
chapter 2

Richard had been working at the donut store for half a year now. Everyday he'd get up, enjoy his wife's healthy breakfast, eat the contents of his lunch bag, add a donut (sometimes two) and come back home to eat dinner after work. Life was simple and everything was fine. Well, except for the fact that Susan kept going on about him joining a gym. He hadn't even gained any weight. Ok, maybe his biceps weren't as large as they once were, and maybe his stomach not as hard, but he was still very fit, thank you very much!

But she would not let it go, and Richard found himself eating an extra donut or two at work, just to defy his Wife, to show her that he hadn't been "growing lazy" since he started his new job. He couldn't gain weight, he had been thin his whole life. Seriously, what was her problem, he thought to himself, chewing on the fifth donut of that day.

His denial endured the next few months, even when he struggled to fit into a pair of his jeans, he decided that they must have shrunk in the wash. It was only when his belly, a short while ago so flat, started pooching out over his waistband ever so slightly, did he admit that he must have really gained weight.

"See? I told you so"

"Yes honey, I'm sorry" He sighed. "I'll start exercising again tomorrow I promise"

His new training regimen involved daily jogs after work and going to the gym twice a week. Even though he was not enjoying going out of his way to maintain a healthy lifestyle, whereas earlier he could just get enough exercise at work and relax at home, his wish to remain fit was strong and he didn't quit.

But there was one thing he couldn't stop, one temptation that he couldn't resist, no matter how hard he tried. Donuts. He ate even more than before now, constantly hungry due to his workouts. He convinced himself that he had earned himself a treat, with all the work he was putting into exercising.

When his weight continued climbing, he convinced himself, again, that this was only him putting on more muscle. Which was only partly true. Half of the weight he was gaining was all those donuts adding up, forming a layer of fat over his stomach.

Richard was feeling more and more powerless, as his efforts to lose weight only seemed to put more on him. It was now about a year after he had begun working at the donut shop and his body had changed. His flat belly had turned into a humble dad bod, his chiseled face was accompanied by a small double chin, and it seems even his ass had become a bit bigger.

Susan had started denying him sex, until he lost the gut. Instead of making him work harder to lose weight, it only made him angry, at himself, and he had turned to more food in hopes of relieving his sexual frustration. He knew it was wrong, but eating donuts made him happy, so why should he stop? Men putting on some weight at his age was perfectly normal, and Susan would have to live with it. Nobody else seemed to mind, so why did she make such a big deal out of it?

One day Richard was eating in the backroom, filled with anger about his wife. Without thinking much, he started to stuff donut after donut into his face, smiling at how his wife would react when he came home with a bloated gut. After eating nearly a dozen donuts, he drove home, examining himself in the mirror when he arrived. I still look good, he thought. flexing his arms even made him smile. I may have put on some weight, but that's normal. His eyes wandered down to his bloated gut. Hmmm. He suddenly realized how horny he was. That's it. I'm going to Susan, and we're going to sleep with each other. If she thinks I'm to fat to have sex with, I'll just have to prove to her that she's wrong.

Driven by lust, he made his way to the bedroom, where he knew Susan was reading a book.

"Richard!" She called out, surprised to see him standing in front of her, shirt taken off to reveal his hairy chest and bloated belly. He didn't waste much time talking, instead he took her hand gently and laid it onto his erect cock. She was now looking almost as horny as he was, the weeks without sex had clearly been difficult for her as well.

They hadn't had sex that great in years, and Richard found himself squeezing his fat roll as he came.
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