The sheikh's expanding harem

  By Cggo

chapter 4

It was a few months of noisy construction that followed Yuna was curious at the design for the area. It was enclosed except for a few entrances, all of those entrances were narrow. Yuna knew she could fit through them if she waddled sideways however someone with more ample hips may not be able to even sideways. This seemed to be the only real limiting factor aside from the 13'(4m) high walls. The entire area mimicked the area Yuna was in except Yuna's area did not have any walls. Half of it was indoors mostly enclosed except for one wall, which was simply open to the outside area. A small restroom area complete with massive shower was off of the indoor area. Except for the restroom area had a wide double doorway unlike Yuna's which had a single wide doorway. This only difference made Yuna think this was to be Lakesha's area once she learned to obey Abla.

Lakesha was sitting down at her table stuffing her face with food angrily. When suddenly the muscled servant came in grabbing her. She wanted to struggle but knew she was far to weak and stuffed to do much resisting. The servant lead her to a nearby room with a similar 100" wide couch to the one in her chamber. Only difference was this one was fitted with sturdy handcuffs and ankle cuffs. A tube hung from the ceiling in front of the couch, making Lakesha nervous. The muscled servant cuffed her to the couch and smiled as she saw how much of the couch Lakesha took up. Hooking the mask and tube up to Lakesha's face the muscled servant said nothing as the machine was turned on. Humming was heard from above Lakesha as she was pumped full of some sort of thick liquid. This went on for hours as Lakesha was kept stuffed to her maximum the entire time. Afterwards the muscled servant would lead Lakesha back to her room locking her inside. Lakesha knew which wall the secret door was on now but was always entirely too full to try any escape. Besides her side of the door had no handle or latch, or even visible hinge. This pattern of pumping her full all day after she ate breakfast was kept up for an unknown amount of time. Lakesha was quickly noticing that she gained weight much faster with this new process. Most of the weight seemed to accumulate in her thighs, hips, and butt area. The couch she sat on both in her room and the pump area was quickly becoming too small. Lakesha was thankful the rest of her body did not seem to fatten up as much. However her butt was so large and expansive it was quickly becoming a problem. One day she even noticed her hips now brushed up against the small door to her room on both sides. It was not long after that the forced feedings became even longer per day. Her hips quickly went from brushing the doorway to now needing time to squeeze through it.

Soon after that realization Lakesha noticed her hips now touched both sides of the couch when she sat on it. Her waddle became slower and much more pronounced. Her breasts seemed a slight bit bigger. Her belly had grown more hanging down further and expanding across her lap more as she sat down. Her thighs smashed together all the way down past her knees. Her hips so wide she needed to turn sideways and struggle to fit through the doorway to her room. Her butt so big and jutting out behind her she could not even hope to reach all of it. When bathing Abla sent a small servant woman to help, as Lakesha was so fat she could not reach all of herself. This same servant woman also helped keep her stuffed even after the force feedings. The servant never spoke to Lakesha no matter how much Lakesha talked. Instead she just smiled and kept helping out. Lakesha eventually stopped trying to talk to her and just began asking her for help. The muscled servant still escorted Lakesha to the force feeding area. One day Lakesha noticed she was having serious trouble fitting her massive butt on the couch. Shockingly she barely fit on the 100" couch now her hips squeezed into it now as she sat down. It was on this day that Abla paid Lakesha another surprize visit.

"My dear ebony princess how are you today" Abla said to Lakesha as she was pumped full of liquid.

Lakesha stared at Abla with angry eyes and struggle in her bonds.

"Ah don't worry I will do all the talking" Abla patted her belly and walked around the couch as he talked.

Struggling at his touch Lakesha tugged at her bonds feebly.

"Still trying to resist me I see no worries soon you will be moved to your new home outside in the fresh air" Abla said jestering around with his hands as if outside.

Lakesha stopped hatefully glaring and looked at him with a questioning glance.

"Well I had a special area constructed for you once you reached this expanse" Abla patted Lakesha's ample hips and the couch.

Lakesha again glared at his touch but soon realized what he meant her eyes widening in fear.

"You see at your current expanse you are not running anywhere and are barely waddling at best I want to move you outside before you far too wide to do so" Abla said continuing to pat Lakesha's hips watching the fat jiggle.

Lakesha stared at him with pleading eyes now.

"Oh so now you are worried a bit late for that my ebony princess once you are out there it will only be a matter of weeks before this very wide expansive butt keeps you imprisoned and not my walls or doors" Abla said meeting her pleading gaze with a toothy smile.

Struggling briefly Lakesha eventually let her arms go slack looking over at the muscled servant that now walked in.

"Bring her outside and hook her up out there we will finish her expanse there now" Abla said to the servant before leaving.

Lakesha wanted to struggle and run away but she was so painfully full it was impossible. Her servant rubbed her belly and massaged her as they walked her upstairs and outside. A narrow archway was greased before them. The muscled servant barely squeezed Lakesha's expansive hips through the greased archway sideways. The smaller servant cleaned the archway completely removing all the grease. The muscled servant lead Lakesha over to yet another couch cuffing her to that and attaching yet another hose. Once hooked up to the machine the muscled servant turned it on and patted Lakesha on the belly smiling. Lakesha struggled briefly before accepting what had happened. She was too weak now to resist them much and knew her fat would be her prison very soon. The outside air however felt great and so did the sun. When she was allowed to waddle around in the sun the muscled servant was present. Abla paid another visit to Lakesha a month after her initiation to her new home. During that month however Lakesha was barely allowed to sleep, and was kept so full all she wanted to do afterwards was sleep.

"Ah nice sun today is it not" Abla smiled setting a large metal scale nearby.

"It is what are you doing with that" Lakesha said a bit nervous at the sight of the scale and the muscled servant.

"Seeing how much my ebony princess has grown my dear...why is it not obvious we do not really need the guard to keep you here anymore" Abla walked up to Lakesha and patted her ample butt.

Lakesha looked down a bit shamed and waddled toward the scale slowly.

Abla looked down at the scale and smiled widely "See the great progress you have made my dear 253 kilograms or 558 pounds as you Americans say is impressive progress."

Feeling her head spin a little Lakesha stepped off the scale to see for herself "Oh my god what did you do to me."

"I improved your figure my dear" Abla said grasping Lakesha's ample butt shaking it. Then slapping her gigantic thunder thighs watching them jiggle.

He lets go watching it jiggle then walks around her patting her flabby belly "Now you are my guest till you become as large as you are able because for you my ebony princess I have no limits."

Lakesha just stood there stunned staring into the distance. Her head was absolutely swimming and she was starting to feel a bit hungry. A audible rumble was heard from her flabby belly after Abla stopped patting it.

"Well someone is hungry I would hate to see you waste away" Abla smiled before nodding to the muscles servant.

The servant moved Lakesha over to the couch and crammed her massive butt into it. The cuffs were not even needed anymore as the servant hooked the mask and hose up to Lakesha. Minutes went by and a snap was heard from the couch, as it broke and collapsed under Lakesha's massive weight.

"Bring out the cushions she will not fit on furniture anymore" Abla said happily to several other servants.
6 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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GummieTummy 4 years
I love your stories. It would be so wonderful if the captors had to one day face their friends and family, who only remember them as thin vivacious women. The humiliation would be divine.
Karenjenk 4 years
I love the contrast between the two girls. one willing and the other not.