
chapter two

It had been days since Scarlet had gone out on a date with Mark, and she had not contacted him ever again. She blocked him on the dating app, and made sure that he couldn't contact her in any other way. He didn't know where she lived, so, she got away with it with a nice dress and a full belly-- or well, so she thought. Unbeknownst to her, Mark had actually started planning his revenge. He, a wealthy man, had done research after not hearing from Scarlet. It was mostly because he was kind of concerned that there was something wrong with his date, who he had very much already fallen for, and he sent out a private detective to figure out what was going on with her. When the detective came back with the news that Scarlet was doing fine and that she was going on other dates pretty much every single day, Mark told him to do more research. And so he found out that he had been a victim of Scarlet the slut.

He didn't think it could be right, because how could someone so cute and pretty and charming be such a witch inside? Maybe that was the problem: she was too pretty. Mark was filled with rage and pain, he had fallen for her and yet he had meant absolutely nothing to Scarlet. It hurt, a lot. And he needed to make sure that Scarlet knew how much it hurt. So, he came up with a plan. And being rich kind of very much helped. It made everything easier. He was going to make sure that Scarlet would never hurt anyone ever again.

His plan was simple. If Scarlet's beauty was what made her such a bitch, then he would just take away the beauty. He would capture her, and lock her up. Of course, you would think that was a stupid plan since someone would figure out that she was gone, but actually Scarlet didn't have any people around her. She didn't have any family, she had been in a foster home for most of her childhood and then ran away when she was old enough to live on her own. Scarlet's asshole-like behavior made it so she didn't have any friends either. That made kidnapping a whole lot easier, since no one would miss her.

And that's how Mark made up his mind and started to make sure that everything would work out. He had his basement refurnished with a chair and a bed and many, many chains. He knew that this was going to be fun, mostly to him, but he didn't really care about what Scarlet thought. She had to be taught a lesson, and he was going to be the one to do so. The only thing he still had left to do was actually get Scarlet. But he was not too worried about that, there were enough guys who had been victims of Scarlet, and enough of them wanted to help Mark. One of them, who had not met Scarlet yet, was going on a date with her and slip something into her drink after which Mark was going to pick her up.

It was an easy plan, and it worked perfectly. Before Mark knew it, Scarlet was passed out in his basement on the big, reinforced bed. He had made sure that she wouldn't be able to escape. With the newest of technologies, Mark had planted a chip behind her ear that could track her wherever she went, and a collar around her neck that would shock her if she did anything wrong- he had the button to the collar, and with the many cameras in the basement he could see exactly what she was up to at any moment. And, of course, he had chained her up by ankles and wrists to the bed, just so she couldn't move. Mark was happy, and his plan was going to be perfect.

Obviously, you might question what exactly his plan was. I'll tell you. Mark knew that if Scarlet wasn't as pretty anymore, she would not get away with what she did. She wouldn't be able to be a slut anymore, and thus wouldn't be able to hurt anyone anymore. And how was he going to make Scarlet less pretty? Sure, there were very dark things that he could to her face, but he wasn't going to do anything like that with acid or something. No, he was going to do something much more fun. He was going to make Scarlet so fat, that no one would even want to look at her. She wouldn't be pretty to people, and the best thing was that she would probably be disgusted with herself. And she couldn't do anything about it.

She was captured, and Mark was going to have so much fun with her...
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Martim92 5 years
Keep going smiley
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I think you’re off to a great start.
You’ve built the characters and their motivations.
I’m looking forward to more.
Theswordsman 5 years
I can't wait to see what happens next