Meeting adjourned

chapter 4 (part 1)

Celia trotted down to her father's office. She walked through the marble floors and walls, paintings hung perfectly straight. He had called her in for something 'important'. She could hardly contain her excitement. She delicately turned the knob of one of his office's heavy wooden doors.

"Ah, Celia, thank heavens you came when you did," her father welcomed her in. "Have a seat here." He patted on a large leather-padded chair. Celia followed.

"The reason I have you here is an opportunity," he started. "An opportunity that could definitely lead to some extra money in your pocket." The prestigious Emsworth family sure had a lot of money. The father of the family, Harris, turned on a projector above his large desk. A detailed-looking presentation faded onto the burgundy wall. Harris sat on his computer chair, his daughter still facing the presentation. After clicking his mouse, a picture of a vial with transparent liquid inside appeared.

"Celia," Harris started. "This is a product that the Emsworth company has been working on for a while now, as per order of the American Medical Association." Emsworth was the science company ran by Harris, the CEO. They were normally tasked to study vaccinations and surgeries and such. They had made a name for themselves in the industry, thus bringing copious amounts of money for the Emsworth family themselves.

"We were asked by the AMA to produce an aid for anorexia. Of course, no cure, but it is meant to help the affected feel healthier." Celia nodded. "This aid will help its user gain one hundred pounds in just three months, in the most natural feeling way possible. The serum is meant to be put into the user's food with only two drops a day. It makes them hungrier, so they can pack on the pounds more quickly." Celia kept nodding, now a little perplexed.

"Father, this is all well and good, but how will I be helping you?" she inquired.

"Well, we have already tested on plenty of demographics, but the only subjects that haven't been tested are women aged 16 to 24," Harris responded. "It seems girls of that age demographic do not want to gain weight. This is where you come in, Celia."

"You don't... expect me to use this on myself, do you?" she asked, worried. "I would love to help, but I'm afraid to become... larger."

"Oh, no no no," her father assured her. "I need you to find a girl around your age that you think would not be opposed to the idea of 'becoming larger', you see?"

Celia paused to gather her thoughts. She would hate to ruin another lady's appearance for her own personal gain, there was no mean bone in her body. But as long as she could find a consenting girl who would want to come over every day...

"I will take you up on your offer, father! I may be able to find your subject soon as well," Celia told.

"Wonderful! I cannot thank you enough, Celia," Harris thanked her, embracing her. "I will also need you to document her eating tendencies, and amount of kilograms gained."

"You can count on me!" she said, giving him a warm smile.


And so, Monday morning had arrived. A potbellied Liv tried to choose her outfit. She already had in mind what she would wear the night before, however. Out of her closet, she took a pale pink midriff shirt. For a normal girl, this would be a normal choice of clothing. It was warm outside, anyways. For Liv, it was an outfit choice of lust. She had a large, round gut to show the world, and this was the best way to do it. The said gut had barely subdued from last night's greedy experience, and protruded as if there was a baby inside of it. Liv lifted her arms to the air, letting the shirt fall to her shoulders. The bottom of the shirt fell on top of her mammoth tummy. When she tried to pull it down, it only agreed to covering above her navel. Perfect. Everyone would have to stare at her belly. Exactly the way she wanted it. To wear over her shirt, she chose a slightly transparent white sweater with a floral pattern. A cute choice to maybe accentuate her stomach. And a pair of ripped jeans. Black and white Converse.

"This is good... everyone staring at my huge tummy is gonna feel great," Liv thought.

She was wrong.

Liv strutted through the school hallway, coming up on a corner to her locker. Where all the people are. As she began the walk to her locker, she started to get looks. Looks of disgust. In a matter of ten or so seconds, everyone at the lockers had given her a look. Liv's cheeks flushed red. She walked a little faster. And then, she heard a snicker. More followed. People snickering, staring right at her over-bloated belly.

"Oh, holy shit..." Liv thought. "This is not hot. What the hell am I thinking?" She looked frantically around. People seemed to be whispering about her. Not good. This was not good. The room started spinning. Liv pulled her sweater forward. She tried to suck in her massive belly, to no success. Finally, she reached her locker. Entering her combination possibly she fastest she ever had, Liv pulled out her oversized cross-country hoodie from inside, throwing it over her torso. The tip of her belly still left a slight in the hoodie. Much better than before. Liv practically sprinted to Chemistry. Daggers. They were staring daggers. They pierced through sensitive skin, cutting deep.

"Never trust yourself when you're horny..." Liv thought. "This is a disaster."

The moment she stepped into the lunchroom, the fragrance of cheap pizza and french fries floated to Liv's nose. She felt herself being pulled closer. She snapped out of it, grabbing a lemonade and booking it out of the cafeteria.

After lunch, or no lunch, Liv texted Emma, leaning on the left side of the lockers.

"I'm soo bloated from last night"

"lmao must have been ur fault then cuz when i left u were fine"

It was at this point in the two's exchange, that a certain someone snooped up from the left of the navy blue lockers. Right behind Liv. She around her shoulder. More above it actually, a whole eight inches. The girl put a hand over her mouth, hiding a shocked smile.

"Never feed me anything again I stg. You stuffed me big enough on Saturday"

"whatever u liked it"

"I hate you so much omg Ben would never ask me out looking like this"

A giggle. The girl behind Liv let out the quietest giggle. She craned her neck back. And all the color in Liv's face drained.

"Uh...wh..." she stuttered. How much did she see?

"You're joking me," Rachael snickered. That bitch. No. PLEASE no. She quickly lifted the bottom of Liv's hoodie, revealing her big, bloated belly for a small second.

"Ben would never ask you out like this. Better watch your weight," Rachael whispered. "***."

She changed for cross country in a stall.


The night came. Wednesday. Fall dance. Liv's nerves were through the roof. Tonight was the night she would confess to Ben. Confidence surged through her veins, a new feeling this week. She had been jeered and battered by a few individuals who should not be named. Luckily, Liv was of normal proportion once again.

"No matter how big I get, I'll still have a cute face," she thought. And she was right.

Once six o' clock rolled around, the blue lighting set the mood for a great time at the gym. Streamers were strung tightly in whatever places the student council wanted to put them (Liv wasn't put into that job, thank God. She only had to handle planning). As the place began to fill up, Liv and Emma went with the crowd. The two stood by the wall, straying from the dance area. Liv would have to go out there eventually. Track him down in the crowd and pull him to the side. She tensed. Emma glanced at her.

"You feelin' ok? You don't look so hot," Emma inquired. Liv swallowed a lump in her throat.

"I-I'm fine," she said, stuttering slightly. "Just need to talk to someone."

The night progressed, slowly but surely. Liv waited eagerly for Ben to arrive. He had to come eventually. He was president. He just had to.

"Yeah, be right back. I'm gonna get more punch," Emma told her friend, before saying something under her breath.

"I'm sorry."

Now alone, Liv began to breathe better. She began to collect herself. Nothing to be nervous about. Suddenly, a pack of girls appeared from out of the crowd. The mass of people slithered down the gym floor up to Liv. Giggles emerged from the group. They all traveled in an almost perfect V-formation. And who better to be up front than the 'queen', Rachael Luciana Venice. Liv peered up in disgust. What did she want? Chewing a pale blue piece of gum, Rachael started to snicker.

"Ohh, what happened Livie?" Rachael crowed, quickly poking her midsection. "You were so huge and bloated before." A knee-jerk reaction from her crowd followed, of acourse. But 'Livie' wasn't having it tonight.

"Listen Rachael, I'm not in the mood to listen to your shit right now. So back off," Liv responded, miffed. Rachael simply stood there, her group forming a wall in front of Liv.

"Your wish's my command, ***. But lay a finger on me and you might get out of breath," Rachael snapped back. An 'oooooh' followed, attracting more people, uninvolved in the situation. The two now had a proper crowd watching their dispute. Did they even know of Liv's blunder on Monday? High schoolers really are sheep.

"Oh, ok. Lay a finger on you? I don't think I have enough fingers to count how many guys you've had your tongue down." The crowd shouted. Rachael was visibly angry at this point. She crouched down like a parent speaking sternly to their child. Both of them clenched their teeth.

"I swear to God," she started. "I will fucking degrade you. Right here. I'm gonna choke you like the pansy you are." Rachael leaned in closer. "I'll maim you so badly, your fuckbuddy Emma'll never want to pull her sick fetish shit on you out of pity."

That was it. Rage. An
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Djfex 4 years
would love to see this continue smiley
Jazzman 5 years
First chapter at Sonic is confusing. You have Rachel there in the car for a second. Needs little proofreading.