
chapter 10 - fatter than he wanted

"What is this?", Lana asked seeing the oatmeal and whole grain toast Chris brought her that morning for breakfast.

"It's a healthy breakfast.", Chris replied.

"I want my Cinnabon Roll and Latte.", Lana replied.

Chris started to reply, then paused, thinking of the words to say. The truth was that while he had wanted Lana to gain weight, at 230 pounds she was getting too fat for him. Lana looked up at him impatiently and said, "Well?".

"It's just, don't you think.... Well I mean don't you think it would be better to eat a healthier breakfast?", Chris asked her in response.

"I want the fucking Cinnabon Roll and Latte!", Lana replied, angrily now.

"I didn't get it this morning.", Chris said.

Lana threw the tray off her lap, splattering the oatmeal against the wall by their bed. She jumped up and pushed past Chris, not even bothering to throw a robe on as she walked, her body jiggling, into the kitchen.

Chris followed her into the kitchen and found Lana digging through the pantry. She pulled out a can of chocolate cake frosting and a bag of Fritos. Lana tore open the bag and then opened the can of frosting. She stood there scooping the frosting up with the Fritos like it was chips and dip. Her fat belly pressed against the kitchen counter as she leaned over her chips and frosting, eating scoop after scoop.

She ate most of the bag of chips and almost the whole can of frosting before she stopped, a 3000-calorie breakfast of fat and sugar.

Satiated, she walked to their bathroom and took a hot shower.

Chris knew then and there that she would not stop gaining for a long time.


6 months later

Lana stood in her bathroom lotioning her body. At 273 pounds now, her belly hung down a third of the way down her thighs when she stood. She lifted the bottom of it, rubbing lotion under her fat apron. She was a fat pear shape, proportionally smaller up top with fat wide hips, very thick thighs, a fat ass, and a huge fat flabby belly.

She had thrown Chris out months ago when he tried to put her on a diet again. Chris ended up moving in with her ex-friend Stacy. His alimony is what fed her now.

She finished rubbing lotion onto her legs and went into the bedroom to have her second Cinnabon roll that morning.
10 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
What a dick. He wanted her fat he got her fat she deserved better then that
Karenjenk 5 years
I absolutely love this story so far. I'm sub and love how he is sneaky and tricks her.
and i love chapter 7 because i work with number and quantifying things.
It's easy to visualize what you wrote here.
Nok 5 years
love that ending
Tablesofacha... 5 years
Love it please continue!
Kintem 5 years
This is great. Can't wait for more.