Meeting adjourned

chapter 3 (part 2)

whole cake plus ice cream, and heavy cream, all in one go?" Liv thought. She took a chair from the table to stand on while she looked for her favorite cake mix. "Chocolate... has to be here somewhere." She did end up finding it, and hopped off the chair, continuing to get some ice cream from her freezer. Liv took a tub of cookies and cream ice cream to the microwave to melt. From the refrigerator above the freezer, she took some bottles of water. The post said to consume a half a liter of water before and a half a liter of water after for maximum results. Whatever danger that could entail, Liv knew she could take it. Especially at empty. A liter was only two bottles of water, anyways.

Liv cracked open her first bottle. One hand rested by the blender, where her fattening concoction was brewing, and one hand held the bottle. She squeezed it so water would come flowing faster. The bottle was empty after a minute. She tossed it aside, grabbing another. Quickly gulping down the water, Liv never took her mouth off the hole. The last bottle was down, making a liter. She tossed the empty bottle away.

"Maybe I'm getting better at this..." Liv thought. "I want my belly to be huge and bloated, soon!" She rubbed her slightly curving belly, the water making minimal difference. It was time for the main course of her stuffing session. A half-gallon cake shake, nearly two liters of creamy stomach-expanding liquid. Liv removed the lid of the blending jar, and held it in her hands. From the outside of the jar, her hands could feel the shake was not as cold as she expected, since the ice cream was melted. Her bluebird sweatshirt usually exposed a bit of her midsection down her torso, but Liv hoped by the end of her bloating, it would expose all of it.

"An entire cake..." she thought. Liv stared at the heavy, daunting shake. It stared back. She had a better idea, to make her drink more enjoyable. Liv went to her pantry to retrieve a boba straw. The thickness of the straw would make chugging the shake much easier, and possibly more efficient. Liv dunked the straw into the liquid, more easily than expected. The ice cream was melted, so it was closer to the texture of milk. She began slurping away, pumping the shake into her belly mouthful by mouthful. Everyone in school would have to notice her oversized gut. Liv imagined she could wear one of her midriff sweatshirts, meant to showcase fit girls' toned abs. They would just have to catch glances at her huge potbelly, jutting out from under it. Instead of hanging off her chest, the shirt would simply rest atop her globular gut, put on display for everyone to see. They would make confused or concerned faces, whisper behind her back about what a pig she looked like... it aroused Liv just by thinking about it. At cross-country practice, her tight belly would bounce as one taut orb as she ran. She would sweat harder due to her big gut weighing her down, and her teammates would make snide comments about Liv needing to watch what she eats. The girls in the locker room, Rachael and her cronies, would have a subject that Liv wanted to have fun poked at. Their jokes about how fat she looked would just bring more attention to her round tummy, and how much she would have had to eat to make it so large and overstuffed. The group could even start poking her belly, and trying to dig into it with their fingers, not going in even a little bit. Her gut would be rock solid, a true testament to the massive food consumptions over the weekend. Liv's stimulated thought was interrupted by a large dairy-influenced belch. She was halfway done with the shake, and had her back leaned on the kitchen counter. As expected, her extra-large stomach protruded from her. Almost as large and spherical as it was on Friday. Liv let out another burp.

"God, dairy just fills me with air..." she thought, practically drooling over herself. It really did bloat her like she never thought possible. Such a big amount of that fattening shake would make an apparent belly on anyone, but for someone of her size, it had to be acknowledged. Nobody could have a gut that huge from an accident.

"Well, I don't want to stop now..." she thought. "Keep going, you greedy pig! Just chug it like the fatty you are!" she purred to nobody in particular. Liv threw the straw into the garbage, and lifted the dip in the blender jar to her mouth. Instantly, the runny liquid came through her, down her throat, and collecting in the indoor pool she had created inside her own belly. The pool must have been overflowing at that point. As Liv forced the fattening, bloating shake into her blindly pained tummy, it gurgled.

"A noisy tummy is a full one... but I wanna break the seams tonight!" She continued to stuff herself. Not stopping to take breaths from her mouth, her small nose tried desperately to compensate. The cake shake trickled from her lips down to the back of her neck, as her chin pointed to the sky. Liv put a hand on her belly, wobbling it. She could feel the shake splashing and sloshing in her overgrown, groaning gut. Her tummy gurgled and the calorie and sugar filled shake gathered inside it as she slowly put her empty blender jar down on the counter. All done. The pig was finished with her feeding. Her ever-protruding belly stayed on the same angle as her back, hoisted to the sky, as if her midsection was holding its trophy to the sky. Liv slid down to the floor. All done. Her tortured stomach simply murmured as she let out a large victory belch. Breathing heavily, she could still hear her pained tummy bubbling and gurgling. The ever-fattening shake sat inside her, resting however her back rotated inside the huge, hard sphere it created for here. In terms of size, Liv's stomach made the small girl look extremely late in pregnancy, possibly with twins. It truly streched her stomach to the limits. It had grown out nearly to her knees, and was hard to the touch. Jiggling the solid mass in her hands made it sound as if Liv was shaking a bottle up and down. She had suddenly remembered she had half a liter of water still left to drink. Having trouble standing up, and bent over at a nearly right angle, she groggily walked to her kitchen, struggling to even finish the first bottle. The skin of her stomach was now a salmon color, being pushed to its breaking point. On the recipe that Liv had followed, it was said that the unbaked cake would practically be forming inside her belly, and she could definitely feel it. It was like her stomach was being pumped very slowly with air. And even as it looked like her tummy simply couldn't stretch any more, it slowly moved forward, putting her in much pain. It was like concrete was hardening inside her belly. Liv had to waddle to the couch to begin to bear the pain.

"This is what you get, you ***ing pig!" she thought to herself. "Rachael is never gonna let you hear the end of it, porky! Might as well buy the maternity clothes now, ya lazy ***!" Liv's small hand crept down to her crotch, under her pajama pants. Time to silence her conscience, like a true fatty does.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Djfex 4 years
would love to see this continue smiley
Jazzman 5 years
First chapter at Sonic is confusing. You have Rachel there in the car for a second. Needs little proofreading.