The time traveler

chapter 6

Elizabeth couldn't believe her luck.
In her opinion, Yolanda was a God send if not evidence of divine providence. Besides the loads of black leather toys, outfits, harnesses and strap-ons to meet their anniversary needs, Yolanda proved helpful in more than one way.

Being transsexual an into feederism for years, Yolabda was a treasure trove of useful information to Elizabeth when it came to both fattening and feminizing her fatty to his fullest potential.

First Yolanda recommended and gave the contact information to Elizabeth for a doctor that she only described to them as being "Descreet and as a a Kindred Spirit". Yolanda told her that this "Dr. Wu" had been working miracles for years with many others with their same "proclivities".

But in the mean time until they made their mind up whether or not to go down that rabbit hole, Yolanda retrieved, two very large jugs. One was labled BustMax and was for breast enlargement and the other was a strong estrogen enhancing formula that Yolanda swore by herself.

Along with that she handed the couple a huge bag of "oddly procured" viagra pills, that Yolanda said Nick would eventually need to get and maintain an erection after months of taking estrogen.

"And you said he wants you to make him fatter right?"

"Yeah", agreed Elizabeth.

"Well here you go", said Yolanda as she heaved up another huge jug, this time filled with what she called "VERY STRONG appitite enhancers".

"And here you go, here's the number for a good technician to remove all of that facial hair and/or all body hair from you bitch."

'So all of this will work?"

"I guarantee it. If you give him the dosages that I wrote down for you, you'll have yourself a huge 400lb, wide hipped, and big busted bitch within one year's time. Trust me.

They thanked Yolanda for her time, advice, and information. As they got to the car, Elizabeth turned on her chubby hubby who was carrying all their purchases like a pack mule. Unable to move his arms, he greeted Elizabeth back with a long and passionate kiss, before Elizabeth broke off and said, "Nick, you make me so happy. I love you".

Then she popped several pills of different sizes and shapes into Nicola's mouth. "Swallow my love", said Elizabeth. Nick complied and instantly felt his belly grumble. He couldn't tell if it were the pills, or just some psychosomatic effect, but he was ravenous.

"Let's get my Fat Bitch home for a good fucking, yes?"

"Yes, but can we get some takeout first?"

"You were reading my mind Fat Boy, let's go."
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 2 years
Great so far, but I know you have so much more to do to complete his transformaion to fill all of the story descriptiions.
Jolene 3 years
This is the other one I've been super disappointed with having it been updated in forever .. aching to see more soon-
Jolene 4 years
MORE!!! 💖Please... 💖
Aquarius64 5 years
Check your spelling for words such as weight and wait. Otherwise, it’s a good story.
Growingsofter 5 years
Don't worry, we'll get there.
Shammyboy 5 years
Straight female gain eh?
Inthecourt 5 years
Love the turn this last chapter has taken. Excellent stuff!
Td0057 5 years
Really great story idea and build up. Looking forward to more.