Forced to Feed

Chapter 1

It's Thursday night at her favorite hole in the wall restaurant's bar. Chelsea finished a long, exhausting, and excruciating day at work. Another day of managing unmanageable people and feeling stuck in the mud, going no where. A few drinks to unwind and a bite to eat, she deserves that. Especially after such a garbage day.

The bar is oddly quiet for a Thursday. There's a couple at the end of the bar and a few loners sitting apart, including herself. She exchanged words with the bartender, meaningless small talk.

"It feels so good to sit and relax, eat, take time for myself. I feel like all day, every day, I'm babysitting grown adults. Sometimes I feel like no one notices me. I need a day of pampering". She laughs and the bartender nods.

Three seats away is a strange and peculiar man, slowly sipping his drink. Eyeing the woman, analyzing her. He notices she's about 5'2. Very average. Plump breasts and a protruding belly. She looks well fed, but nothing close to being considered overweight or obsess. Just a tad chubby. She must like to eat. I bet she mindlessly eats alone watching tv at night. One bite. Two bite. Three. Four. Slurp. Scoop.

He notices she's still in work clothes. Dress pants, a grey blouse, black flats.

Her meal comes. She's ordered a Ceaser salad with breaded chicken on top.

She gets up, passes the man, heads to the bathroom. The man notices how her dress pants tightly wrap around her butt and push against the zipper. She knows how to eat.

He gets antsy, excited, lustful, sinful, evil. His mind races. His heart beat increases. He gazes around the room. No one notices him or cares about him. He fishes around his pocket for a white pill, similar to a small Tylenol tab.

He inconspicuously puts the tab in her drink, which disappears into the foam immediately.

Keeping his cool, he urgently looks around. The restaurant is empty, and the couple at the other side is chatting with the bartender. No ones noticed. No one has seen anything.

He hears breathing behind him, he's started. He turns quickly to find Chelsea urgently coming to the bar. He examines her weight shift, how her thighs rub so tightly on her tightening pants.

She sits up on the bar stool, her belly pushing against the zipper and her thighs pooling out. She feverously eats and picks at her food, taking big swings of her drink every few bites.

The man sips his drink, watching the girl fill herself. His palms coat with sweat, his forehead is damp. He can hardly wait till she's finished her plate. He can hardly wait for the real fun.
3 chapters, created 5 years , updated 4 years
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Theswordsman 4 years
This is exciting