Natalias curves

Chapter 2 - breaking up

Natalia looked down at her phone after we were done talking on the Friday of week two of school and this could possibly be the most important text of my life. The text was from her boyfriend and said "Call me" she didn't think much of it and called him up. They started talking and I could tell that it was getting more intense the longer they talked. When she first got on she was her normal bubbly self, but as the conversation went on she got more broken down. Eventually she went out into the hallway for a bit of privacy.

When she got back her eyes were bright red and she looked like she wanted to get into a fetal position. She very obviously wanted to break down and cry. Class ended and I saw her sitting with her head in her hands trying everything not to start bawling. I decide to go out on a limb and try and console her.

Even when she looks about as defeated as any person could look she was still by far the most beautiful thing in all existence.

I sat down by her with a bag of Doritos I was saving for lunch. I hoped it would lighten her mood somewhat.

She looks up at me and mumbles thank you.
"What happened" I intrigued
"Nothing" she aggressively.
I say nothing
"He broke up with me." She said. The moment after she said it she started crying profusely.
"Why would someone ever do that." I say with an honesty like no other.
"I don't know, he said I wasn't his type. Which is weird because we've been together for over 3 years and just now I'm not his type" she says in between cries.
"Well fuck him then you're one of the best people I've ever met"
"For sure" I said
"I think the real reason is because I've put Like 5 pounds over the last year, he would always comment on it judgmentally and started to distance himself."
"If that shallow *** wants to break up with someone so nice and considerate over 5 pounds then maybe it's a good thing anyways." I say
"That's so true but it doesn't stop it from hurting" she says slowly regaining composure.

We chatted like this for a few minutes and she started to feel a lot better. We got up from the floor and walked each other to our cars. My entire car ride home I could only think of one thing: where did that 5 pounds go and will she put on some more.

She didn't come to school the next day, which made sense since she had to move out of her exes place ASAP. But what disappointed me was she didn't come the next day, or the next day, the next day and so on until the Monday of the next week.

On Monday I walked into art and was so excited to see Natalia sitting and working on an art project. I genuinely missed her and not even as something to look at, but because everything about her just makes me happy.

I sit down with my friends and Start doing menial tasks for my art projects. She walks over to me and we start chatting like usual. Then she says, " Can we go out to the hallway real quick"
"Yeah," I answered.

We go out to the hallway and before I could ask what this is all about she kisses me on the lips. We start kissing and for 12 seconds I am in heaven.

She pulls away from me and goes into the classroom while slipping a piece of paper into my pocket. It had her phone number and Snapchat on it for me to talk to her later.

I walk back in blushing and dumbfounded. We keep shooting each other little looks and laughing for the rest of class. She came over to check on my project and somehow pretended what just happened never happened.

I get home and we start texting about various stupid things and catching up on last week. I guess she just wanted to figure things out. She said she does that by eating ice cream, a lot of ice cream. Well anyways we eventually get around to maybe going on a date. Which would be really risky since she's in a teaching position at my school. It's not an age thing that's a problem, no I'm 18 and she's 23 that's not really a big difference, it's the taboo nature of a teacher and a student dating. We decide that since she's not a real teacher yet it should be okay. We decide to meet at this cheap Mexican place the next night.

The next day in class was so fun because we had a secret that we would hide from the world about our budding romance.

That night I picked her up from her new dorm and drove to the Mexican place. We got a nice table near in the corner. We start connecting on various movies, books, games, and of course music until she says, "You know I've never really had Mexican before"
"You're shitting me for real" i say surprised
"Yeah as a kid my parents were really strict and made sure I stuck to a very complex diet to keep me fit and my ex would always micromanage what I eat so I wouldn't balloon up, but I still ended up putting on weight somehow. My problem is that I have almost no self control when it comes to food. Like last week I ate like 4 whole pizzas and more ice cream than I could count. I kind of went crazy with it, and kinda put on 2 pounds."
"Wow really youd look absolutely stunning no matter what." I reply
"What I've decided is that I'm not holding back. I've lived a boring life with boring food for 23 years and it's about time I actually enjoy myself. I have no reason not to, unless you have a problem with it."

That last question got me into a bind because I don't want to be too eager about her gaining a thicker body, but I also don't want to discourage her and make her think I wouldn't like it if she packed on a little belly.

"You do you girl, just being around you makes me so happy so whatever makes you happy makes me happy"
"You are so sweet" she said

The waiter came back with the food we ordered about 10 minutes prior. When I saw what she got my jaw dropped. She wasn't joking about the lack of self control when it come to food. She ate by herself a whole fajita, two tacos, more fried ice cream than I knew existed.

If she's always like this she'll be a fat girl by the time you say fat belly.

I drop her off after her date and thank her for being so great. We make plans to go out next week I've never been more excited.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Jack-Elray 5 years
Good story so far
Theswordsman 5 years
I like what i see please continue