Meeting adjourned

chapter 4 (part 3)

of cake in the box ended up in her groaning tummy. She was soon filled with cake and self-pity.

"I have no one," Liv thought. She threw the box against the wall and curled her knees to her head, continuing to cry. "I'll never forgive her. Everyone is so cruel. And I haven't done a thing to anyone." Through her tears, she looked to her side.

"If she isn't coming, there's nothing stopping me." Liv picked up the large bowl, quickly spooning the chocolate pudding into her mouth. Oh, how food could help in a time of stress. She wiped her tears. "I can deal with that later. I just have to stay positive," she thought. The gelatinous dessert was forced into Liv's mouth, spoonful by spoonful. The pudding was sweet and cool, refreshing after all the mostly dry snacks she had. "Since I'm booking it outta here soon, I can eat as much as I want and nobody will se me. And God knows this is the only thing keeping me sane right now." She could almost feel the massive globs of pudding falling and collecting inside her gut. Liv scraped the sides of the bowl. She was finally finished with the feast that was one laid in front of her. She leaned back, huffing from the sudden influx of food. Liv's triumphant victory was interrupted by a loud growl in her stomach. Looking down, she seemed to look as bloated as she was come Monday. She purred as she rubbed her massive, round belly.

"When did I get so stuffed and round? I guess dairy really does bloat me up quickly," she thought. Still massaging her large, grumbling tummy, Rachael burst through the door once again.

"Shit, are you don-," she stopped in her speech as she noticed the drastic change in size of Liv's gut. "Jesus, you look like you're pregnant. How did you get like that, you ***?" Liv patted her bloated belly, which served as a prize for finishing her feast. "Gross. Anyways, you're coming with me back to the gym," Rachael ordered. "You're gonna be humiliated." Jeanette came inside, grabbing hold of the top of Liv's blouse.

"Ok, stop. I really gotta pee," Liv insisted. Rachael scoffed.

"Yeah, right."

"I swear to God, I will pee on you like a little dog if you don't let me go RIGHT NOW."

"Ew. You really are a disgusting little freak. Ok, go along then," Rachael shooed her off, not wanting to get pee on her Vans.

Liv started to speed-walk to the bathroom, which seemed pretty harmless from afar. And she sped up. And sped up some more.

"Cross country, don't fail me now," she thought, now sprinting out the door.

And she was gone.

"Alright Celia, you will blend in just fine. There is no need to worry," Celia thought, walking to the parking lot of the local high school. "A fine subject must be here somewhere."

And there was one. Darting toward her at full speed.

Liv stopped herself as quickly as she could.

"Sorry, I just really gotta go. I'm running from someone," Liv apologized, huffing and puffing.

Celia grinned. "Oh, it's no worry." Public schoolers were so amusing. What could she possibly be running from? Liv felt a buzz on her back pocket. It was a Snapchat from Rachael.

"fine, run if you want. i'll get you tomorrow 😉"

She shuddered.

"Never mind. I'm not running anymore," Liv said. She was able to look at the person she nearly speared. The girl was much taller than her, which wasn't saying much considering Liv's own stature. She wore a lengthy black cocktail party-esque dress, with candy red high heels, complete with a necklace and bracelet. The black of her clothing brought out the pale of her skin. Liv thought she looked like a porcelain doll. Her face was softly featured. Large grey eyes, a button nose, and straight brunette hair that came down a little past her shoulders.

"You..." Liv paused. "You're really beautiful."

Celia blushed, bringing some color to her silk-white cheeks. "Oh, you're too sweet. Could I maybe get your name? You seem like an interesting person, seeing as you were just sprinting from... something," Celia asked.

"My name's Olivia Kennedy, but my friends call me Liv."

"Well, I'm Celia Emsworth, and my friends don't call me," she joked. Liv gave a sympathy laugh.

"What a lame joke," she thought. "But she seems so sweet."

"I'm very curious, Olivia, why were you running so quickly just then?" Liv groaned, ashamed.

"Fine. But you have to promise not to tell anyone," Liv responded, reluctantly. Normally, she would never give this type of information to a stranger, but Celia seemed sincere.

"I won't tell a soul!" Liv told her all about her situation, as they sat on a nearby bench.

After giving Celia the rundown, the porcelain girl sat in shock. How could anyone be so cruel? Public school kids were so horrid! What could that Rachael possibly do that to her for?

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Olivia! As God as my witness, I've never heard anything so tragic," she tried to console her new friend. "Those two are just... ooh! Unbelievable!" Liv managed to crack a smile.

"Thanks for listening," Liv said, now dejected again. Her stomach grumbled again. "That whole force-feeding thing is why I have this oversized gut now." Celia had just then realized how disproportionate the small girl's tummy was. It looked the size of a tether ball, no, larger! "I'm lying if I say I didn't enjoy it, though. Desserts are my one true weakness."

"At least there's that," Celia smiled, just then remembering what she came for. A client. And Liv was the perfect candidate. "Liv, I want to invite you to my house tomorrow. If you've really no real friends, I want you to have at least one in me." Liv looked up from the sidewalk to meet Celia's welcoming eyes.

"You know, I wouldn't mind that." Celia couldn't help herself from growing giddy. She hadn't had anyone over for a while.

"Ohh, yay! My house is down in a private plot, I'm 8 Salamander Drive, the one with the fountain in the middle of the driveway! Ohh, so excited! See you then," Celia told her excitedly, before walking back where she came briskly.

Liv still sat on the bench, after trying to get her attention. She was gone. A fountain?! But for the first time in a while, she was truly happy. After being put on the stretching table for a night, she felt like she had a real friend to lean back on. To trust.

"Thanks, Celia."
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Djfex 4 years
would love to see this continue smiley
Jazzman 5 years
First chapter at Sonic is confusing. You have Rachel there in the car for a second. Needs little proofreading.