The time traveler

chapter 7

Only a month after his last visit from his future wife and Nicola was beginning to get nervous. The changes in and between he and his wife were much more rapid than he'd ever expected in his wildest dreams.
Their marriage was definitely saved and their sex life couldn't be better but Nicola couldn't wrap his head around just how easily and naturally both he and Elizabeth had taken to their new lifestyles.

For her part, Elizabeth took seriously her husband's request that she bulk up.
In fact, Elizabeth's initial transformation was equal in intensity to that of of her husband's. Elizabeth made sure to down as many calories as did Nick. She enjoyed eating whatever she pleased and was even more satified with the results from lifting heavy. Elizabeth added roughly 10lbs to her once lithe 110lb frame. At 120 with slightly bulging biceps and defined leg muscles, whe was looking and feeling sexier than ever.

Nicola's weight gain was almost twice of that of his wife's and where she was adding sexy muscle to her curves, Nicola just got fatter wider, and yes, less masculine. As Nicola did most of his work from home, he was often visited by Elizabeth who stopped in for sexual romps at least once a day. And she come alone either. Elizabeth was always armed with loads of food which Nicola consumed either before or during sex.

The sex was great and somehow just kept getting better. The hormone creams and estrogen pills were also taking effect. Nicola's skin softened, lost its masculine toughness and took on a creamy appearance and became pillowy texture. His belly grew softer and even more textured as Nicola gained another 20lbs due to all the fem hormones and appitite stimulants Elizabeth constantly kept shoving in his mouth.

Up to 290lbs, no one would have ever guessed that three short years ago, he was a gym buff with a narrow waist, tight abs, and an impressive chest. Up over 80lbs, Nicola's chest was still impressive, but his muscles had softened and relaxed with a thick layer of flab now covering them. The hormone creams, BustMax, and copious amounts of soy products and a total lack of any exercise gave his big chest a more feminine look. His areolas and nipples darkened and increased in circumference. Even though, they weren't completely womanly yet, Nicola went from having a chubby guy's chest to straight out man boobs within a month's time.

That wasn't the only change in Nicola's appearance. At his wife's behest, Nicola went to the technician and got waxed and lasered to remove all bodily and facial hairs. They both liked the way he looked, like a chubby cherub.

Without any facial stubble Nicola's face was becoming rather androgynous. It didn't help that the hormones started to shift Nicola's weightgain away from going strictly to his belly. Nicola's added 20 extra pounds got distributed throughout his ass, hips, and thighs, as much as it did his belly and moobs, maybe even more so. As a result, all of Nicola's pants stared to ride up over his thickened legs, causing his pants to ride up like high waters.

Nicola couldn't believe how rapid were their transitions. By the end of the second month, With Nicola adding another 20lbs and up to over 310lb, Nicioa could hardly recognize himself or even his own gender when looking in the mirror. The internal and cream forms of hormones had done a real job on his once fit body. He was sure that his belly had grown a bit, but to him it actually looked a bit smaller in comparison to his thickening thighs, hips and rear end.

Even when he was thin, Nicola had strong and powerful legs. Now that he'd gained over 100lbs, added with fem hormones, and those same legs were now soft, thick and fat, with hints of cellulite showing here and there.

And while he still found his new appearance odd and sometimes even revolting to his sight, the feel of his soft and now feminine flesh drove Nicola up the walls. It all felt so good, so right.

Elizabeth's growing strength was accompanied by an increase in her own girth. While she still look fit, maybe fitter than ever, up to 150lbs, Elizabeth looked less like a runner these days and more like a athletic but thick college softball player. And as much exercise as she did, all of Elizabeth's thick and growing muscles were now covered in a thin but perceptable layer of soft adipose tissue.

Along with her change in physique, came even more drastic changes to her appearance and demeanor. First of all, Elizabeth took the curl out of her hair and died it a faint pink color, thus immediately giving her a more punk-like appearance. Secondly, instead of being ashamed of her newly added thirty pounds to her frame, Elizabeth strutted off her new curves. And while technically, her BMI was increasing faster than Nicola's recently, that technicality was easily explained by her lack of seven inches in height, when compared to her husband. But that was merely a technicality.

In reality, Elizabeth was currently getting more wanton stares from strangers these days. Its was no wonder considering that Elizabeth for the most part refused to buy bigger clothes, until it was literally painfully necessary. Her much larger and now voluminous behind hung out of the bottom of her workout shorts. Thicker everywhere, Elizabeth's hourglass figure was only enhanced by her growing muscle and the insidious creeping of slowly building subcutaneous fat.

Her new plumpness didn't much bother Elizabeth as she was too busy going between the endorphins highs of lifting weights and the carnal pleasures of feeding and fucking her growing sissy boy who now wore panties around the house for her. And besides no one even seemed to notice her weight gain at all. If anything, Elizabeth was either being showered with compliments about her new figure or being talked about like some dog, behind her back of course by jealous biddies. Both outcomes please Elizabeth and made her feel more dominant, by the day. She was growing more assertive and physically stronger, while Nicolas became more lethargic, and submissive.

As her arms grew bigger, so did Nicolas', but not nearly in the same way. Yes, his arms did increase in circumference more than did Elizabeth's, but not all gains, even in volume are equal.

Nicolas' arms ballooned with the saddling of thousands of extra calories looking for a place to go. And ever since he began taking large doses of feminine hormones, his body began shedding his former masculine muscle and replaced it with feminine looking plump arms and batwings.

While Elizabeth's arms didn't quite match her husbands in volume, she actually outgained him in weight in that particular are of the body. Nicolas' now sedentary lifestyle along with the overconsumption of calories caused virtually all of his weight gain, even that of his arms, to be completely nothing but pillowy and doughy fat. Elizabeth's arms were strong and solid. She consumed just as many calories, but had doubled her strength from struggling with ten pound weights, to easily curling 20lbs 20xs and repeating that set, many times over.

She wasn't sure if she were just yet as strong as her husband. But Elizabeth was sure that within a month or two, she would be stronger, definitely fitter, and then he'd be her Fat Bitch, too weak to resist, even if he tried. The thought of her big assed and wide hipped hubby growing to massive proportions made Elizabeth spontaneously climax on occasion.
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Rickeb 2 years
Great so far, but I know you have so much more to do to complete his transformaion to fill all of the story descriptiions.
Jolene 3 years
This is the other one I've been super disappointed with having it been updated in forever .. aching to see more soon-
Jolene 4 years
MORE!!! 💖Please... 💖
Aquarius64 5 years
Check your spelling for words such as weight and wait. Otherwise, it’s a good story.
Growingsofter 5 years
Don't worry, we'll get there.
Shammyboy 5 years
Straight female gain eh?
Inthecourt 5 years
Love the turn this last chapter has taken. Excellent stuff!
Td0057 5 years
Really great story idea and build up. Looking forward to more.