The time traveler

chapter 8

Over the next four months, Elizabeth made sure to keep her and her Fat Bitch stuffed constantly with fattening foods and more specifiacally, Nicola with strong feminine hormones. Both loved eating and were equally turned on by watching the other eat. So it wasn't before long that both developed a pavlovian sexual response to being overstuffed, as they engaged in intense sexual coupling or maturbation immediately following their respective gorges.

Nocola was often doubled stuffed from both ends, with him usually in panties, eating on all fours while Elizabeth pegged him from behind with a double sided and vibrating dildo. They both discovered how much they both enjoyed his now 350 jiggly and cellulite cratered ass bouncing and slapping against her now soft tummy. They both cherished every wobble and jiggle created by Elizabeth's hard pounding of her bitch's ass. Nicolas' belly now scrapped the floor in this position and his boobs hung almost just as low and swung violently back and forth as they made love.

Only six month's into usage, and the hormones had really kicked in. First of all, Nicola's metabolism slowed and caused him to gain even more weight. And not only that, Nicola's androgynous look actually began shifting more and more to the feminine as his shoulder's narrowed and his hips widened.

Looking at himself in the mirror Nicola couldn't help but to remark to himself that he'd be really turned on if he met someone on the street with this new body type. He'd secretly fawned after women shaped like this for years, and in some strange ways he was happy to now have the body that he always desired.

Nicola was now a bottom heavy pear, with thick, yet shapely legs, dimpled in cellulite and flaring widely at his hips, thighs, and ass. His belly took on a large teardrop shape and was soft and creamy both in appearance and to the touch. However, his most conspicuous development was in his chest.

Copious amounts of powerful female hormones, along with estrogen creams, and huge amounts of soy and dairy products, all led to Nicola's large man boobs to completely transform into big, huge feminine knockers. Round in shape, hairless, and complete with big thick nipples and darkened areolas, Nicola now sported a pair of saggy DD's that looked more like they belonged on some MILF rather than on a young male scientist. And not only that, they had grown extremely sensitive to the touch. Oftentimes Elizabeth and sometimes he by himself, would stimulate his nipples to the point of orgasm.

Something odd happened as well. Whenever the wide bodied scientist ever felt his nipples becoming aroused, his belly would ache for more food. The more he ate and the fatter his chest became and thus the more sensitive his nipples felt. It was a vicious cycle of stimulation, overeating, and orgasm that kept Nicola constantly eating. And without any real exercise, this new circle of life proved to be a circle of continual fat gaining.

Elizabeth was in her own cycle too sort of speaking. Instead of running, like she'd done for years when she woke up, Elizabeth usually started her day early with a big breakfast of bacon and eggs, multiple bagels with cream cheese, a large bowl or two sugary cereals, and a weightgain shake made with real icecream.

She reckoned that with as much fattening foods as she was eating, she was bound to get a little extra junk in the trunk, and that she did. Elizabeth's entire body thickened, but due to her now almost ridiculous free weight routines, she had a thick but fabulous hour glass shape.

To accentuate her new self Elizabeth got her first tattoo on her ankle of a thick and beautiful "muscle" woman in dominatix attire with an extremely fat man on all fours with a dog leash attached at one end to her hands and the other time a spiked leash around the fat man's neck. And even though the artwork was in traditional "America" cartoonish style, the artist did a good job of rendering the two of their faces enough to know who they were. Elizabeth was no where near as dominant as her tattooed counterpart and Nicolas was no where near as fat as his counterpart, but both could literally see the writing on the wall.
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Rickeb 2 years
Great so far, but I know you have so much more to do to complete his transformaion to fill all of the story descriptiions.
Jolene 3 years
This is the other one I've been super disappointed with having it been updated in forever .. aching to see more soon-
Jolene 4 years
MORE!!! 💖Please... 💖
Aquarius64 5 years
Check your spelling for words such as weight and wait. Otherwise, it’s a good story.
Growingsofter 5 years
Don't worry, we'll get there.
Shammyboy 5 years
Straight female gain eh?
Inthecourt 5 years
Love the turn this last chapter has taken. Excellent stuff!
Td0057 5 years
Really great story idea and build up. Looking forward to more.