fat she deserved better then that
Karenjenk 5 years
I absolutely love this story so far. I'm sub and love how he is sneaky and tricks her.
and i love chapter 7 because i work with number and quantifying things.
It's easy to visualize what you wrote here.
Nok 5 years
love that ending
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love it please continue!
Kintem 5 years
This is great. Can't wait for more.