
chapter three

When Scarlet woke up, the first thing she noticed was a headache. Her head was pounding, and she couldn't remember much of the night before. She couldn't even remember how she got home. All she could remember was that she went on a date, but after ordering her drink and her dinner, she couldn't remember actually eating or drinking. With a soft grunt, Scarlet sat up. Or well, she would have if it hadn't been for her being unable to move her limbs. This was concerning to her, of course. Her eyes shot open wide, and she looked around in panic. She quickly noticed that the room she was in didn't ring any bells, Scarlet didn't know where she was or how she got there. The second thing she noticed was that her wrists and ankles were tied to the bed. Or chained, rather. It terrified her, this wasn't right.

Scarlet wasn't stupid. She knew that this wasn't a situation she wanted to be in, and she knew that she needed to escape. But, she didn't know where she was or how to get out. And as she struggled, she soon realized that it was useless: the chains were too strong and there was no way she could just break out of them. She was captured, and had no way of getting out.

After slowing down her heartbeat by a little, Scarlet tried to relax against the bed, looking around to try and figure out where she was. It was a basement, or another room with no windows. There was a bed, which she was lying on, and a chair with straps for (she assumed her) ankles and wrists. The were two doors, both of which lead to someplace she didn't know where. It was scary, and Scarlet didn't like this. All she wanted was to get out.

It wasn't long after she woke up before one of the two doors opened. Scarlet quickly looked, and to her surprise saw Mark standing there. Well, she had already forgotten his name, but she did recognize his face. That was the guy who bought her the red dress she loved so much. It was also the dress she was currently wearing.

"It's so nice of you to finally wake up, sleeping beauty," Mark laughed, walking over to the captured young woman, a dark look in his eyes. "How are you feeling? A bit of a headache, I assume? I'm sorry, that's a slight side effect of the drugs. But it worked, and I have you here now."

"What the hell is this? You psycho! Did you kidnap me?" Scarlet asked, her voice piercing, high with fear. She had no idea what was going on, and she hoped it was just a sick prank. Oh, she was going to ruin that boy when she got out.

"Yes, I did kidnap you. For a good reason, though. You really hurt me, Scarlet. Me, and many other men. You're... How do I put this nicely? A bit of a slut," Mark said, making Scarlet huff. She wanted to say something, but suddenly pain ran through her entire body as something shocked her neck. "Well, at least we know that works now. See, you have a collar around your neck that will shock you whenever I want. It's adjusted so it won't hurt you too much, and it won't do any lasting damage. But if I want to, I can kill you with it. So, I suggest you don't do anything stupid."

Alright, so, Scarlet was locked up with some crazy man. She realized that as she laid there panting for air, pain slowly subsiding. Mark must've turned the collar off.

"As I was saying, you're here because of a good reason. You've hurt many people, and they all want revenge. Me too. I've talked to all of them, and we've come up with a nice plan to make sure that you don't ever hurt anyone again," Mark said, moving to pull something from the ceiling above Scarlet. It looked like a tube, connected to a mask that would cover a mouth and a nose. Scarlet wasn't sure if she even wanted to know the purpose of such a thing. "You see, Scarlet. Your problem is your beauty, that's what makes you such a bitch. So, take your beauty away, and you have nothing. And how am I going to take your beauty away, you might wonder? Well, darling, I'm going to transform you," Mark paused, fitting the mask over Scarlet's mouth, making sure she couldn't move away. "I'm going to make you so fat you can barely even walk."

Scarlet wanted to scream, but she couldn't. As soon as Mark stopped talking, a thick liquid started coming down the tube, pushing its way into Scarlet's mouth. She had no choice but to swallow, or she would choke. This was her worst nightmare, and she kept struggling, trying to reach out for Mark even as he left the room laughing. Soon enough, Scarlet was left alone in the room, and she wondered when the liquid was going to stop coming down...
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 5 years
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Martim92 5 years
Keep going smiley
GrowingLoveH... 5 years
I think you’re off to a great start.
You’ve built the characters and their motivations.
I’m looking forward to more.
Theswordsman 5 years
I can't wait to see what happens next