The time traveler

chapter 9

Up now over 180lbs and most of if muscle, Elizabeth's growing curiosity with dominating her now fat and sassy Piggy Bitch began to become more manifest. After lifting one day, she called Nicola into the room.

Of course he was making his way through a burrito when he walked through the door. He expected that his horny wife wanted to fuck his brains out like usual, which is what they both wanted to do, but Elizabeth had other plans for today.

"Listen up you Fat Bitch, today you're wearing your panties out in public. Do you understand?"

"But Liz, we talked about this already. In the house it's fine, but outside it's too dangerous. What if my pants slide down and pink panties come flowing out?"

"Then everyone will know the truth", said Elizabeth, standing up from the bench and flexing her pumped biceps for effect, "that you're my weak and fat and feminine piggy boy."

Nicola didn't speak but Elizabeth's carefully chosen words caused Nicola to close his eyes and bite at his lower lip as he let the idea of being "Liz's weak and fat and feminine piggy boy" was over him.

Seizing on the moment, Elizabeth pounced on him, grabbing hold of his substantial back fat and ass, and planting a big, fat, wet kiss on his mouth. In one fell motion she then pushed him back and simultaneously grabbed, pinched, and tugged on his nipples.

"Mmmmmmmmm", moaned her fat boy.

"Good, its decided, you're wearing a bra too. I had Yolanda make one to your now", she paused for effect, "more generous proportions'.

"No way!" protested Nicola, "I'm not doing that"

"Look Nicky, do you want to be my fat bitch or not?"

"Of course, Lizzy but at home is one thing, outside, I just...."

"Okay, I'll tell you what Bitch, I'll arm wrestle you for it".

"Arm wrestle? Are you crazy? I know you've hit the weights and all for a bit, but you forget, you're dealing with a 350lb man here. I'm twice you're size."

"Then you shouldn't be a chicken shit. If you win???"

"I get to funnel feed you tonight. See how much you like it", said Nicola with some malice.

"Oh stop being that kind of little bitch. We both know that you enjoy a good funneling from time to time, right piggy?"

"No, I don't."

"Well too bad, sometimes Fat Bitches just need a good feeding, don't you think?", asked Elizabeth while rubbing her own softened belly and entrancing her husband.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Rickeb 2 years
Great so far, but I know you have so much more to do to complete his transformaion to fill all of the story descriptiions.
Jolene 3 years
This is the other one I've been super disappointed with having it been updated in forever .. aching to see more soon-
Jolene 4 years
MORE!!! 💖Please... 💖
Aquarius64 5 years
Check your spelling for words such as weight and wait. Otherwise, it’s a good story.
Growingsofter 5 years
Don't worry, we'll get there.
Shammyboy 5 years
Straight female gain eh?
Inthecourt 5 years
Love the turn this last chapter has taken. Excellent stuff!
Td0057 5 years
Really great story idea and build up. Looking forward to more.