Natalias curves

Chapter 3 - end of the first quarter

It feels like the school year just started but it's already a fourth of the way through. Most of my classes are going pretty alright with good grades and such. But to be honest I really don't care about any class other than art. In art I get to see Natalia.

We've been secretly dating for about a month and it couldn't be going better. Everyday in class we have fun pretending that we're not hanging out for hours everyday after school and that we aren't hiding an extreme connection. Everyday gets better than the day before between us.

One thing has changed though.

She's obviously gained a few. It's not too much but for someone like me who spends so much time staring at her and hanging out with her it's easy to notice. She's maybe out on 5 pounds since we had our first date and she said that she wasn't gonna be restricting her diet anymore. And did she ever. Every time we went out she would get a bit more food. Actually I'm surprised she didn't put on more.

Before she had a smooth flat belly with hardly any spare fat on it but now I can see a small bit settling on the bottom of her abs. Her thighs might have gotten a bit thicker but nothing too noticeable.

I've made it my goal to help her put at least 50 pounds of supple fat onto her 115 pound body before the end of this school year. And judging by how this last month went that shouldn't be much of a challenge.

After class we went on another date at my house. I decided to make a meal fit for a queen.
I wouldn't pull any stops when it came to making a dinner with as many calories as possible. I started with some chicken Alfredo that I mixed heavy cream into instead of milk. Then I doused the noodles in more butter than I knew what to do with. Then I mixed in a little whey protein I had into it. And that's only the first course. Next I made a pot pie that had every bit of cream and butter I had left. Then there's the ice cream cake and brownies. I planned on barely touching any of this. She would eat almost four servings by herself.

She showed up and we started talking about different things while we waited for dinner to finish cooking. Once it was done I put on some music, dimmed the lights and we dug in. She started eating the Alfredo and before I knew it Natalia had finished her first bowl. I told her to get seconds because I have lots of food and don't want to waste any.

"I might have to slow down a bit here"

"Why is it something I did."

"No not in our realationship but in this meal. I know you worked really hard but I shouldn't be eating this much." She said somberly

"Why not."

"Well I didn't want to tell you this cuz you'd think I'm such a pig, but I gained 7 pounds last month."

"Seven pounds isn't anything and if anything makes you look even more hot"

"Seven pounds. In a month. If I keep this up I'll be a whale be the end of the year" she said irritated.

That's the plan chief.

"Well I guess if you want I can help you work out and stuff"

"Really. Thank you so much."

I subtly urged her to eat and she did without even realizing it. After dinner she sat down and I could see the enormous food baby she had in side her. I waited a few hours and busted out a nice bottle of wine. We drank and told stories until it got sexual.

She pulled me aside and started seductively walking up the stairs. She dragged me into my room. She took her clothes off and I stared in awe at her perfect overfed body. She got down on the bed and I started fucking her hard and grabbing on to her perky tits knowing that soon they will be so much bigger.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Jack-Elray 5 years
Good story so far
Theswordsman 5 years
I like what i see please continue